Black pro wrestlers react to first black WWE champion

OH NO NO NO NO look at all the white boys SEETHING HAHAHAHAHA

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Straight men don't watch wwe

Kofi legitimately has earned it though. He has been an entertaining talent for a decade now and he has put in the work.

The two white boys on the end didn't flinch, uncross their arms or nothing. That's straight racism.

Fpbp, this, and /thread

All these so called blacks are probably >50% white

This. We should get them fired.

To be fair, Kofi is fucking based and desrves it more than 90% of the current rooster.

/thread. No one gives a shit

I don't watch that shit anymore. Vince killed wrestling and it seems hes driving the final nails in the coffin.

didn't booker t win a few scripted belts .. what is it with kikes and history ,, like we all know jews have no interesting history just a bunch of wandering around and being banned everywhere you go , but that shouldn't mean you just ignore all history and that includes wwe history ala booker t won multiple scripted championships

That doesn't count.

>pro wrestling
Only white trash teenagers and niggers give a shit about oily muscly soap operas.

he was the wcw champion
aka the heavyweight champion in WWE
don't remember past that

my gf's 13 year old brother is gonna be pissed. he really hates niggers and likes WWE

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only tranny faggots and nignogs watch this shit

>OP Wrestling is real

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Nignogs fucking ruin everything they touch. There is nothing worse in this life than having to interact with these animals. Fuck niggers.

the "guy" with the ecw shirt and the penguin near him
never seen a faker reaction in my llife
low t bastards

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Why is this deemed an accomplishment or even news worthy? There have been plenty of black wrestling champions; hell, Booker T, iirc, was WCW's World Heavyweight Champion. Also, The Rock, who is half, has held the belt on numerous occassions. Asians have held it, Latins have held it, etc.


Wahoo McDaniel

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lol the elites everyone HAHAHA people so fucking stupid they will cheer for their own destruction. they can all feel it but are cowardly faggots.

they know it's fake right?

and they know this is the PC era right?