Demoralize me

Go beyond the normal infographs and other normal redpills, I want the worst of the worst, I want to feel a seething urge to kill

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Other urls found in this thread:

Take back our future.

black people exist
You are the bad guys, always have been, always will be

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Josh is a jewish name.

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Juden raus!


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jews are farming the goyim, destroying cultures and races, and theres not a damn thing you can do about it whitey.

You'll never have her user

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Nothing can really demoralize you if you just look back and see how much progress we've made in the last 5 years. Check the comments of youtube or wherever else on some leftist bullshit and then use the wayback machine to compare between now and then. Shills will say we can't win, but we've been winning for a while now.

Agree with this, their are more people on our side now publically than there ever has been.

Im not saying we arent but where not as successful as people here make out to be, how many people do you think are post here regularly, im guessing about 70,000 MAX

Yep. And not just some random nobodies. We got some big names on our side like James Woods.

watch the house hearing on criminalizing wypeepo that happened today.
candice owens was chosen by the gop to represent white america. godspeed laddy

>where not as successful as people here make out to be
In my opinion we're crazy successful. We've turned frogs, milk, and clowns into "symbols of hate and white supremacy". Right wing memes are everywhere from Twitter to Instagram and every normie site inbetween. We've sent the left into a frenzy with only six words. And we've done all this in less than 5 years.

The Neckpill user......

The neckpill.....

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McCarthyism was too little, too late.

FUUUCK.... Thats good.

We have social treads sure, but the people on Instagram arent engaging in conversation here or anywhere. they look at it and laugh, they see it as a funny picture and stay in that bubble and they CERTAINLY dont follow our ideologys

Your Dad is now Rebecca and he shacked up with Tyrone!

Every person you've ever met
Every book you've read
Every song you've ever heard
Every job you've ever worked
Every time you said "I love you"
Every time you pet your doggo
Every time you visit your relatives
Every holiday you ever celebrated
Every sunset and sunset you've ever seen
Every aroma you've ever smelled
Every thing you've ever done

will all be forgotten to time. Complete erasure.

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