No other group can compete with Patriot Front. Peak optics, peak message. No neocon bullshit here, just pure American nationalism based on what the country was founded on. Whites founded America, bled and died for it, and we sustain it. This is our land. >nb4 fed You do not have to give ANY personal information, you can stay 100% anonymous lads. Come make a difference, show the leftists we own the streets.
Vanguard is defunct. Patriot Front is greater now than Vanguard ever was. There are other regional orgs as well, many actually, but PF is by far the strongest and most well established and organized.
Mason Young
how so? There is no call to violence, so fuck off schizo.
Jaxon Long
Owning the streets is a waste of time. The left are only in the street because their lower ranks are bored and they already obtained higher power.
Pick a white city to all move to and infiltrate positions of power.
I agree we should take positions of authority by stealth, however owning the streets is equally important. People flock to the strong horse, and by owning the streets you put out an image of strength and power, as well as effectively spreading the message.
Adam Hill
Na I'll wait on my government to out out a call for able bodied men. If that doesn't happen I'm just going to leave this sinking ship and go be the king of some shithole.
Kevin Wilson
Additionally, fewer and fewer cities are escapng forced diversity and poz. The time of white flight is over.
Kevin Scott
By using the word "front" you have immediately disqualified yourselves, amongst other things.
Start using your goddamn brains and study some history, psychology, sociology and philosophy before acting out your childish fantasies.
I swear... 90% of such larping groups are tightly controlled things used to lure in young minds so they can be blackmailed if they ever get into some potential position of real power.
Instead of joining such ridiculous larp groups, get a bunch of frends and start a secret fraternity. Weave entire webs throughout the contry with likeminded groups and actually network for a brighter and better future.
>wait on the government Our government is pozzed and filled with traitors from top to bottom. Traitors to the people and our nation. The only solution is a movement of genuine patriots organizing to send a message. >I'll be the king of some shithole You won't do shit
Eli Butler
You also effectively dox your members.
Men are also looking for anything traditional that will bring them in to learn shooting, hunting, and homesteading.
Isaiah Kelly
Its not a 'larp' group. People involved, myself included are college educated (not that that means much nowadays). We are forming a brotherhood of awakened whites. We actually stand against the diversity and degeneracy assaulting this country. Then again, why do i care what some toothpaste thinks? You have your own problems.
Daniel Morris
Nigger you call yourself "Patriotic Front", use fascist symbols and scream about zionists in the streets. If you don't think every single chapter of your larp squad isn't infiltrated by at least one cop, you're exceptionally stupid. Why the fuck would I ever join a club that would paint a bullseye on my back?
Xavier Sanchez
Wear a mask, don't post on social media, don't get doxxed. Simple as that. Everyone who has been doxxed has brought it upon themselves. We don't force you to take to the streets, most of us do it effectively without issue.
Jose Phillips
We have no use for cowards. Cops can't do jackshit if you stay legal. Sounds like you are just a civic nationalist cuckold. Begone.
James Walker
>you won't do shit
Correct you are officer, thankfully if I move to some shithole I'm the defacto king already just by having a working brain.
and you guys are a small amount of faggot autists that will never win anybody over by pretending to be Hitler, as evident in your video in which all of your chapters had barely any barely, and a non existent audience, but hey if you ever start selling cookies, I'd buy a box.
The thing is many whites already have functioning strong cohesive communities, when you pop up in Washington DC looking like a bunch of CIA spooks everyone is just going to assume you are cops attempting to entrap people.
Especially when you say shit like >you ain't gonna do shit
Which is a well known police tactic. Have fun with your honeypot larp thing.
If you really care about your nation, good luck, wish you guys the best, but you have to understand people don't trust this shit. Anyone who does I wouldn't trust their judgement to be honest, it shows they are very naive at the least and operate with malice on their minds at worst.
Jace Green
>o8EzcVzH We have nearly 1000 members nationwide, most likely more. I'm not a high up. We are American patriots, not Germans. Hitler is dead and gone. (rest in peace) All you do is post on 4chin and shit on genuine movements. You are a coward. You are a nigger.
Nolan Butler
>muh fascist symbols Who cares?
Nathan Cruz
You guys are walking down the street being goofballs.
If I was going to do that I would at least have a scary show of strength like Richard Spencer's nighttime torch rally did, which captivated the world.
If you can't even get the optics down why should anyone trust your judgement.
Do some torch rallies if you want to make the news and get free publicity. Good luck friend.
Gavin Adams
>The thing is many whites already have functioning strong cohesive communities Where?
So you think the problems in this country can be solved democratically with politicians? We must spread our message peacefully, but we will defend ourselves from antifa and the like. You are the naive one. And a coward to boot. >everything is CIA BEGONE
Logan Cox
Why don't you look at the fucking OP image. Thats a torch rally. Why are some people on 4chin absolutely retarded?
Aiden Diaz
Hitler was also affiliated with Knights Templar who happen to have a huge lodge in Washington DC and are very powerful.
It's called the temple of the Knights of Somomons Temple or something.
I assume you know this and are probally somehow connected to them knowingly or not.
Scary=cool so do the torch thing.
Justin Thompson
Wouldn't call that a rally. I would call that 7 guys who nobody apparently noticed.
Lincoln Cooper
Seems like American Identity Movement took after you guys with the all-american aesthetic. You're going to have a hard time trying to convince people to hate the jews in a zionist infested land like this. Do you work with any other groups or are there fueds going on?
Hunter Gutierrez
I mean I would shit on you guys IRL but you only have 1000 members so I'll never see you IRL.
I think that just as always been the case throughout history that when billionaires and such, powerful people start making moves it will happen regardless of whether you walk through the park.
It's always been that way.
Ryan Lopez
Hitler regarded masons as on par with jews. Secret societies are bad news for the nation. Now you bring up random shit, schizo flags going off. Why don't you look at the fucking OP image for torches
There's plenty out there. There's many religions all over America who keep to themselves and have huge compounds and don't interact with outsiders, not to mention all the secret societies who really run shit.
Samuel Diaz
Lol if you saw us IRL you'd shit your diaper
Jeremiah Foster
I disagree. The left uses the police and lawfare against us because we ceded those institutions to them. We need to take them back and when we control the mayor's office and the police, you can LARP to your heart's content. Until then, run for office or get your friends elected.
Levi Harris
Hitler also wore the Knights Templar cross on his uniform and had the blessing of the Catholic Church.
They also ran their ratlines to Argentina.
Freemasons/Kmights Templar are both Knights of Somomons Temple. Zionists.
You know trump is gonna win 2020 right? Just wait after 2024
Lucas Jackson
And when your non PC views are exposed, you are fired and blacklisted. Keep placing faith in our broken institutions.
Blake Clark
>Then again, why do i care what some toothpaste thinks? Sorry but I have to agree with the Euro Euro nationalists have shown us the way. In the countries where they are actually sucessful and have either representation or outright control the govt they do not wave symbols that are foreign to their people. Yes I know about muh fascis all over US monuments, but the average burger does not know that.
The left has openly rejected our national symbols. They have given us the American flag and the symbols of the revolution on a platter. We don't need anything more than that. Being an "American" is meaningless today. They have given us the chance to redefine it.
The American flag is universally recognized in this country. You guys are on the right track with the red white blue themed stuff, just drop the fascis.
Lincoln Taylor
No I fucking wouldn't because laughter is protected under free speech, unless you're threatening violence over being ridiculed, but you told me you guys were non-violent so that can't be the case, right?
Start acting like a political dissident and not a leftist street thug. We dont need our best in jail. If you need to tame direct action, go at infrastructure or lone wolf but dont drag down 20 goys with you.
James Collins
offtopic but is that vinesauce?
Matthew Hughes
We stand for more than just the American flag, currently America stands for some very wrong things. We seek to reestablish what it means to be an American as what it was founded to be, not what it means today.
Jaxson Morgan
Was this willed into reality
Caleb Garcia
>more racialism in America Americans don't have a sense of 'white identity'. The system has been preparing for the attack of racial nationalists for 70+ years, you'd have to be an idiot to attack in on that basis. Fact is that whites don't see themselves as a cohesive group in America that wants its explicit wishes executed. The only white identity that exists in America is implicit, not explicit. Less Richard Spencer, more Tucker Carlson.
Jaxson Sullivan
Can nonwhites join
Justin Carter
No you sound like a fed. I'm keeping it legal here, bro.
Dylan Wright
You're not in public office. What good are you? You're nothing without political power. Stop wasting our time.
Joseph Stewart
Thats why we need to resuscitate white identity. Its not gone, just sleeping, waiting to be awoken. ;)
Eli Roberts
No. Wrong. We have members and sympathizers in positions of power.
Easton Nelson
They have political power user, they probably vote for their chapter leaders like the PTA and Rotary club do! This is serious shit don't bully them!
Colton Rivera
Half of those police are doing what the mayor tells them to do. I know this. Go to jail then. You're useless to a serious movement.
Carter Campbell
Sure? All it takes is your will. Will to power, baby.
Aiden Jenkins
Just like the other cunts that prohibit tats >Do you have any issues with substance abuse or use illegal drugs? You trade larpers will fail and not even a footnote in what is to come.
Whats your point here? I never advocated anything illegal. Are you stupid or something?
Austin Richardson
Go back to your janny porn bucko
John Watson
We don't allow junkies among our ranks.
Carson Hernandez
You can't do that from the bottom up. Populist uprisings need to be organized from the bottom up around popular political causes. White identity happens to be about the least popular cause in America. White identity was taken down from the top down, and it needs to be rebuilt in the same matter. You can't change social values without your own power, you can only appeal to existing social attitudes amongst the masses. Read Mein Kampf.
Jace Nguyen
I did it your way and we left guys in the local prison for life. If you dont control the levers of power, you are going to get ground into meat paste. Run for office. Help your frriends run ffor office. Ive given this a lot more thought that you have. Do not waste your potential.
Leo Anderson
>Whites founded America, bled and died for it, and we sustain it. This is our land. >Conflating whites with Anglos Get a load of these mutts
Josiah Gomez
You offer no solutions, and if I remember correctly Hitler started the NSDAP as a street organization, to combat the communists. I guarantee pro whites have infiltrated government, but we must establish a socially acceptable climate for policies to be enacted.
Parker Morris
Honestly can’t think of anything gayer than meeting up with a bunch of lonely goobers carrying a tiki torch.
The non-pc views are going to take form in 1000 ways that will never be noticed. Arrests, rezoning, police who give a shit and are shielded from attack, denying jobs to adversaries. You need to be a white kike. Am i clear?
Alexander Green
Next time you take it to the streets to own the libs, make sure you tell those bustling crowds you guys pull in that Zionist shills are oppressing you on Jow Forums! That'll break the conditioning!
OK I see your point, although we are running out of time.
Aaron Butler
>Dutch founded New York >Germans established Pennsylvania >French established New Orleans Ask me how I know you're retarded
Jacob Clark
Good. Your making sense now. Political power is our fastest route.
Matthew Watson
I see your point. I think we need a 2 pronged attack: one streetwise, another politically.
Joshua Bailey
“College educated”. Ever wonder why blue collar guys and vets stay the fuck away from you queers? WN 2.0 my ass
Jackson Williams
America was founded by moonshiners, cannabis growers and opiate growers.
We aren't communists here friend.
Luke Barnes
>need to be a white kike exactly. cry out in pain as you strike them. at the same time that i advocate for adversity in Israel, I will be mostly hiring white people from the United States.
Gabriel Jenkins
Damn you're fucking dense. Who ever said we don't have blue collar members? Most of our members are blue collar.
Thomas Hughes
You can't save your race if you're low on opiates or drunk as a skunk.
Sebastian Sullivan
Literally none of that is true, dipshit. There wasnt a single Dutchman, French or German among the founding fathers
Ethan Wood
>schizo You're a fucking jew, ask me how I know faggot
My solution is to attack based on class with an implicit white nationalism. Class is a point the system is weak to, especially given their communist priors. That's what got Trump elected, and what makes Tucker Carlson the most popular pundit on TV. The NSDAP existed before the SA. Also, Hitler didn't start it but took over the existing DAP. Even any slightly pro-white person is purged from positions of power and influence, even from conservative outlets. Infiltration is a weak thing to rely on since your power is entirely hypothetical until you actually use it. Revolutionary movements can't change society until they come into power, only react to the existing climate.
David White
>dodges the fact that hitler was affiliated with the Knights of Solomons temple and worse their cross on his uniform
Other user is right, you are out of your league friend.
I never mentioned the founding fathers you buffoon.
Jack Torres
>That is why I set up my fighting manifesto and tailored it deliberately to attract only the toughest and most determined minority of the German people at first. When we were quite small and unimportant I often told my followers that if this manifesto is preached year after year, in thousands of speeches across the nation, it is bound to act like a magnet: gradually one steel filing after another will detach itself from the public and cling to this magnet, and then the moment will come when there'll be this minority on the one side and the majority on the other – but this minority will be the one that makes history, because the majority will always follow where there's a tough minority to lead the way.
there will always be faggots who will denounce the vanguard groups from their basements while their homelands rot from the inside. Fuck em.
Whatever. Go to a walmart or political rally and collect signatures for local elections or even state house or everything. Then you go into white hoods and get them to register and then to the polls. Explain the issues and they will show up and vote for you. A few hundred votes are enough to win many elections. We need people just lime you in political positions. Your gonna tell me your not smarter than a spic bartender whore? Yes you can.
Owen Harris
So what? Hitler is gone. We are a 21st century movement, not affiliated with mason scum.
Adam Perry
Luis Wood
Seems to work well for every military in all of history. Care to name a military who did use drugs?
Definitely seems to work for the afghans
Daniel Jones
No, and neither are you, dont get into street fight when the police and the courts want to put just you in jail.
Tyler Martin
The NSDAP started without any power too. You have to grow with people first.
Ian Lewis
It's time to kill these Liberal motherfuckers.
Jack Cooper
no fatties allowed. i hate seeing pathetic landwhale nationalists.
Nice optics in that collaboration video wit Atomwaffen Division btw. More Siege stuff less pretending you can run for election and take over the beast type stuff. 1690
Joseph James
pretty honkpilled for an fbi.
John Nguyen
But the Knights of Somons Temple are alive and well in Europe, and in Washington DC, half of our presidents have been one and trump went to Jesuit university.
Are you retarded or what? If you can't understand how this is relevant well then oh well