I think I love this woman

I think I love this woman.

Attached: xe3pfannzbzpf45amw5b.jpg (1600x900, 110K)

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fuck off israel

Attached: candace owens zionist trash.jpg (729x445, 53K)

"woman" is a term used for creatures of the human species, user

Attached: 1544433633246.jpg (303x566, 40K)

>bans pro white speech (‘hate’ speech)

She’s great, but I have issues with some of her stances.

Attached: 80EABC85-E2FD-49DD-A6B5-3B6725733518.jpg (762x1024, 186K)

>a scam-artist nog paid by Jews to shill neocon talking points to idiots who will gladly lap up anything from 'muh based black lady'

You've got terrible taste

The Black White Supremacist

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My question is why did they pick her? Was it a ploy to make blacks who support the right look silly?

She's more than her skin tone and sees past the lies of the left.

I thought that she made fat Jerry look silly.

>hurr durr you cant like anything everything is mah jew mah israel