Give us your theories, even the seemingly stupid conspiracy theories or just if he is a cuck
What’s pol/ opinion on this guy ?
Pol doesn't actually have a positive opinion of anybody... Maybe just Assad ... Because he is based as fuck.
>gives the smallest amount of encouragement to young men to get their shit together
>the left paint him as hitler and try to get his book banned
If nothing else, the rise of Jordan Peterson has exposed just how much a good chunk of the world wants young men to fail.
the only reason he's hated here is because he is married to a jew, big reason though
I wanna fuck that angry pajeetess
Never bothered me much, always thought it was funny stormfags act like he betrayed them when he was never one of them.
He's interesting to listen to. I like to hear his theories. I do agree with him that responsibility for ones actions and hard work and integrity are paramount to meaning and lost at the moment.
But, I don't take anything he says as gospel. I just like to hear what he thinks, I enjoy articulate people thinking aloud about things. Definitely agree with him on free speech and speech regulation, though.
I of course don't agree with his double standard about Jewish nationalism. But, that doesn't mean I have to completely ignore everything he says about anything.
A dumb person’s smart person
just another boomer, has more common sense than most of them but still loves censorship
>House Judiciary committee Hearing on Criminalizing Nationalism for White People
Spergs on this board want a real holocaust and expect every right wing voice to denounce the jew. All the while staying in their basement and making no break through in life as a young male.
Woah woah looks the Jews still win. Fucking idiots, wash ur dick.
Intentionally misunderstood by both the left and the right.
That's really all there is to it.
Mods, you can close the thread now.
He denies the JQ
Case and point
Yeah, he's controlled opposition
than why ban him in places like NZ? seems counter productive..
>What’s pol/ opinion on this guy
he's technically not that bad
but he talks too much I know these types of intellectuals I'm one of them.
All talk but he's not saying much of substance
What a bunch of cucks here, Peterson is beyond the JQ, if you undrrstand what he writes, he implies subliminally that the JQ is there, yet he denounces it publicly... He is fighting them secretly, his philosophy is the absolute Anti-JQ
Whats the title of this picture ? "white man surrounded" ? "muh civic nationalism" ?
He is important. He gives you enough reading recommendations and information to get you to start asking the right questions. The things he can't say himself.
No, he's based. Just doesn't want to take the final redpill.
Not true. Freedom of speech is his MO.
Closet fag who loves jewjew cum.
He's one of those "science communicator" guys - like Carl Sagan or some shit. Doesn't really know anything special, but acts convincingly to the point where brainlets expect him to be a psychology genius.
"Clean your room" is actually a great meme quote though, considering how you should all sort yourselves out and stop whining about Schlomo Nosebergstein's mean clickbait articles like little bitches.
No. He takes you as far to the edge as necessary. You can't force feed the final redpill. Normies find the JQ disgusting and appalling. You give them just enough to get them to start to think and ask the right questions.
He’s bringing about a religious revival.
Did for me anyways. Not that I became religious, but I certainly understand it better now.
If he did, you wouldn’t be hearing anything from him.
I'm pretty sure he's called for censoring right wingers and then started crying when his book was banned in NZ lmao
Ya, just like he does for religion. He doesn’t explicitly claim god exists, but rather implicitly, he opens the doors or at least unlocks locked minds and allows them to turn the handle on their own.
He's married to a jewess, and his children are therefore kikes. This should say you all you need to know about him.
No he didn’t. Lol. Give on example where he called for censorship of right wingers
What was her last name, pretty sure she wasn’t jewish
>Gets normies back to Christian morals and traditions to build up a moral backbone against (((their))) agenda
>Destroys ideas of "white privilege" and other jewery designed to emasculate the west
>Blame the "BOLSHEVIKS," which were actually (((them))) for the atrocities that happened in Soviet Russia
Doesn't sound like a bad guy to me.
His NPC videos destroyed the lexicon of SJW's worldwide!!
And now he is exposing the Honkler meme!! Will he go into the esoteric metaphysics of Clown symbology and Secret Societies like the ORDER OF JESTERS!!! We will find out!!!
“Tammy Roberts” is not a Jewish name, she’s of British origin, and JBP is of Norwegian origin
He banned some girl from attending some event because he talked to some people he didn't like once
>Normies find the JQ disgusting and appalling.
This is true . I literally cried when I realized that Hitler was the good guy .
The jester is the archetype if he who speaks truth to power. Historically the only individual who could make fun of the Sovereign (due to his being below contempt)
Oh, Faith Goldie?
I thought that was silly as well. That was optics cucking, she didn’t play a very good optics game. That’s a tough one for me, because I think she’s cool, but she didn’t guard her back and got played by the (((eternal ones)))
Normies who haven’t even read the Wikipedia page on philosophy think he’s le deep original thinker.
Seriously my turbo normie friend who was a frat bro in college loves him. That’s all you need to know.
Could be Scottish or English. Most likely English. The beak she has is because I think she’s partially Slav of some form
Find that hard to believe. There was a kid who rushed the stage at one of his talks recently and JBP was crying afterward because that kid was obviously mentally ill and needing help.
Genuinely good guy. Can't see him being petty like that. Oh and sauce on that video (begins at 21:10):
Listen to Vox Day destroy him and tell me he's a good man
Are you so new you can't recognize neanderthal phenotype?
Post better quality. Can't even see that shit.
I don’t respond to meme flags. They are usually ...
Vox is a fucking retard sperg
Has he ever heard of tactics?
He’d run bravely into a battle and get disembowelled by a fucking Browning two minutes in and lay there like a Pajeet who missed the train saying: “At least I have my immediate principles.” And perpetuate white genocide like a fucking puppet of (((them)))
Vox "I'm extremely smart I have IQ of 200 so shut up btw praise jesus" Day
That’s much harder to determine than a picture of a woman who is clearly British, Boris.
Look at that beak, it’s basically one of many types of Ukrainian.
The moment he said Kavanaugh should step down is the moment I lost all respect from him.
are you mobile my guy? 1400x6k should be pretty clear
show me why he's wrong, and I'll change my mind like I did. I supported Peterson like a mad dog, just a year ago.
they hate him
they can't even their rooms
Okay Owen (((Benjamin)))
Please don’t kill your family. I’m begging you,
>it’s basically one of many types of Ukrainian
So you basically agree with me? Because Ukraine and Poland where they came from Ukraine used to be jew central of Europe, that's where Khazar khanate used to be.
I understand that some people have an axe to grind or are suspicious of anyone who gains fame/success/notoriety in a world that is overtly influenced/controlled by (((them)))
But come on, the evidence speaks for itself:
>Blamed for influencing white nationalism
>His books being censored and banned
>Constant hit pieces written about him every week
The greatest piece of evidence for me is pointing the finger at the Bolsheviks for their crimes. That should be enough for everyone, imho.
I don't know enough about him, I just watched 15 minutes of him talking once and apparently he doesn't believe in evolution and keeps mentioning his IQ every two minutes. Looks like someone who was bullied in school so now he has massive complex about being smarter than everyone else
Not true. Evolution is actually an integral part of his lectures. This is what I'm saying. There's so much misinformation and distrust out there. My best advice is to just see for yourself.
Yeah, mobile pleb checking in at the moment while I get the laptop fixed.
Peterson isn’t here to cal (((them))) out.
He’s here to reignite the spirit of the west, to reignite Faith as the building block of trust, and through trust, build a united front against totalitarianism and the propensity of those who have lost faith to resort to authoritarian means to solve problems.
Why is Vox wrong?
1) he doesn’t know what God is
2) he is only half conscious (and therefore can only understand half of what god is
3) he is a terrible tactician
4) he who chooses the field of battle will win the war, and Vox chooses terrible battlefields
All of those add up to nothing but eventual and complete failure.
Maybe it was abiogenesis then, I might be remembering wrong. Anyway he seemed like he thinks he's much smarter than he actually is
he just champions for free speech in fascist "Liberal" Canada.
>meme flag
fuck off mossad
He's a fucking hypocrite.
Oh, silly me :^)
Fuck off mossad
>Explicitly stated that main reason he wants to suppress leftism is to avoid white reaction
>Surrounded by yids
>Given lots of exposure by mainstream media making him Designated Fringe Radical Thinker
>Affiliated with, you never guess, a fucking Skippy through UN (he helped in developing white replacement agenda there)
World is more difficult than "media designates this one as bad radical nazi so he must be one".
Not all Ukrainians are Jooz. Very few of them have Jewish roots. The vast majority of them are orthodox.
Faith Goldie (God bless those dick ducking lips) is orthodox Greek+Ukrainian, and is not Joo.
Tammy Roberts isn’t either, she’s British, and possibly Ukrainian or Polish or something.
But she is 100% Christian regardless.
>1 post by this ID
Damn Mossad got me again!
If you are honest, you’d know that was part of a thought experiment, rather than an affirmed opinion.
If you go look into it more instead of (((BENJAMIN))) sperging you’d know this.
>if confirmed... I think obviously that would be reasonable if proof surfaced he did rape her
Looks like Vox wrote this.
Also, it doesn’t refute what JBP has been saying,
Poor parenting leads to problem people. If JBP becomes the parent for the person as an adult, who cares? Still a better human being when they understand their actual competency.
Not posting on this thread anymore because obvious Mossad Intel gathering, but I will say this:
>Look at the recommended books
>Look at who is blamed for the great atrocities done in Russia
He's great overall.
>blamed for influencing white nationalism
he constantly decries white identity politics and considers himself the chosen one to lead young white males away forming a cohesive group
>His books being censored and banned
no they aren't, certain book stores have pulled him from shelves
>Constant hit pieces written about him every week
almost as if to keep him in the media cycle
download the picture and you'll see it in hires, you're looking at a thumbnail most likely
he's a skeptic about evolution and puts forth a compelling argument against it, but he's not for everyone
Peterson doesn't believe in God, and you make the assertion that Vox doesn't know what God is and that he is half conscious. What does that even mean?
Whatever he truly is, he has been instrumental in legitimising a certain degree of dissent from political correctness. That is why he is considered so dangerous. Even though he vehemently espouses individualism, he's unwittingly a gateway to white/male collectivism.
I turned my life around because of this man since my old man was nowhere to be found and I had a nut job of a mother.
Some of the metaphors he's used for the lefties I can apply them to kikes.
Vox Day wrote a book about his bullshit and its on the way. I'll give it a thorough read with an open mind. Vox Day is a very good writer.
of course, the key is that for most of these alt right queerboys who worship him, they had perfectly fine upbringings, they're just weakminded losers that need to worship at the feet of another man instead of gaining strength from their family.
>But she is 100% Christian regardless.
Jewishness is racial. Who gives a fuck about religion, you can claim any one if needed, but you can't hide the schnoz and facial complexion.
There is a video of his, that he says that the cure for depression is finding responsibility, I think he's right
>Peterson doesn't believe in God
Half of "12 rules for life" is Bible discussion. He's openly stated he is very religious.
>they had perfectly fine upbringings
Being spoiled and mollycoddled.
I'll wager he's a sterner father-figure than most liberal boomers.
Do you understand the rationalization of God?
Peterson certainly believes in God, because he actually knows what God is.
That’s the whole amazing thing about him. He is bringing atheists in to understand the reason we need religion.
From your answer here I think you might not know what god is.
But I will give you a pro tip:
You know that voice/feeling you get when you have to make a choice of what is right/wrong?
That’s “God” speaking to you, or that’s at least what our ancestors thought.
An atheist will call it consciousness, and that’s good enough.
Praying is literally to pray for higher consciousness, of the self.
It is to take the “God” that is within oneself and raise him up to behold as our highest power.
If you don’t have this conception of God, I’m afraid you need to level up.
>literally not an argument
Her beak is pointy, not a slow arching curve.
Come on Smirnov, get some glasses. Totally different phenotype from a typical Joo (Either kind too)
is that why his daughter is a single mother druggie whore?
She’s married and has a child
Very intelligent, fiery man. Small town Canadian. Loyal to his race but unwilling to face public scorn by coming out as a WN. Sucks a moderate amount of jew dick.
>Psychology is no science
He's a skillful scam artist.
Can you get an argument or are you just going to be a forever faggot
Vox Day also comes off as a pseudo intellectual faggot. I resent Vox because he is basically piggy-backing off of Jordan Peterson with his book. Jordan may be a gatekeeper or w/e but I think he's more good than bad
this. He's a fucking huge gateway. Because once you start to hate the diversity types, you don't stop hating them.
This is an example of the jew cock sucking he dabbles in
yeah thats shocking, but in turn this has also made him huge and untouchable. He has to rape children on stage at this point.
>He is bringing atheists in to understand the reason we need religion
I am not atheist, but sole reason religious rules are here to cement social contract that lies in foundation of every system of laws or morals.
Explaining that people do not kill because there is agreement between members of society to avoid killing each other or stealing from each other for mutual safety is troublesome, so you set up simple rules of religion, and everything will still work assuming social contract is here.
Problem is that some parts of social contract in Western society are dead, and invoking deities while foundation for their laws is absent is like trying to sew back severed limb that already started to rot.
>meme flag
>1 Post by this ID