
Why has no one killed him yet? If he gets re-elected in October I'm done. That will be the last and final straw. I can't take this anymore.

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God, what an insufferable faggot. You shouldn't post about killing this pussy here, leaf. It's dangerous for you.

hello CSIS

Its just FB right now.
>right now

The Liberals got wiped out during the last election, so Trudeau might actually be out of office soon.

Fuck off mountie glownigger

just reading the phrase "white nationalism" pisses me off now. how are all of these fucking people so full of shit

The polls say he is doing alright. Though they said that abt Hilary too. Its actually a possibility that he might be re-elected. I'm scared

Pretty sure he'll be gone.

Theyre done. Canada is normally a conservative country, the liberals only get in when people are pissed enough at the consrvs.

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