Amazon’s Lord of the Rings Series

How bad will it be? I’m nervous that they’ve chosen Harad and Khand as locations. You know what that means.

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Other urls found in this thread: Makoare&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOOQUeLUz9U3MC00TM8zks3JL0pRyE9TKMlIVSjKzEsvVihOLcpMLVZITiwuiVJ0zE2sys9TL1bwQVIXBFYXDFZ3ipELZJphQbFRhsUpRg4Qx7gy1_AUI9gWQ9MSUzMY28LErASqxLI8yxQmXJRhUA5lG5kYZpXDjCyzzDEzh6ovLisshqlJLyuv-sWI3-WLWAk7HQC36eCoCgEAAA&ved=0ahUKEwiVxu6JjMPhAhVOZVAKHfkMCN0Q-BYIYQ&biw=1424&bih=739










Only watched the file + Hobbit. Harad and Khand don't sound like Rohan, Gohan, Mordor or the Shire. Is it where the Easterlings come from? What is special about it

>current year
>watching the electronic jew

fuck off

>this thread
>snopes rating
>factual and true

it's full of

They are going to re-meme Tolkien and say the Southrons, Easterlings, and Orcs have lives and beliefs too.
You know this, ma-yum.

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>Harad and Khand
Prepare to see Elven maidens EASTERLINGED from the 1st episode on

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that nigger from the Netherlands fucked it all up, but some of you guys are alright. don't go to Middle-earth tomorrow.

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But there are no niggers in tolkien's world right. I mean I saw 1 or 2 forced into the Hobbit. But I thought tolkien's world was based on the European continent.
Wew... They will fuck it up eh. Heard this series would get a huge budget tho.

Lawrence Makoare Makoare&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOOQUeLUz9U3MC00TM8zks3JL0pRyE9TKMlIVSjKzEsvVihOLcpMLVZITiwuiVJ0zE2sys9TL1bwQVIXBFYXDFZ3ipELZJphQbFRhsUpRg4Qx7gy1_AUI9gWQ9MSUzMY28LErASqxLI8yxQmXJRhUA5lG5kYZpXDjCyzzDEzh6ovLisshqlJLyuv-sWI3-WLWAk7HQC36eCoCgEAAA&ved=0ahUKEwiVxu6JjMPhAhVOZVAKHfkMCN0Q-BYIYQ&biw=1424&bih=739

the orc guy or the elf dude?


It's going to suck shit. Sadly no one has the balls to make a series based on the silmarillion.


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It's not enough for a Numenorean to mix with an Elf?

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What they actually chose those areas to set their story? Wakanda 2.0 incoming if true.

It will be about how they weren't really evil although they sided with evil incarnate during the great war. Either that or it will be about a group of resistance fighters in those places opposing their own tribes. They will probably have the help of a gay Elf and a male-to-female gondorian to spicy things up. They will try to confirm the joke that dwarf male and female are identical, perhaps even going so far as to outright stating they have no gender. Good boy dindu Orcs will probably join the clusterfuck as well to crown the marxist masterpiece this surely will be.

The easterlingsare basically the closest Tolkien got to niggers, they were a primitive tribal bunch that captured Western men and kept their wives as slaves. Shifty traitors who betrayed men and elves and allowed morgoth to btfo them in the single bloodiest defeat of the entire series.

>Harad and Khand as locations

if that's the case it might be a non-canonical story about the two blue wizards "in the east" that Gandalf mentions.

If they're set in Haradwaith they can make some characters non-white instead of making Aragorn or one of the other main characters a kang.

>tolkien's world was based on the European continent.
It is specifically a mythology of England, which Tolkien felt didn't have a proper one.
Not even Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, as those Celts have a mythology.
English mythology is imported, and Arhturian legends are imported.
So Tolkien, being the Ultimate Sperg, set out to create create languages, cultures, races and myths for England.
It truly is the most monumental work of fiction of all time in all languages.
>better than the Bible
Tolkien out-Jewed the Jews.

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Orcs that sounds like

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They are basically Moors, Corsairs, and Barbary Pirates, i.e. Mooslimes.

Silmarillion is a bloody long timelapse though. It's like making a series "based" on human history.
I'd see a series based on Children of Hurin though.


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The chans are dead.

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I watched a few episodes of Resurrection Ertugrul and all good characters look white. I guess Turks really want to be white.

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>It will be about how they weren't really evil although they sided with evil incarnate during the great war. Either that or it will be about a group of resistance fighters in those places opposing their own tribes. They will probably have the help of a gay Elf and a male-to-female gondorian to spicy things up. They will try to confirm the joke that dwarf male and female are identical, perhaps even going so far as to outright stating they have no gender. Good boy dindu Orcs will probably join the clusterfuck as well to crown the marxist masterpiece this surely will be.
This is uncannily accurate.
Are you a staff writer?
They're probably taking fucking notes from you right now user.

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You forgot our idris elbow

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You fucking stupid pork chop

Imagine a Jew shitting in your food and feeding it to you.

That is how bad.

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Always thought Easterlings were like Persians/indians/turkic steppe tribes of the tolkien world. Like mongoloid brown people. Bet that will be changed to full grown negro.
Yeah tolkien is pretty based. But I thought it was meant to be European since he said Elves were based on Finnish people and all

fake thank god

>Harad and Khand
>Not cannon
>Nothing to do with Tolkien at all

Sounds like ((they)) are co-opting another great to package and reproduce for the drooling masses. Fuck I hate this society.

>Morgan Freeman as Gandalf
That would actually be cool though

At least they don´t portrait blatant degeneracy in this show. Better than expected.

>Yeah tolkien is pretty based. But I thought it was meant to be European since he said Elves were based on Finnish people and all
You're right, and of course there's no way to disengage Arda and Europe.
>Rohirrim are vikings on horses.

>That would actually be cool though
I hope you choke on your avocado toast.

If they really want a big success then they should make it like the lotr movies. Not adding diversity for the sake of it. Am hoping it will be good although I am 99% sure it will suck and fuck over the tolkien world

>age of men is over
>and it's a good thing

calling it now
>the orcs will be just as evil etc as usual
>their skin tones will be considerably lighter
>how curious

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b & rp

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Not going to watch their hypocritical cultural appropriation.

for sure there is going to black elfs humans and hobbits and the orcs aren't really all bad they are just misunderstood

expect some homo shit too

its gonna be fully HIV positive

When you have lived as long as me during wartime, knowing thine enemy becomes like a second nature. I hope the writers put that shit in. It doesn't serve their cause like they think it does.

Elves are the whites
dwarfs are the jews
Orcs are the niggers.

>forest whitaker as gimli

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>it will suck and fuck over the tolkien world
Ghostbusters...Star Wars....LOTR...all gone, dead ruined by the craven money lusting jew.


Close to Nigger-mordor. Close to mutt-bredding.

elves are jews
dwarves are irish
orcs are the turks and niggers and the breed alike
the southern pirates and seapeople are arabian muslim pirates

me too nigger

ofc it will be in the 2nd age
evil white numenorians ravaging the poor savages
a good excuse to cast browns since they will become the subjects of numenore

kill yourself cunt

Harad = Africa, Khand = Arabia
Niggers come from Far (southern) Harad

Faithful numenorians would have to be niggers though. The ones who founded Gondor.


They'll probably take the Warcraft route and try to make the orcs and other shitskins sympathetic characters.

There are niggers:
>The Haradrim were bold and grim men, fierce in despair. They were tall and dark-skinned with black hair and dark eyes, and for that they were called Swertings or Swarthy Men.[5] The men of Near Harad were brown-skinned, with black hair and dark eyes,[13] while the race known as "half-trolls" out of Far Harad had black skin.

i dont mean the faithful
i mean those loyal to the king who will start to invade harad and the other shitskin regions
excuses for diversity cast

got tier autistic sauron (they will prob cast a white presenting jew for the role)
ponder on the whole thing that numenore allows women to rule and how that was stolen by the evil blonde crazy king
there will prob be arcs about life in harad even thou its poorly mentioned

thou idk how they will go about the fact that the plot is basically we built a wall, you cant enter in our land numenorians
t. valar


>implying the Dwarves arn't the jews.

no niggers are speculated to mby appear at the start of the 3rd age

What a gay fucking map. JRR Tolkien must have given up halfway through. Most of the map isn’t even fleshed out.

What was the name of the blond bitch from game of thrones that gets raped by that horse guy.

Yeah, it will be like this. But instead of one season it will be the whole series.

I watched that show Hanna on Amazon.

The main character is a white girl who is 15 and has sex with a black boy after just meeting him. Very progressive.

Maybe. They will be Nazis somehow and possibly you'll get one of those fake fuckedup swastikas on their flag.
Then The Guardian will run a series of articles how Amazon is honoring the fallen heroes of the Empire who fought the Nazis and how you must accept 2 million more kebabs or Tolkien will be angry.
Then they will re-print that letter about Tolkien talking about the German publisher who was trying to verify his Aryan ancestry.
I honestly want a war.

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they arent
its an implication that jews and ppl who dont like jews in those times came to
their language is semitic and they have a technically different creator
its merely a meme

You're right nice find.

>Close-up of an elf walking through a forest
>zooms out to show him alone
>suddenly, he turns
>a low droning sound comes from the distance
>close up of eyes moving from left to right
>he draws his bow
>moves nervously around
>suddenly, the sound of a bowstring firing
>close up of eyes open in shock
>zooms out to show elf full of arrows
>a bunch of Far Haradrim on an olliphant gallop past
>Just another ride-by shooting by tanned Gondorians

White girls do fuck asian and black man more than whites so its accurate. Especialy asian boys are getting big now, new trend among white bitches

t cuck

I think they were there but nobody important was doing anything with them.

Yes. Yes they are.
The dwarves are jews.

Top shelf kek

well the thing is the world is flat in lotr in the 1st and 2nd age.... idk if you knew that
that world was pretty eurocentric as in europeans/euro folklore and surrounding ppl (arabs, borwns kebab etc) not niggers

at the end of the 2nd age eru (god) reshapes the world to be round and tolkien implies that new lands arose with new people south and east... (presumably his idea of niggers and chinks)

nah they just end up being the jew but it wasnt the intent from the start
if a shitlib confronts you with this be sure to know that he will say that the dwarven rings corrupt them to be goldsteins
before that they were basically ethnonationalists hehe

I'm not even going to give them a chance to ruin it for me by watching it. Unless I see threads on Jow Forums talking about how based it is, it won't even exist to me. I'm 99% sure it'll be pozzed.

they can go fuck themselves
keep spending your money on propaganda

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Orc's =Good Elves= Bad... also elves played by niggers but only the elves that self hate and work to subvert elve superiority... Orc's dindu duffin wrong.. they was just gitting they selves together... going for those programs...

>series is about how you need to let in more orc refugees because they dindunuffin

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it'll be ass.

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