>be me
>No senpai
>No wife
>A commie cook at 17
>Head Chef at 21
>quit restaurant today
>nervous breakdown

I have money to start-over somewhere else. This country is not where i want to be anymore.

Where should i invade Jow Forums?

I will work hard and exceed the standard expected of me.

Attached: american-home.jpg (1280x960, 727K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Come here, get credit, don’t pay it back, and fight in our upcoming civil war.

Attached: ED94DE12-73E1-417C-8E24-360B89F8CF58.jpg (768x571, 102K)

Tons of you UK expats here in Boston.

come home white man

Come here, brother.

i can help, how much you got

>>A commie cook at 17

What's a "commie cook"?
Also, you got a loicence for that ladle?

Not guna lie you fuckers are at the top at the list ATM.
Canada was Second until i found out they're leftist pussies

the bottom

Attached: pond scum.jpg (500x207, 20K)

Tips? I'm 21 and might come and die in the war fuck it