How do I leave this place? All I do is browse this website, even when I'm in public. Please help me, Jow Forums

How do I leave this place? All I do is browse this website, even when I'm in public. Please help me, Jow Forums

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You are here forever. The ride never ends.

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dear god that pic related is too accurate. its exactly how i feel too. i really need to leave this place for sure but a part of me tells me that ill come back. fucking hell how do i break out of this cycle.


but to answer your question. i think the only way to really be off from this site is to actually be productive with something outside of this website. whatever it may be... drawing, reading, doing activities or even playing video games. idk.

best of luck op.

Thanks for the advice, fren

It's a poison, but it's a poison I enjoy.

stopped reading at "oy vey misogyny"

Close all tabs, delete history. Whenever the urge comes to check pol, just loudly say "No" and literally walk away from the computer.

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>tfw my gf things i'm cheating on her because i hide my phone when she comes close
>really just don't want her to see me browsing Jow Forums
She somewhat acknowledges the JQ but like most women, is not ready for the redpill

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Just stopped by to make sure someone told him

>How do I leave this place

You don't.

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Also, there are plenty of habbenings here.
(Yes, I know #3 is 4+Jow Forums)

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>oy vey, you can learn about how good (((we))) are in cnn or holocaust mandatory class, don't be an antisemitic misogynist incel

>How do I leave this place?
I dunno. The door's around here somewhere.
I don't think it opens from the inside, it only brings people in.

What a faggot

If this milquetoast site manages to turn ruin your life, then you have way bigger problems that Jow Forums
Dont forget, you're here forever

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This is true. I've been able to quit for long periods by focusing on reading, studying, drawing, but when I hit a low ebb in my life or when there's a big happening, I'll come back.
Have goals and fill your time working towards them: it's a better use of time than learning about how our governments are secretly fucking us for the millionth time, or what new social evil du jour is being pushed.

Everything about this pic is 100% true EXCEPT for the first line about getting things of value efficiently from other places. Jow Forums and this board in particular continues to be the ONLY place to get certain key pieces of news that the media actively tries to hide
That being said it’s also rife with disinfo and general shit, but the few things it does provide are invaluable at least until the overreaching grasp of the media is hindered and truth can be expressed freely in public institutions

After a while you start to develop a sixth sense for the bullshit, though.

Get a life. Not saying that as an insult, just a fact. If you have nothing to live for you will waste all your time here

TRue and desu the sixth sense can be applied to the real world; I am much better than I used to be at spotting BS in the mass media

This shithole is one of the last places that makes me laugh.

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thanks, i needed to read that

going to blacklist this board so i cannot even come across it

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Only come here when shitting or when something actually happens(like the aussie shooter or brexit)

>it’s also rife with disinfo and general shit
this is true, but it also used to be true that newfags would lurk for months if not years to be able to sift through all the sand and gravel to find the gold.
zoomers, boomers, and reddit refugees don't have the patience or intellect to do this.
They take everything said online at face value and run with it so long as they feel like they're a part of the group
I'm one of the few that was actually into computers and the internet in the mid nineties before it became cool, and have seen the evolution and evolved with it.
newbs and phone fags don't understand it and are essentially monkeys with machine guns.


Get banned that's the only way I can leave message boards I'm addicted to and even though it's easy to circumvent bans I still get angry enough to leave the site even when I get intentionally banned.

Cood turkey.
Might take you a while to replace it with something productive.

Or fill your time some other way

Good advice.

Just don't visit a website you don't want to hang around anymore.

its either this or (((real life)))

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