What must be done

We must turn the gay flag in to a racist symbol, This will truly tear the left apart from the inside.

Attached: gays.jpg (474x292, 7K)

bump honk honk

Attached: 1550032597186.png (820x1024, 1.01M)

the entire spectrum does originate from the divine white

Attached: pink-floyd-rainbow-prism-dark-side-of-the-moon-wallpaper.jpg (1900x1200, 63K)

Keeping colors sepertated is the only way that there true beauty can be appreciated. The gay flag is based

The gays took a symbol of faith and made it gay.
Don't worry. They are only loud because they have a common enemy. When the stakes are high and things are on the line... they will tear each other apart.

Attached: 1554841746734.jpg (480x285, 15K)

When someone is being a retarded faggot, brain injured tranny, leftist loser, or shill just post the faggot colors and simply write *honk honk*. This will demoralize the aformentioned subhumans and bring discord to their ranks.

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-Fake-Death-Conspiracy.jpg (600x500, 39K)

its only natural the most un natural things (faggets and child rapists) would commandeer one of natures most pure and natural things and pervert it into something disgusting

Do it anons! We all know it must be done! Im with ya 100% on this