AOC is clearly someones useful idiot

how could someone be this much of a tool.
No this isnt a parody account

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Comments like that are what's going to get her elected. She's riling up voters who are normally too lefty to vote Dem just like Trump riled up folks who were too righty to vote Rep.


Im a vulture god i hope she and her ilk get elected. They are going to be make me rich while the rest of america completely turns into a 3rd world hellhole. There will be bright spots of course,there are always "elyisums" in the 3rd world


She dumb dood..

"Climate refugees" have been the next hot shilling method for the far left since over a year now. Get with the times, boomer

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Look it up faggot, she LITERALLY auditioned for the position for Justice Democrats, admittedly.

I can't believe I'm the only who thinks she is a right-wing plant. At this rate she'll destroy the democrat party in 15 years

AOC is down with the clown

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>climate change is bad
>let's let in more consumers, give them 100x as much purchasing power as they had where they came from, and encourage them to breed!

Mexicans don't give a fuck about climate change. The all buy pickups and vans foe their huge families and consume massive quantities of alcohol.

Yeah that's my point.
Someone who is pro-immigration can't also be pro-climate.

>people migrating from desert countries that have been deserts for thousands of years
>people migrating from tropical countries that have been tropical for thousands of years
>climate refugees
Have they even bothered to explain how this is supposed to work, or have we gone beyond the point of even needing political ideas to make sense?

This. She is an actress. They aren't even trying to hide it.

They all say anything to attack whites. Remember, they claim white men are responsible for "climate change."

stop having white kids

No 3rd worlder, or 2nd guves a shit...they pollute like crazy. Its a joke

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I constantly bring up neocohens meddling in other countries, what the fuck is she talking about? And I thought they were fleeing war and oppression, not climate change.

Justice Democrats

what the fuck is this absurdity

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Christ nobody can be that stupid

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Yeah, we know. We've known from the start. That's what all the memes and outrage has been about.
Thanks pal you're a genius wow so smar

Climate Change is the excuse they are going to give for why these places have conflicts rather than because of American intervention.

I actually have to commend the neocons for figuring out a way to excuse themselves

Ok then surely she's all for us invading all of the countries which refuse to take climate change as seriously as we already do

She went to an audtion for the position you dolt. Its public knowledge.


Please , please tell me anons you all know she is acting, literally reading a script. Please.

Lol yeah it’s fucking climate change and not organized invasion to abuse a wide open country and welfare system, with half of its population calling to dissolve it’s own sovereignty because they’re too proud and retarded to admit social media fucked them up real bad.


Her Candace Owens, & the Muslim Brother Fucker are all plants.
I'm in favor of all of them because I'm an Accelerationist and their (((masters))) don't realize the effect these cunts are having.

replace climate change with rootless international clique and it all makes sense

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No, she attributes absolutely everything to climate change

god damn it Jow Forums you told me it was jews or some shit

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Mudshits flee their countries because America and Isreal work together to destabilize the goyim’s Middle East

she is also attributing people emigrating from socialist countries to the united states to capitalism
i mean let that sink fucking in already

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*will pushing for socialism

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There is one and only one reason people move to a better place - because they can. Everything else is an excuse

Car-obsessed americans pollute like crazy.

aoc is an idiot of
soros backed and they are busy

Well, if she's pimping global warming, her "Owner" is probably rothschild.

just makes you go uggghhhhh over how fucking stupid she is.

im not even stating she is dumb. She is...but her talking points all have a authoritarian lets open up the borders solution to them. Which is a signal she is someones useful idiot aka a tool.

the fact that she is stating this and the conservatives (who i.copied this tweet from) cant read between the lines proves how equality stupid they are.

illegal immigrants fleeing due to climate change NO LONGER BECOME IMMIGRANTS THEH BECOME REFUGEES. With legit reason to flee.
So imagine if the next dem politican gave the signal that millions of mexicans and africans and hondurans can openly flee into the country because the reason they were fleeing was due to a well marketed campaign to sell them as climate refugees.

Imagine it.
crying spic with spic baby in her arms like an african drought victim. saying no agua no agua. ayuda mi ayuda mi!!!

yea I agree she is soros little hand puppet.

DRUM uP Fear