How come so many don't despise Asians?
>literally a slave race
>more servile than dogs
>weak, subservient mentality
>no difference between adults and babies (pic related)
>love oppression
>serving master = natural way of things
>bred to be docile slave laborers, love hard work
>no morals
>no curiosity, unable to think independently, critically because they were never meant to do that
>no resistance to exploitation, injustice, tyranny - the mere idea is foreign and completely unthinkable
>good at memorizing & following rules obediently that were hammered into them
>"5000 years of culture" - 5000 years of stagnation under tyranny
>most oppressive & brutal tyrannies on earth to this day (Korea, China)
Let's take a look at how the Asian race came about in the first place
>must obey unconditionally to be left alive
>must work diligently and love it to be left alive
>must look and behave innocently (like children) to be considered fuckable
>being cute raises chance of being left alive
I do understand that not all Asians are the same. But we should not judge a group by outliers. It's always the masses who define the characteristics of a race and not the few who rule them.
Make no mistake, Asians are everything we don't want to be. Their culture is the antithesis of western civilization!