>worst trash and rednecks
>coalburners galore
>no jobs
>boring as fuck
>too hot, too humid, too many bugs
>the people are vapid and retarded
>too many tourists
>too many crackheads
>No industry besides tourism except fishing
Florida = shittiest state in US
Other urls found in this thread:
Good advice
Fuck I never realized how unsettling and creepy the merchant would be in animated form. Thanks for the PTSD.
>no jobs
agree with everything on your list but this is the worst
if you aren't in healthcare taking care of all the old dying boomers then you're not going to be making any money here
Literally works on women.
>Treat them like shit
>They get angry
>They talk about you
>Sexual tension rises
>They think about you more in their free time then begin obsessing over you.
Work construction you lazy motherfucker. I have more work than I can even do and I love my job. Trim carpentry.
t. 954
I knock doors for a living working 3 hours a day and make 40k. My manager who works fulltime makes 100k just knocking doors generating leads for inpact window companies
I know plenty of people down here making bank you just havent looked
t. manual laborers
Hello browardanon.
Coconut creek fren reporting for duty
Man where do I look then? 904 here and all the jobs are 3rd shift at ghetto gas stations
Oh and St Vincent's
What kind of skills do you have lol
Well... yeah. No shit. It's mostly Jews, wetbacks and niggers.
I went to college in Florida. The only good thing about the state are the pub subs.
I was working as a debt collector but got tired of dealing with human trash. Got into management briefly at another call center. I'm not above manual labor but $13 an hour at Amazon is all that I'm seeing. Maybe I should learn a trade
good job working for jews
the people are horrible., Its like American mutts degeneracy time 10x.. maybe not as bad as cali tho
This is why I'm glad I'm away from the Florida shit state
it is a clown state
canadians and new yorkers.
>Niggers everywhere
>High living expense
>If youre not rich you get a front row seat to watching the rich live.
>Beaches actually suck until you get way south
I agree there is too much White trash rednecks here. It's fun if you're rich though. There are some of the best suburban neighborhoods here.
I'm east fort fort Lauderdale.
where do go if you're a poor NEET bohemian pot smoker? I hate SJWs and dumb libs tho
I work for queers more than jews but I do have one jewish client right now. He's funny, has the asian waifu and is raising her kids, has none of his own. Everyone down here is fucking weird though.
>>No industry besides tourism except fishing
Bullshit. There's also agriculture, phosphate mining, and meth.
Implying the KKK killed people
yeah garbage trades that bring crackheads from Ohio and Michigan. Thanks a lot
Hello White trash
there are a few companies based in ft lauderdale that will hire anyone regardless of job experience as long as they run a good interview
>1 post by this ID
these are slide threads you noob faggots. if you can't control your woman-like emotions and most reply, sage this shit and never post a pic
I'm a chauffeur. I don't make a ton of money but I have a brand new Suburban and a brand new Chrysler 300 to use as my personal cars. The company pays for them pays all insurance pays for all maintenance all permits all I have to do is put gas in them.
I hardly put any miles on my actual car anymore
Yes, FL sucks, girls wearing shorts all year long, no state tax, too many water sports and all those beaches. Don’t get me started on the food fucking cheap Arepas and Cuban sandwiches.
playoff game tomorrow for Tampa Bay Lightning
Old Thread:
Anyone in the 386 area? I met two new friends here in last night's thread and I'm looking for opportunities for local activism, etc.
OK assholes
Florida would be fucking great if we went back to having no AC.
Used to be a time only the strong would survive.
Now the great State my ancestors founded is infested with snowbirds and trash.
Get out of my State.
I'm in 813
there isn't any industry here, I'm trying to move to Orlando or Jacksonville right now because there's actual positions up there but I don't have the cash right now
fuck that last hurricane was fun.. something about driving my truck through flooded streets with enough ammo for a sustained firefight.. Bit of a let down that nothing happened.
We were, are and will forever be the sword and shield for mankind's bright future. I don't know what seething state you come from, user, but I forgive you.
>The Florida House passed a controversial immigration bill Wednesday targeting so-called “sanctuary cities,” or those with policies limiting enforcement of immigration procedures, in an 80-38 vote.
>The bill (HB 675), sponsored by Republican Larry Metz of Yalaha, would compel state or local governments and law enforcement to support the enforcement of federal immigration law, and it would bar them from having any law, policy or practice that blocks law enforcement from communicating or cooperating with federal immigration agents.
>It would also require public employees to report violations to the attorney general or a state attorney, with penalties including removal from office. It would let state attorneys seek injunctions against government agencies that violate the act and allow for fines of up to $5,000 a day for policies violating it.
>The bill would also let citizens sue governments and law enforcement with such policies, should an undocumented immigrant injure a person.
That was another great thing about the hurricane.. >a week and a half no power.
All my food was cooked over a fire in the back yard.. Found enough spare time to whittle a table... Just sitting there watching the trees.. wound up finding "the perfect pinecone" and sat there studying it and measuring its various dimensions so that I could ponder the ratios.. That blackout lead me to God.
fucking based for a change?
Florida man, here. Between all the yanks ruining our economy and the immigrants plaguing the lower class there's just no helping it. They both treat the land like it's a throwaway theme park and the natives are second-class citizens.
My family has lived here all my life and we're barely hanging on. It's criminal.
amazon raised minimum to 15 an hour. im also in 904, not sure wtf im supposed to do when i get my degree.
fuck charlotte co
This law makes it so that the cops can't call the Feds...can't we just make an 801(c)3 for the cops to call so that we can relay info to the Feds?
>tfw jewing the jew
your forget about the is to meany fucking old people in Florida
that shit is boring fuck that. sitting in sweat in 95 degree heat with no AC is not fun
>boring as fuck
The only people I ever see say this are poor people that were born and raised in Florida with zero ambition or drive to get a job paying more than $10/hour. I only make $65k/year and feel like a king living in central Florida.
at least the fucking boomers would leave
waste of quads. this place is an outdoor prison with nothing to do. you're just some dumb hick
3/10 got me to respond. Sorry you can't afford the $10 to park on the beach.
Florida is admittedly pretty cool if you are a shit sucking retard that likes dumb shit for stupid idiots.
beach is boring. flat and shit red tide water. bunch of faggot boomers everywhere. Im going out west
like what? Prob would agree with you. Everybody thinks theyre a pro fisher with their stupid fucking hat and "salt life" shirt
>Yes, FL sucks, girls wearing shorts all year long
With their fat cottage cheese asses hanging out, and tattoos with millatto babies by their side. Yea real sexy dumb fuck
>no state tax
Who gives a flying fuck. Plenty of other taxes to make up for it, and higher cost of living. Just cuz you came from some shit hole in Chicago doesnt mean its cheap
>too many water sports and all those beaches.
Full of faggots and red tide. Not even any hotties anymore. its disgusting
>Don’t get me started on the food fucking cheap Arepas and Cuban sandwiches.
You mean overpriced bullshit. Unless you live in Miami, sounds like you're some dumb spic
California exists user
PC Liquidations
All hiring. I'm @ JTB and 95.
Get me out of here.
t. 305