Why are white people so degenerate? How do we fix this mess?

Why are white people so degenerate? How do we fix this mess?

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Out of those 10 countries, 9 are white.
Why do you avoid the question, François?

I agree with this sentiment and I'm a white person. It's the norm for my mom to whore herself out to other men because she is "unsatisfied" with my dad yet even they're still married. feels bad but its the truth.

YOU can fix this mess by staying off of our websites, using our companies, and worrying about OUR countries.

All these flavors and you choose to remain salty.

Acknowledgement of a problem is the first step towards fixing it

user I..

In the U.S., only whites even bother to get married.
All the nogs have "baby-daddies."

Because when the internet was invented only white people were on it so all the degenerate porn and shit was hitting whites for a long time before others joined.

If Abdulha had rights she would run divorces rampange too for chads.
Also, people don't get along, either they are too immature and get into marriages without being prepared for whats awaiting ,or other reasons.

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gas (((them)))

the only reason india is at top because of arrange marriage and social stigma towards a divorce

Women rights were a mistake.

You aren't forced to arrange marriage. Social stigma towards a divorce is a good thing. Family first.

Whats up with Luxembourg?


>my shithole and Vatican City doesn't have divorce laws.
Feels fucking good for once.
Just a few more nudges and we'll be able to train women here to be forever yanderes

The biggest question is how did chile get to nr 2?
I knew that Pinochet was based, but I didn't know he was THIS based.

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>Open Bob show vagene plz
You stop stealing all our women's for starters, Raj!

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i can guarantee you poos are not stealing your women

Portugal is the real #1 in divorce rates and you know how many of them are in Luxembourg

Wikipedia gives different countries:
1. Portugal 71%
2. Luxembourg 66%
3. Spain 57%
4. Cuba 56%
4. Denmark 56%
4. Finland 56%
7. Belgium 54%
7. France 54%
9. Netherlands 52%
10. Estonia 52%

>Women Suffrage

do you know what led to this


8 out of 10, still vast majority.

Holy cow how did the Catholic Church even reach the second place?

This is just the result of dating app culture, bitches always thinking they'll get and deserve someone better than they currently have, thus eliminating their marriage to go and look for their prince charming that they'd of course never find and then die a stupid death once older because the biological clock doesn't give a single shit about their expectations. Nature always wins baby.

Only retards get married. You want kids? Get a surrogate because thats the only thing that gives a woman any worth: her uterus. But make sure shes not a druggy so that her uterus wont be spoiled, like many womens uteruses are.

When you develop into a first world country you'll find that women feel more free to leave their husbands when they know they wont be stoned and butchered for it.

And dont get it twisted. These divorce rates are similar for all groups in the Western world. I know a few Iranians and its about the same amount of divorces. As soon as you are in the West these things will happen. If you open the newspaper you can also read about Turkish men getting shafted by their women and then stabbing them in return.

Most of urbanic countrys youth has too high expectations for their lives due to ubiquitous marketing technology symbolism and further capitalism brainwash. And when we group up to face the real world as it is and finding ourselfs empty, shallow and working days for nothing we go crazy

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