Why are right wingers devoid of any rational and sane discourse?
Why are right wingers devoid of any rational and sane discourse?
because leftists think calling everything they don't like "violence" is discourse
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Comments were disabled, though.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist anti-semite!
>Everything I don't want to acknowledge is a hatefact!
It's all so tiresome.
We will slaughter Jews and traitors in the streets soon and we will be 100% JUSTIFIED.
I like them that way.
>New York (CNN Business)YouTube was forced to disable comments on a livestream of a House Judiciary hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism on social media Tuesday morning after it was flooded racist and anti-Semitic comments.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 52% of the murders in this country
>hate speech/ racism
YouTube is run by Google
Google is run by Sergey Brin
Sergey Brin is an anti-white, anti-male piece of shit.
>In a recent blog post, Google’s Vice President of People Operations Nancy Lee called for a “conversation about the need to improve diversity at Google and across the tech industry.”
Sergey Brin is demanding that the entire tech industry align with Google's anti-male, anti-white agenda.
It is Sergey Brin who is responsible for starting this.
DARPA is letting this jerk spread his poison throughout the tech industry.
It is natural and normal to hate YouTube and Google for spreading racism and sexism. Every American should be united in opposing Google's outrageous demands.
Google really thinks it has the authority to criticize the workforce of other companies in the tech industry over diversity.
This is not how Capitalism works.
Google is trying to subvert Capitalism.
Jews have been expelled from 109 different countries across a wide range of time periods
Why are leaves retarded?
>no u
the fringes are mirrors of one another. sanity exists in the middle. come home to where adults have discussions instead of constant ^^^^
CNN fired Rick Sanchez (hispanic) and Marc Lamont Hill (black).
But anti-Semitism is sane and reasonable discourse. It's probably the most uniting concept in our vast and diverse world. From China to the Middle East to white alt righters to even an increasing amount of rappers. Every goy is now able to communicate with each other without a Jew in between them and we're all finding one particular topic of common ground.
"What's with the Jews?"
Death to all Jews. When it becomes illegal for me to say that, then I will take my gun and start killing Jews. It's that simple.
That would be justified and a necessary duty. There can be no tolerance of tyranny.
This, and I may just start by bombing synagogues beforehand for the lulz.
> Politics
> rational and sane discourse
Pick one.
Maybe someone should ask them why they decided to have a government hearing on white nationalism, in a white nation. I look forward to the next hearings in Isreal or Mexico, where they can address the growing problem of Jewish and Mexican nationalism, maybe visit some African countries to tackle rising Afro-supremacist rhetoric
Nice photoshop kike
First post best post based post refilled post
Also violent racist post
Isn't antisemitism also racism? Why use the same word twice? ;^)
He was literally born in the USSR
>we can replace them
Lol i was one of them
>what? the young people refuse to fall in line with anti white propaganda? CENSOR CENSOR that will surely work no matter what
These people are retarded.
You're a big clown
If speech is violence, you can punch someone for calling you a nazi, it’s self defence.
2016 wants it's memes back
Many sock accounts were KIA today
lol why do you jews still try to push the left right thing
you are all Godless kikes
It is time to summon the Jow Forumstard army...
We have to be out in full force pushing back against this multi-prong plan to keep us from winning the meme-war again. The efforts have begun to impede our 1st amendment, and we MUST call out their hypocrisies once again.
Compiling any and all example of anti-white speech is going to be needed. It has to be proven/displayed that whites are only retaliating to the verbal assaults, by fighting fire with fire and sending this proof to each and every one of those sitting on this committee. Some of you tards have compiled lists of posts showing dozens of kikes stirring the race-baiting turd claiming to be white, only to turn around to declare their Jewishness, bombard these elected officials with the proof that whites are only responding to what's being forced upon US!.
Start gathering evidence in headlines and stories published by the media, how Mrs. Clinton had no interest in reaching out to white Christian (mainly male) voters. We have to win back as many white male voters as possible, because the reality is...the dems still need white man votes to beat Trump.
We have an extra tall order this campaign to not only keep Trump in the WH, but to fight against the those threatening to close the avenues in which we had to converse/debate the campaign issues.
I used my main account
Fuck that
We need to start slaughtering these kikes and traitors in their homes
I agree with that wholeheartedly, and that time would be better when Trump is about to get voted out of office, or when his tenure is up in 2024, and are not likely to have an outsider candidate, elected.
Trump is a kike puppet. Elections are a scam. The government is a joke.
>because leftists think calling everything they don't like "violence" is discourse
>Sergey Brin
>born to Russian Jewish parents
You know we have to keep enemies close...in order to take a good stab at 'em, we have to get close enough for the jab. There iscertain theatre Trump has to play along with in order to get in their good graces in order to turn the screw on them.
YOU KNOW he want to fuck with the Fed Res....we all remember how much the elder Zionists were shaking in their boots at the mere idea of a Trump presidency. Trump has not jumped into fullblown wars for the kikes and he just recently took a jab at dual citizen jews for referring to Netanyahu as "their PM".
Is being a white nationalist supposed to be bad?
>racist and anti-semitic comments
this could mean anything at this point
you might as well call it what it is
non-liberal-confirming lingua
>non-liberal-confirming lingua
just call it crimespeak
Left wingers will not allow discourse and that's why we have to resort to bombing comment sections.
If you had real conviction in your beliefs it would have been left and right and there would have been a debate but lefties are dishonest and small and know their ideas are shit.
...I would also add, to this very day, Trump has federal ghouls perched in the west wing of the WH, working to undermind, halt or outright sabotage the MAGA agenda. It is not a fair fight with Trump's hands tied behind his back. Being this Mueller investigation is not bearing fruit for impeachment...the ghouls have accomplished the next best thing, hindering Trump's ability to govern.
What did congress even talk about during that session?
>Is being a white nationalist supposed to be bad?
Son, they think that just being white is bad.
Why do you hate freedom of speech?
>white men bad
>gib censorship
>gib monies
Comment section is still up. Make some salient points besides honk honk.
Did you get your feeling hurt?
FPBP. Wearing a red hat is violence and oppression
You know, with this hearing im not 100% sure I care about laws anymore.
Classic false flag.
When politics radicalize, those in the middle have to dislodge the fence post from their arsehole and join a side.
Because once the radicals are done biting chunks out of each other and one lies dead and the other roars triumphant they turn on those in the middle.
While things are nice and good, the middle is the best place to be, but when there's chaos the middle is the most dangerous place to be.
>bullshit hearing where normies confirm there will indeed no holocaust
>hurr dur racism is bad
Why did they even hold it in the first place?
bro have the full size pic
Because leftists criminalized sane discourse.