By 2050, blacks will be 25% of the global population. And it'll be around 45-50% by 2100. By 2150, 60%+...

By 2050, blacks will be 25% of the global population. And it'll be around 45-50% by 2100. By 2150, 60%+. And its only going up from there, because black Africans continue to challenge the social dogma that, Higher Living Standard = Lower Birth Rate. In fact, as living standard increases, black Africans are having more children, not less. Think of the arc of history. This is almost no time at all. This is a radical re-shifting the genetic baseline of the species Homo Sapiens.

In 1914, white Europeans were 38% of the global population. Black Africans were 2% of the world population. The country of Germany in 1914 had a larger population than the entire continent of Africa. By 2100, black Africans will be 45%+ of the global population, and whites will be around 2-3%. No indigenous European countries, let alone historical colonial states, will remain majority indigenous either.
Genetically, homo sapiens are changing from a species dominated by white Europeans and east Asians (100-115 IQ) to a species dominated by sub-Saharan Africans, and Muslims (75-90 IQ) over the span of 200 years.
Once you factor in race/IQ, the dominance of technology, and climate change, let alone the death throes of capitalism, and the ever increasingly concentration of wealth, it is easy to see that humanity has not hit the worst of it yet. Not by a long stretch.

There is nothing that can prevent this, except for a genocide of 5000-6000 million people.

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Good post.

Violence is the only answer.

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As soon as west collapse, negroes will be slaves again. Western whites only who tolerate them.

>except for a genocide of 5000-6000 million people.

I am incredulous at the traitorousness of our leaders

white liberals will protect them

They get the rope too

Do the majority of Russians actually think this way? Sounds comfy compared to the trash I see in burgerland.

Once whites become a minority, there will be no one to
1) give trillions in aid to Africa
2) give food stamps to blacks in previously white countries
Survival of the fittest will become the norm again, and naturally black fertility rates will fall again. Whites may naturally create ethnostates due to persecution or isolation, and they will bring the new prosperous empires. But due to the new hardships, democracy won't be an option, and women won't be able to vote for open borders and welfare state.

>Things that will never happen

more black people were/are being born between 1900-2100, than ever existed prior. In absolute numbers. Virtually 100% of global population growth between 2050-2150 will be in black Africa.

the real question is when will black African countries get nukes. Imagine trying to negotiate with them? Imagine their demands? Reparations forever. Guaranteed freee share of European land for black colonists. Guaranteed free share of all food produced by Europe. Guaranteed first fuck of every white girl AND boy.

Good golly!

It can't grow forever because even though leftists have become painfully efficient at feeding nogs, we can't do it indefinitely. We WILL run out as nonwhites get more and more power in western governments. Expect widespread death.

every time this is discussed, some literal fucking moron says that 5000-6000 million africans are going to somehow starve as the world watches, when native food production is skyrocketing. Hint: the areas of Africa that are skyrocketing population have an obesity problem, not a starvation problem. All that food aid goes to isolated regions, that aren't significantly important to the overall global population growth. Even if starvation somehow escalattes its not going to change what is happening. A nog has 9 kids. 3 die. Congratulations she still had 6 kids, while whites and east Asians have 1.2 or less. (South Koreans are the lowest in the world at 0.92 reproduction rate)

They won't because they can't.

South Africa had nukes, but when apartheid collapsed that destroyed it all or gave it back to the UK.

And? There are a bullion dogs cats and other uses creatures out there too who cares. Dumb niggers can't do war or technology or scheming.
The chinks and jews are a much bigger threat

>Do the majority of Russians actually think this way
Blacks exist only because Western whites feed and protect them, everyone else hates them, if the West collapses, Blacks will become slaves for the Chinese or Arabs. The irony is that the Negroes hate the only people who tolerate them, the same thing with American Jews.

>every time this is discussed, some literal fucking moron says that 5000-6000 million africans are going to somehow starve as the world watches, when native food production is skyrocketing.
What about wars?

WWI and WWI essentially culled us, we could have easily been 40 to 50% of the worlds population by now.

They are skyrocketing due to aid from whites, though, aren't they? I mean, see what they did to Detroit and Zimbabwe.

Here in Brazil, blacks can eat and procreate because we whites pay their welfare in ~40% taxation.

i'm sorry, but your genocidal fantasy isn't happening. A 5000-6000 million mass extinction event, 1000x greater than the holocaust, isn't going to happen. It betrays your ignorance, and delusion. Most of Africa, where the population is growing, is food sufficient for a 4.0 reproduction rate. Even in the worst case scenario, a nog woman has 8 kids, and 4 die of starvation. That's a 4.0 rate, when the rest of the world is at 1.2 or less. And again, black africans are bucking the social dogma that higher living standard = lower birth rate. for black africans, its actively the opposite, as they are having more children than before, and even the UN see no decline up to 2200 and possibly further. Past 2050, black africans are virtually 100% of global population growth as well.

Womp Womp

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Don't know about that. WWII was the war that woke Europeans to the fact they would be extinct if they didn't stop infighting. Wars in Europe were too constant before the WWs.

>What about wars?
Wars in Africa are mostly due to Islam. Maybe Islam will be their downfall.

Bitch you literally gave reparations a few months ago to the whites of ZIMBABWE plus their land back
What production is skyrocketing?the Chinese one?
SA is going to shi as well

around 100 million white people died between 1914-1945 due to war nad political autism (aka purging/genocide)
round that up for population growth to the 90s (when whites were last reproductively positive) and the world is missing a good 300-350 million white people that could have existed. The west aka whites committed suicide long before our grandfathers. We're at the funeral now, and nothing we can do can bring it back.

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Population projections that far off are meaningless.

Who’s going to feed them? Global agricultural production is falling. If anything they’ll be more famines in Africa in the coming decades orders of magnitude larger than what occurred in the 80’s.

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again, the kids are coming. The statistics are real. So do you think that 5000-6000 million black africans will die in your life time? That's what would be required to stay at 2019 global demographic profile. Let alone 1914 global demographic profile, when whites were 38% of the global population, and Germany had a population larger than the entire continent of Africa. (and it was all white people, not refugees)

Based Ukraine

>yfw black people are by definition the most biologically fit humans

Nigger you have a growing Chinese population that will take over huge businesses and chunks of resources esp water
Until every market on the planet collapses your dreams will shrink
You went from 8 fertility to 4 in 50 years

You lack humanity OP.
If we genocide them now, we only have kill 1.3 billion people instead of your proposed 5 to 6 billion.


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they win by default because our civilization committed suicide. It's not much different than the Roman Empire collapsing, or the Persian Empire collapsing, just 100,000x as impactful, and permanently shifting the species homo sapiens genetics for all time in the future.
You know those shitty sci-fi shows like Star Trek? If they wanted to be racially accurate, the cast would be 90% black and muslim, the rest east Asian, and then a token soi boi. Not that interstellar space travel is even possible for biological humans anyway.

Algae blooms that suffocate the ocean and kill everything, the most biologically fit marine life

No, you just bite the hand that feeds you. And whites are too emotional. The Chinese won't feed you when we are not able.

>Nigger you have a growing Chinese population that will take over huge businesses and chunks of resources esp water
And the Chinese are like the Jews, they will the best only for themselves.

I'm scared user.

Sounds like a lot of cheap labour for the Chinese

the HONK pill is the true and final pill. Detach from the world. It's over.
Basically, for whites to survive as an racial group, we have to essentially begin to behave like Jews. Whites will be a far-flung international race with no indigenous countries left. Held together by mutual racial/ethnic nepotism, in a world where the muslims and niggers hate us more and more, and we face shoahs every other generation.
Its sad, but you know its true.

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Here is your skyrocketing food industry

That's right b*ack boy,pay up.


>and climate change

If climate change impacts SSA as much as it is supposed to expect a DayZ tier scenerio.

It’s not going to revert back to 1914’s levels anytime soon but to project into the 2100’s is pointless. IMO we reached peak agricultural production in 2018 after a sunspot maximum lag added in with new crop production in Brazil. There isn’t anywhere else viable to plant and winter is coming. This year’s winter especially is a bellwether year as it will determine whether much of the US’s breadbasket regions are viable going into a maunder minimum. You can remove Canada already.

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> There is nothing that can prevent this, except for a genocide of 5000-6000 million people.
It'd be a shame if aid money was cut to Africa and they were subject to their natural carrying capacity. That probably wont happen though.

>the cast would be 90% black and muslim, the rest east Asian, and then a token soi boi. Not that interstellar space travel is even possible for biological humans anyway.
Only Asians/Whites/Jews could achieve that. Blacks and Muslims will take us back to the Iron Age.

>Blacks exist only because Western whites feed and protect them

Which is why a western collapse (USA, Canada, Western Europe) is the ONLY way to save the world. Take the 'death to America' pill. The USA is headed to becoming South America tier, unfortunately Europe's decline is much more gradual and they'll still give shitload of gibsmedat to africa.

Did we engineer the fall of Qaddafi to open a door to Europe in anticipation of the flood of Africans that will be trying to flee the content when their food supply dries up?

>No honk option

Whites have always been the minority. Quality, not quantity. We'll be just fine

Technological stagnation and even technological loss is a thing that can happen. Surely, once whites reach an insignificant portion of the worlds population, blacks will revert back to how they were, and if technological loss let it be, their population would also begin to drop as they lose the means to properly support their population. In the documentary Empire of Dust, we see blacks completely abandon the things that the whites left them. This all rests in the hands of the Chinese, and whether or not they continue "helping" Africa after whites lose.

Thug aim. You lost.

Kill the rap-obsessed degenerates.
Those sticking to their own race for partners, who are interested in basic fucking morality will be deported to Central and Southern Africa honorably and respectfully, with guns and farming equipment payed for by dead Jews.

>tfw humanity gave up on interstellar exploration to feed sub-humans

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stop using words like genocide, instead use words like "global cooling event" or "atmospheric ash cloud".

>By 2100, black Africans will be 45%+ of the global population, and whites will be around 2-3%.
What's included in "whites"? Just western European? With Eastern European and Russians? What about Mediterraneans?

Probably not with the sexual freedom our women have

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Possibility user, North Africa will be a growing region by then and Europe won’t be. It could be the other way around in time with Europeans fleeing back to Africa.

*North Africa (We were Kangz and shhhhiiiiiitttee).

I mean in the statistics

>muh dick, is a weapon of mass destruction for your world. -Tariq Nasheed 2018 with a debate against Jared Taylor

I'm incredulous at people's apathy to traitorous leaders.

>5000-6000 million
Why do people use numbers like this?
Drop the zeros from 5000 and 6000 and say billions you ignorant fuck. You're probably the kinda person who would say .23mV instead of 230uV (can't get mu on here...)

And how will they remain food sufficient forever if their population continues to grow? That simply isn't possible. Nor do I believe they will be able to keep up that infrastructure for long without foreign help.

Leftist everyone, just remember, you're stuck here forever.

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i specifically use it for the impact of it the number compared to the holocaust. The holocaust killed, at most, 6 million people. To stay at 2019 demographics, a similar extinction event would have to happen to 6 billion people. 6 million. 6 billion. 6 million. 6000 million. It puts it into context the massive amount of people. There is no emotional weight to "6 billion." most aren't mathematically inclined, so they need to see how much it truly is in a more relatable format.

China is more than willing to help as long as they can colonize all their resources, and ship manufacturing jobs to Africa. There is a reason that Africa is more and more beginning to become "China's China." Africa is also very habitable generally, and their food production is increasing more than enough to cover for the population growth. Africa is an immensely large continent, around 3x the size of Europe.


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Based and truthpilled

Hmm I guess that makes sense. The electrical engineering in me comes out with engineering notation and it sticks out like a sore thumb ya know. Carry on though


>Greenland is nonwhite

China is only going to look out for themselves. And a African population that large is a threat to them too. Don't see why they'd continue to source their eventual take over by blacks. Remember that they're no where near as altruistic as westerners are.

Won't work. Look at Brazil, where there are a few whites keeping it barely afloat.

It's like 90% Inuit, no?

>their food production is increasing more than enough to cover for the population growth.

No it hasn’t and once South Africa goes its breadbasket is gone. Have you not seen Africa Addio? They’ll slaughter the last remaining wild life in Africa and let whatever farming infrastructure there is go to ruin. They can’t farm no matter how much we spend on NGO’s. China will take from Africa what it needs for its own crop losses.

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can you post the source for this data?

Wont work. The IQ of mixed people is too low. Most half Black females in Europe are unironically hookers or strippers. What happens to the men only god knows. I have seen so much more girls it is already questionable. Whether Arab or African, in the end all these populations can only exist under White or maybe Chinese leadership. They themselves are fundamentally incapable

Christ, now this is a big think.
In the original expanded universe stories of Star Wars, the “evil” emperor Palpatine is actually the good guy. See, he used the force to know an extra-galactic Force was coming to their galaxy to conquer everything. He knew the only way to save his galaxy was to conquer and unite to defend itself from their galactic neighbors.
If your theory was true, the leftists are actually the good guys. I expand your theory to say the head lefties know of the cycle of solar activity that will lead to worldwide food shortage and famine. Instead of letting the shortages come and having Europe crushed by an army of starving Africans, the lefties in charge decided to shoot themselves in the foot to save the whole leg. They brought refugees now, in order to temper the Europeans against the Africans. By the time the famines begin the euros will have closed their borders to the Africans and, despite short term losses, in the long term actually win.

And produce more blacks, great idea. They'll identify and be identified as black until like octoroon status, at best

True if big

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Candida needs to hurry up

>The irony is that the Negroes hate the only people who tolerate them
exactly! they hate being pulled out of the jungle and brought up to modern standards but they sure as fuck don't want to go back to africa, american niggers are playing the waiting game to win the white girl lottery and have mulatto kids instead of some savage niglet that shoots up a crowd of people and no media coverage because thats just what nigs do so whats the point of shedding light on their destructive and reckless instincts

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They couldn't be the good guys, though, with all degeneracy and mental retardation they promote.

>This is a radical re-shifting the genetic baseline of the species Homo Sapiens.
>thinking anyone besides whites count as homo sapiens

figger nigger HONK HONK

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Africans birth rates have been falling though.

White liberals ARE the problem.

No, the problem is not the weakest. The problem is that the strongest are too weak.

>Just kill more white people!

Love ya mommy

Easy to talk when you're on the other side of the glove
Watch him kneel in front of a chechen master as soon as he accidentally says something bad about him

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Best way to prove it is to cut the taxation and aid. No group should really be working to support any other group like this anyway.

Honk it down

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ah shit

Just have more children than them you idiots.