
What are the Cajuns of Louisiana and Texas like? Do you still speak French? Do you feel French at all?

Attached: acadiana-flag.jpg (1200x800, 70K)

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All I know is gator taste like chicken

Everyone keeps saying this and I still have a hard time believing that.


Lived in Baton Rouge and Lafayette my entire life. We like to shoot, eat boudain and drink. AMA

I speak a little french, and feel "cajun" more than french.

How are you guys not 'WE WUZZERS' like the Mexicans when the US received Louisiana compared to the Mexican-American war? Is this proof you're more civilized?

>do they still speak french


>what are they like?

good people. Conservative and Catholic. Acadiana doesnt have many carpetbaggers so they've kept alot of their culture intact. More deeper in the swamp you go the more isolated they are. Still good people that are open but theyre skeptical of any outsiders trying to govern them. Not even game wardens will go to some of those places.

A lot of us are salty about the confederacy. But I mean that's kind of to be expected since the government is assbackwards and retarded.

This is true. also fun fact true cajun culture is below the I-10 highway

Attached: Cajun land below.png (2128x1286, 100K)