Gook Hate on pol

How come so many don't despise Asians?

>literally a slave race
>more servile than dogs
>weak, subservient mentality
>no difference between adults and babies (pic related)
>love oppression
>serving master = natural way of things
>bred to be docile slave laborers, love hard work
>no morals
>no curiosity, unable to think independently, critically because they were never meant to do that
>no resistance to exploitation, injustice, tyranny - the mere idea is foreign and completely unthinkable
>good at memorizing & following rules obediently that were hammered into them
>"5000 years of culture" - 5000 years of stagnation under tyranny
>most oppressive & brutal tyrannies on earth to this day (Korea, China)

Let's take a look at how the Asian race came about in the first place
>must obey unconditionally to be left alive
>must work diligently and love it to be left alive
>must look and behave innocently (like children) to be considered fuckable
>being cute raises chance of being left alive

I do understand that not all Asians are the same. But we should not judge a group by outliers. It's always the masses who define the characteristics of a race and not the few who rule them.
Make no mistake, Asians are everything we don't want to be. Their culture is the antithesis of western civilization!

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would fuck the one in the right


i only hate souless dog eating koreans and zerg hivemind chinks
the rest are fine


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Give China 12 more years wh*Toid.

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Finally some good reasons to hate gooks. They are the most weakest race I have ever encountered. Their women will cuckold their men with fucking non Asian men specially white men. No Asian outrage about that. There is no Asian Lauren Southerner or no Asian Richard Spencer,talking about their hatred of Asians mingling with Europeans.

there are plenty of roastie asians, I don't get it

>what is an average?
average swedish girl has 14 sex partners while the average korean woman has 3

chinks and koreans bad
japs good