> centralized VPNs are not safe anymore, they can be easily targeted and taken down by governments, the only solution is to start developing and supporting open source and decentralized software activism.net/cypherpunk/crypto-anarchy.html
We are sliding into a dystopian censored world, our duty as sovereign individuals with a strong online community is to inform and educate ourself on how to circumvent goverment restrictions, and spread alternative narratives trough red pills ,memes. This thread purpose is offering solutions to censorship and surveillance by central authoritys trough tech and tips:
yeah all centralized vpn are probably logging i would not trust them with sensitive infos
Jose Carter
Bamp, like these daily threads
Luis Jenkins
yeah decentralization is the way forward, imagine what Jow Forums could do with a DAO like structure, imagine autists having their own fund raise platform to spread right wing and pro white propaganda, it would surely be a force to contend with for the jews, and it could be done in a 100% user and safe way so no one steals eachothers money