Ethan from H3H3

Ethan Klein:

>constantly disses mainstream media
>is an antifeminist
>makes fun of SJWs constantly
>larps as a jew even though his Jewish DNA test has been proven to be fake
>every time he makes a new video, it's taken straight from a pol thread
>videos of him hating on jews and Israel, and quoting the 14 words

Ethan Klein is ourdude. Ethan, if you're reading this I want you to know we welcome you. You're one of us now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop spamming my boards you kike faggot onions boy.

disgusting. he hired a pr company and begged them to try to make his edgy fans look anti semitic and censor them from his reddit. the pr company got really offended by working with him and came out about it.
ethan you are going to be a horrible father.

Backstabbing kike cunt

>everytime he makes a new video, it's taken straight from a milliondollarextreme video*

Ethan's a faggy sellout. He built his e-fame by ripping off other people and now he's a fat retard spewing the same shit as all the other youtubers he made fun of in the past. You can tell he desperately wants attention but he gets cucked whenever anyone with any kind of real talent is in his presence (Bill Burr). Watch how he squirms when Sam Hyde's name comes up

E Celeb kike shilling faggotry.
This dickhead went full kike after he established his foundation and won his little lawsuit.
Second he gets established he builds a studio emulating Howard Stern's and starts stabbing Pewdipie, his fans, and his past history in the back.
EVERY FUCKING TIME.....Typical fucking Israeli supporting Jew Slag kike.
Sage and SLIDE boys.

Attached: Blacked Slide warning Mitch.png (730x622, 400K)

>House Judiciary committee Hearing on Criminalizing Nationalism for White People

>ethan is our dude
no, he really isn't.

E caleb of lowest tier not remotly pol

Anti-SJW content is the reason gen z is so based and redpilled

He's not an antifeminists, he's a feminist. He just doesn't like the extreme feminists, just like most feminists don't.
>my boards
>can't even post sóy properly

Get fucked kike, fuck your jew e-fag too

Super ugly dude who perpetuates many negative stereotypes associated with kikes. I'm surprised he has any subscribers at all. It appears that both he and his wife have mental illnesses as well. Sad!

that greasy fat kike is not only richer than you, but actually has a wife, a successful career and loads of friends (and fans). living the dream - travelling the world too. it is you, spending all your days here online crrying about people, that is the sad one.
>inb4 more butthurt screeching from you
go on, i know it' in you....

Not even the guy you replied to and I'm even feeling that, h-haha...

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go watch his vacation videos it shows how racist he is.

He’s a low rent Sam/Tim. He still makes me laugh though.

you forgot
>promotes hardcore porn site

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His early shit especially the anti-SJW stuff was good. Since he's been in LA he's distanced himself from Pewdiepie and Jontron heavily, and seems to be in astate of thinking he's cool because Post Malone liked his videos and hating himself because his podcast is a trainwreck.

You seem to have autism and an obsession with that cringey couple.

Anyone who is a proponent of centrism, the horseshoe theory, and culture > genetics, is a certified cuck if not an outright shill.

doesn't he have tourettes?

seems like the JIDF is on full throttle today, literally spamming their golden boy

Attached: Katie-Grant-2.jpg (871x872, 82K)

Yeah the twitchiness is in all his vids. He really doesn't want Sam Hyde around. His fellow member of the tribe Brett Gelman led the charge to get Sam ousted from Hollywood. I think it's a combination of, 1. Sam will say some redpilled shit that Ethan doesn't want his audience to hear, 2. Sam will outclass him on his own podcast,

>Gets response
>Woah, he must be BLACKED
Trolling or actual brainlet?

>Video of him criticizing Israel and saying the 14 words

He lived in Israel with his Birthright former Israeli soldier wife for a while, and complained about it a bit. Mostly that it was dangerous, they didn't respect wammin enough, and were very loud. If he ever said the 14 words it was very ironically.

literally a kike. Deserves to be gassed. all fields

what's with the left and basedfags burrying their chins like OP's pic? soifags.

The criticism means nothing. If he comes out and actually says Israel is an illegitimate state that has a parasitical relationship with America then I'd be impressed. His criticism was purely that it didn't offer the luxury he wanted that a place like America could provide.

he's just another parasite kike, playing contrarian shock jock. His weird podcast studio is clearly trying to be a Howard stern kind of show but he's so fucking stupid and uninteresting he cant speak to people like a normal human

I can't stand this fucking dude and his rancid wife KYS Ethan you manlet faggot