As a dictator

If you were supreme ruler of the world how would you run it?
>Social services
>Penal system
>"Human rights"

Attached: God Emperor.jpg (734x950, 251K)

Extermination of all non-Euros except the nips and then I resign and go back to being a blue collar normie

>how would you run it?
I wouldn't. Not directly, anyway. I'd provide an environment conducive to the establishment of spontaneous order.

UBI fixes most if not all of those problems.

market economy w/ govt regulations for tragedy of commons
>Social services
safety net for workers
no retirement ponzi scheme bs
no welfare for single mothers
let the market handle it
if you want, tax credits for people that purchase green tech
>Penal system
increase plenty for rape but also make it a crime to falsely accuse a man
fuck niggers and spics
abolish k-12
allow people to get college degrees a la carte, no general education bs
require employees to name course they need instead of generic college degree
>"Human rights"
Don't exist
Destroy monument to Lincoln and replace it with Hitler

>UBI fixes most if not all of those problems.
UBI is welfare on steriods for the lowest IQ subhumans to out reproduce ubermen.

Christian theocratic Monarchies (King James only) run every nation (globalism is against God's wishes per the tower of babel). All Laws must come from the Bible (Governments only purpose is to punish evil). All punishments must come from the Bible. Jubilee is mandatory as are all holidays and practices mentioned in the Bible.
Council of Judges, 1 from each nation to depose monarchs who defy God's will and replace their families with better ones.
It'd be a strange combination of libertarianism and authoritarianism but I'm confident it'd be as close to perfect as possible.

Free market, only control is to curb down monopolies
>Social servicies
Incentivize private social servicies. Absolutely no fucking gibs.
Solar, Wind, eletric cars incentives
>Penal System
Private Prisons ( inspections by the state )
Private schools from 12 onward.
Before public schools, for kids.
>"Human rights"
Free speech garanteed, everyone can hold a weapon.
>Women's rights
Women out of education and the workforce. They stay at home and make kids. Incentives ( massive tax cuts ) for the families who have more kids ( incognito agents to monitor the situation to avoid steal )
Private. Make deals to give healtcare "pass" for the really low earning families ( monitor to verify that this isn't abused ).
Free meals ticket to really poor families.

How? It's easier to implement than the bureaucratic fuck tape socialism fixes currently employed (which equates to less 'jobs' for lazy assholes who don't want to produce anything, it gives agency directly to the citizens to live their life as they see fit (iff rampant hyperinflation does not occur), it removes power from banks (we know (((who))) runs those, and this reason by itself is why we won't get ubi), it encourages trade, it will help ease burdens for families (less parents arguing about paying the bills), and although it may encourage to degenerates to do degenerate things, it will accelerate their degeneracy which could result in their early deaths which removes them entirely.
So please do explain how ubi is communism? How is giving people greater power for ownership (ubi) worse than letting the government own everything (communism) under the (false) auspices that the government is for everybody and everybody's friend? Please, I'd love to hear your well thought out reasoning against it.

So, you're an irresponsible, lazy fuck who wouldn't do anything.
I don't blame you, it's actually really difficult to rule over a large group of people, and even more difficult to do it in a way that can be considered a job well done.