Do women have a hivemind?

Why do people push this myth that women are all special snowflakes with subjective tastes? There are some men that women find universally attractive (Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth) with a small minority of outliers/exceptions. I'm sorry but at the end of the day mating patterns exist. Hypergamy is more than just a concept. Why pretend that it isn't good-looking, hypermasculine, successful men who get all the girls? You insult people's intelligence when you attempt to claim otherwise.

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Source: your ass.

He's been watching Saltman on youtube.

Have you tried not being an incel loser?

It's the same for men.
Tastes are subjective, but there are some traits that are more popular.
There are subjective differences, but for the most part there are some canonically beautiful man and women.

I'm an incel. I'll gladly admit it. Doesn't change the fact I'm right.

Also doesn't change the fact that you're an incel loser

And wrong

Dude, it's not an insult. I know I'm literally an incel. I'm not lucky enough to be attractive to women. Personal attacks just prove that I'm right

This is pretty accurate

You're wrong.
People have their personal taste. Some traits are more popular (for biological or cultural reasons).
It's the same for men and women.

People don't have personal tastes. There might be nuances (e.g. blonde or brunette) but overall women are attracted to the same traits.

No, I'm sorry, you're not right.
There are women who like all sorts of physical traits, same way as men like all sorts of physical traits.
Obviously some traits are more liked than others, but there's a lot of diversity.

There's only diversity if the man has influence/wealth and the woman puts aside her physical attraction.

When am I going th hear about this hive mind stuff? That's it? They usually travel in groups and go to the restroom in pairs. Division of labor in the kitchen. But a lot of this could be mammalian.

No. Both men and women can be attracted to a variety of physical traits, disregarding status.
There are no big differences.

Not the guy insulting you, but you are a wise man OP.
Stay Stoic

you can't know anything about something you have no experience in you virgin

Women have beer goggles?

Surely rejection counts as experience?

The fact that you got rejected doesn't necessarily mean all women like the same type of guy.
It could mean you're especially undesirable, either for your physical or personality traits.

Most women are attracted to beefy, tatted up dudebros. Women with a low sexdrive tend to put wealth/security before physical attraction. That's the only difference.

Source: Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

Imagine coping this hard

>Someone disagrees with an incel
>Incel cries cope
Is there a name for this type of horseshit, cop out of an argumentative tactic?

It's not true at all.
Just giving a quick overview to the "sexiest men of 2018", a lot of them are not like that at all.
Tons of kpop singers, young looking boy band members, twink looking actors, manlets like Kit Harrington, weird looking dudes like Benedict Cumberbatch.
I'm friends with a lot of women and maybe one has ever dated a guy who fit that description, most of my friends date dudes that look very different from that.


Those men are all famous. Wealth/status/looks those are what women want.

Yes, it'd be hard to make a chart with average dudes from the streets. They're saying who are the best looking dudes, and they have very different physical traits.

If you want dudes from the street: just one of my friends ever dated a guy who looked remotely like a "beefy and tatted dudebro". It's not something that happens much in real life.

Pick one.

This thread once again proves that incels are a cult of sub-80 IQ failures in life.

Most incels are embittered by experience. They watch time and time again as women pick chads, jocks, badboys etc. They become bitter and resentful over time as they realize they've been dealt a shitty hand. Their only hope is to become a beta provider.

That's literally not the case in real life.
Most women date average pretty dudes. You don't register it because you're caught up in your imagination.

Lies. 'Average' dudes only have gfs if the girl is unattractive or he has a good job. Personality means nothing. Real attraction is all about genetics, social status and wealth.

It's really not the case in real life.
All my friends are reasonably pretty, and none of them is dating a guy with money or who looks like "a beefy dudebro".
Just go outside and talk to people, most guys in relationships aren't incredibly hot or incredibly rich.

We only have your word for that, don't we?

I think that most people who have a healthy and normal social life can vouch for that.
Most men can get a girl, despite clearly not being extremely rich or extremely good looking.

Incels have literally zero experience. They rage on incel internet forums all day long and rarely leave home. Incels have never asked girls out or done anything that could get them a gf.

You are either stupid or a lying gay psyopper.

And what do you have? Memes of other kisslesd virgins living in the basement?

You're full of shit. People always spout anecdotal evidence like this ("none of my friends are like that!") Then you realize the guys they're dating are beta providers. The women just aren't honest with themselves about it and make up excuses for liking the guy (he's reliable, funny, thoughtful etc). They don't actually find those qualities attractive but it's preferable to admitting the ugly truth.

They aren't tho. To be a beta provider, you have to provide. None of my friends is dating someone particularly richer than them. The wealthiest of their boyfriend fixes iPhones for a living.

I'm the only one who's dating a guy richer than her, to be fair. And he's an autistic guy I met on Jow Forums.


>They watch time and time again as women pick chads, jocks, badboys etc.
They don't, they just sit in their basement and exchange fictional stories about Chad on Jow Forums until they start believing that those copypastas are reality. If they actually left their basements and observed the world around them, they'd see through the bullshit they're saying.

Beta providers do not exist. You keep spouting anecdotal evidence and denying facts that prove you wrong. You are an incel who has literally zero knowledge about women. Tell us why you think you are an expert on women despite not having left the basement since dropping out of high school?

when you're angry, all you see is red

You're asking if women behave in ways that are as far as we know exclusive to insects...?
Do you spend so much time on pol you think this is a real question? Men agree pretty universally on some hot women too.. and practically everyone likes pizza. Guess we're a hive mind. You kids.

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>Beta providers do not exist

The denial is strong with this one

This thread gets to exist everyday.
A post about sexpats doesn't.
Life is unfair, for everyone but incels.

Had a feeling Jow Forums could provide no counterargument. Nothing but an anecdotes and lawl virgin/incel insults

A beta provider is a self-insert into real life by incels. Incels are not providers, their neetbux will not let them be providers.

Counterargument to what? All this thread has been so far is incels posting retarded falsehoods.

Yes, we're a hivemind and we all hate you and your kind OP. We've flagged you via our secret underground network to be a pariah, always to be denied, and nothing you can do will get you unflagged. :v)

You made no argument and brought no data.

Women are physically attracted to a certain kind of man. They can overlook this if the man has a redeeming quality (i.e money) These are beta providers, men who are unmasculine/unattractive but provide a safety net. Women will often delude themselves into thinking they're with this guy because he's nice, funny, caring etc.

Go on, prove me wrong. You can't. Cope harder.

Women are attracted to all sorts of men.
You brought as an example that Jason Momoa and Chris Hemsworth are considered attractive by almost all women, but so are Harry Styles and Benedict Cumberbatch, who look very different from your example.
Most men aren't very rich or very attractive, yet most men are capable of finding a partner.

Nah, it's mainly teeny-boppers attracted to Harry Styles. And Benedict Cabbagepatch is an acquired taste. I don't think most women would look twice at them if they weren't famous. This proves my point about how vacuous women are.

Your average guy is actually single and striking out on tinder because 80/20 rule.

Harry Styles is 25, I doubt all girls who like him are 13.
A lot of musicians or other famous artists that women consider attractive don't fit in that "beefy jock" idea you have, a lot of actors too.

> This proves my point
It doesn't really prove any point dude, you're just stating your opinion as if it was facts. That's now how you prove a point.

>Your average guy is actually single and striking out on tinder because 80/20 rule.
Yet 70% of men fucked last year.

You proposed a question if women are a hivemind, which to prove their brains work like bees, an evolutionary path so different it might was well come from another planet, which on your part would require mountains upon mountains of evidence and an entire new branch of biology, then posted anecdotes and personal observations and blanket assumptions that might be true for an archetype of women who generally chase a single archetype of men...

What kind of data do you need for us to show you that you've way over narrowed your perspective?
I think you should've realised that yourself when you asked if women think like fucking bees..?

Harry Styles hasn't been relevant for years. And yes it's mostly teen groupies who found him attractive. But again that's more for the fame/image than anything.

What's more realistic? That humans have biological and sociological preferences in pairbonding or that everyone is a unique little snowflake?

>Harry Styles hasn't been relevant for years.
He was one of the 100 hottest men last year. And his "teen groupies" are well into their 20s now.

You're misrepresenting my argument.
Everyone has its own set of preferences. People differ when it comes to physical traits they like, but also in how much importance they place on a certain physical trait over another.
There are obviously trends in what traits people like, determined both by biological and social reasons.
It is the exact same for women and men. It doesn't stop women and men from liking each other.

Yeah, I thought this sounded like an interesting concept and it turned out to be the same old faggots whining about women.

>It's another thread about a man with a trash-tier personality who's surprised acne, bad hygiene and a permanent bitch-face don't make up for the fact that he acts like an entitled 8-year-old
So this is the power of inceldom... Sasuga, Jow Forums...

>There are obviously trends in what traits people like, determined both by biological and social reasons.

At least you admit it.

I've been saying it since my first posts, dude. Here: and It's absolutely normal, and it doesn't mean women can only like "beefy dudes". There's a pretty wide variation in what women like.

Right but the difference is he's acknowledging it's a factor and the opposite side of the argument is calling it The be all end all of attraction. It's not.
By and large people tend to date within their league. Like minded people of similar attraction level. We all fantasize but it gets annoying when incels bitterly exclude themselves from the dating pool because the 10/10 they saw on mtv doesn't like guys like them...

You make a statement, the onus of proof is on you.
>Women are physically attracted to a certain kind of man.
Show proof.

A trend is not an absolute.
Jason Mamoa looks ugly to me. I don't like tanned guys, very long hair, massive beards, very muscular dudes, visible tattoos.
My ideal is a guy like Adam Brody or Matthew Gubler. I think they're hot as fuck, literal 10/10 kind of stuff. Still conventionally attractive, but very far a "beefy, tatted dudebro".

And yet incels think they know better than you what kind of men you like. Incels usually exhibit homosexual tendencies, they all lust for big muscular tanned men. And then project their homolust on women.

>You make a statement, the onus of proof is on you.

Wrong. I've made a statememt, it's your job to falsify it. If you fail to do so, it must be true. If "lawl virgin/incel" is the best Jow Forums has got then I've nothing to worry about.

That's not how it works, user. You need to provide proof for your statement. If you don't provide proof, it's just an opinion.

Anyway, the fact that 70% of men fuck despite not being very wealthy or very attractive is enough to disprove your whole point.

The attraction to unmasculine men like Harry Styles, David Bowie etc. is more about their status as pop icons. They don't go for men like that IRL. Most women I see are with dudebros, or beta providers.

The woman might not be attractive or confident enough for an alpha, so she settles for a beta provider. However, men aren't as picky as women, and hypergamy is virtually nonexistent. That's why unattractive women hold out for guys above their league, because men don't turn down free pussy.

You are a homosexual pedophile.

I made a statement, it is true unless you prove me wrong.

You are gay, what would you know about women?

>Asking for proof that women prefer masculine/attractive/rich men

Are you for real?

good one fugger

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>Most women I see are with dudebros, or beta providers.
I don't see the same. I see women with all sorts of different guys.
I guess your "statement" is disproved since I brought as much evidence as youd id.

>The woman might not be attractive or confident enough for an alpha, so she settles for a beta provider
Do you think that there are only "alpha dudebros" and "beta providers", and the population is split between them? Lol.

Post proofs. It should be really easy if you are saying that.

I could produce character witnesses that would attest that this isn't true and therefore without substance. Nice try, sucka.

>Do you think that there are only "alpha dudebros" and "beta providers", and the population is split between them? Lol

There are subsets but yes. Women are incredibly predictable. If you aren't a chad then chances are she is dating you for an ulterior motive.

>David Bowie

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Anecdotes don't count, right?

I dunno OP, my wife likes me and I am not attractive by any means. I have a chubby belly and a hairy chest and love to play videogames. When we fuck, I feel her vagina clamp down on me and she squirts uncontrollably as I pound her. Also the way she holds me and says I love you anytime I leave the house. I think you find it more comfortable to assume all women are the same because then you don’t have to face how wrong your assumptions are in the first place. Stop being lazy about life and try to challenge your outlook.

Yeah, you're ridiculous.
"If you aren't a dudebro, she doesn't like you physically and just wants your money" is not a reasonable statement.

Carry on LARPing. If she does exist she's probably a landwhale.

It’s sad that you think I’m larping. Maybe one day you will lose the bitterness and actually try to live your life. Until then, stay mad lol.

Unfortunately it's the ugly truth. I don't blame people for denying it. Most people aren't prepared to be redpilled. Women want to be dicked by men who are hypermasucline and conventially attractive, or they put out in exchange for betabux. Once you realize this there's no turning back. :(

>Didn't deny she's a landwhale xD

I never liked a dudebro in my life, I think they're bad looking. And I'm not an exception.

Sorry femanon, I don't listen to women's hollow words. Their actions are far more telling

My actions reflect my words.
I only ever dated and fucked guys who didn't look like dudebros.
So did most of my friends, really.

OP has gotten to the stage where he's given up on trying to find a girlfriend and is trying to find excuses as to why it's not his fault he's an unlovable jerk

Basically. We get multiple a day.

Women love jerks, as long as they're physically attractive or have $$$. That just shows you how low they are.

Hey you must be new hear.
Stay tuned. There's a thread an hour.

This is what incels believe
That's why they're still incels

Don't give me that shit
"Wah wah wah! Where have all the good men gone?"
*dates some asshole who cheats/lies/abuses her*
*rinse repeat*

Women love nice guys. If this is your attitude you aren't nice. You're making excuses.

>Women love nice guys.

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>Why don't these low iq hive mind femoids like me? I'm a nice guy
>Girls must only like jerks!

There's a difference between actual nice guys, and "nice guys" like you