Pavement ape shoots good samaritan paying for people's food at Waffle House

Ezekiel Luke Hicks, 25, is suspected of killing Craig Arttez Brewer in the Newberry Road Waffle House in Gainesville.

Attached: Waffle House murder victim paid for others' meals, handed out cash - News - Gainesville Sun - G (535x497, 239K)

Too funny... when gibs entitlement reaches peak lunacy.

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This is why we can't have nice things.

Send the feral monkeys back to the jungle where they belong

damn thats fucked up.

To be fair. This guy was going around paying for lunches like a big shot. I heard this couple simply asked why they weren't included too. The "good Samaritan" became enraged and became hostile.

This couple simply defended themselves.

>faces drug charges, but avoided jail time due to pretrial diversion program
>kills someone because of 'muh gibs'
And they say blacks are misrepresented in media. Bring back hanging/electric chair/lethal injection in America, you pussies. I guarantee it'll cut prison spending and also deter many shit like these.

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Nationalism is not supremacy, just common sense

when people reach a certain purity of soul, God takes them home early so as not to allow a stain

Fuck delete this.

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You just know it was an all around bizarre ordeal.

He was probably drunk. Also, you live in Finland? Wow. What do you eat?

Nigger detected

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Is this sincere? Are you just this new? Jow Forums is a multicultural paradise of all shades of white.

Its okay, shooter will say he called him a nigger, and everyone will be like "he had it coming, we can't expect so much from black folk".

I live not to far from Gainesville. Palm Beach and Jacksonville niggers are the worst in this state.

no good deed goes unpunished

What the fuck are you trying to show us?

You retard. The victim was a Black Male.

>kills a man for not giving you gibs but giving gibs the other gibbets

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how do you know this
provide links