>be me
>Work at company that makes valves and fittings for oil rigs
>Owner retires and sells company to larger company
>Larger company starts hiring predominately spics that can barely speak English or count to 20
>slaps them in front of a CNC lathe
>Takes them months to even learn the basics
>Overall quality of companies product goes down and scrap goes through the roof
>company complains about quality issues
>Company continues to hire only spics
Be me
Similar problem where I work. They keep hiring beaners and getting shit work. We are out $1m this year in just botched work we got sued for.
make your own machine shop
>Work at company that makes valves and fittings for oil rigs
>Company continues to hire only spics
RIP oceans, diversity is our strength. I saw this at a granite countertop company I worked at briefly. Illiterate spics fucking up massive slabs of granite every day with the cutting machine. The boss would scream at the two white guys until they showed their double and triple checked measurements, like THEY were the ones making the spics fuck up. The white guys had to start writing in pen, and keeping copies of their measurements, because the beaners were fucking up and cutting too short, then erasing the measurements and rewriting them in bean-scribble to try and blame the whites for bad measurements.
>because the beaners were fucking up and cutting too short, then erasing the measurements and rewriting them in bean-scribble to try and blame the whites for bad measurements.
It's like they're small mischirf goblins or something
What kind of valves? I have an interest in all things valve related.
The thing that's the worst is that outside of the spics it's a really good company. Good benefits, good pay. And the higher ups actually treat us like humans.
Swing valves, simple plug valves, and some other stuff that's more complex with bearings and such. I'd have to ask someone in assembly as I just make the parts so I dont know too terribly much
Valve and fit your anus