I was a narcissist boy growing up. I tried to be king of the world too. What should I do? I could still do it too, I could still become king of the world if I really wanted to. I know how to. But I feel immense guilt though, because I was narcissistic and selfish growing up.
My Immense Narcissism
you might be a jew
>tfw you'll never achieve anything of value but your immense narcissism will always convince you otherwise
.. get your head out of your ass?
The only person that will make you change is YOU. Figure out what it is you're doing, and begin trying to stop it when you notice it.
Likewise, think of new ways to react or treat people, if you truly care to change.
I remember this pasta
did you know you have to be 18 to post here?
Keep at it boy, you could be the next George Soros
I certainly felt Jewish. My mom even emphasized my 13th birthday as if it was a bar mitzvah "becoming of a man" I had a pool party with some friends and some black lady catered it, although not very professionally I must add.
I am 26
No you don't because this is original.
OP is a shill fag trying to imply that he is me