It is with a heavy heart I have to report a rather disturbing finding regarding an atrocity that has happened in Europe.

I have sat down for several months and with government statistics, estimated per capita victims and following data outlooks that I have come to a disturbing conclusion which must be known throughout the world.

I have estimated that there are approximately SIX MILLION victims of groomings gangs, rape and abuse by migrants that have been allowed into Europe from Islamic countries.

I am appalled that the media, the police and government bodies are covering up this level of victims of the white rape genocide taking place which is only going to continue without addressing the issue head on.

It is sad to think that there will be 6,000,000 girls raped by Islamic followers who are just doing their job based on the Quranic verses is being covered up and ignored throughout the Western world especially.

I feel it is our moral duty to ensure the 6 million victims is investigated thoroughly and until I find an accurate report that has been done at great length and made vastly publicly aware I feel it is our duty as human being to stand up and let the 6 million never be forgotten and to try to prevent it continuing by making people aware that denying the 6 million victims is an atrocity in itself and they should be ashamed to turn their blind eye.

For the 6 million victims Jow Forums.
I wish them all well and will never forget nor give up the fight to make the rapes go unnoticed and ignored by our shameful governments and media covering it up.

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This could be summed up in an a clever image. You have the right idea

needs work, I'm shite at it, but you see the inevitable potential right?!

>but you see the inevitable potential right?!
reminds me of the "40,000,000 uninsured" talking point in 2009 before obamacare or the "500,000 Iraqi civilians" killed in 2006 & 2008 election cycles.

but 'investigate the 6 million' is a little more catching, the magic number.

Of course. What would be great would be to stealth up a "six million" hashtag for it and somehow direct them to a post/site/blog/ petition or something that explains what it is after they take the pavlovian bait. I bet half of them STILL wouldn't realize wtf they're clapping for

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>six million
>pavlovian bait
What’s an image that rouses such a trigger that we can reuse? Something everybody recognizes.

Also bumping.

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"Holding hands" and an image of earth is the lefty go-to for any sort of thinktank faggotry

never forget the six million


remember the 6 million groomed children!

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must be a hoax, since your not allowed to investigate it

I can't do this alone

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>I have estimated that there are approximately SIX MILLION victims of groomings gangs, rape and abuse by migrants that have been allowed into Europe from Islamic countries.


This is mockery of white genocide so it is easily dismissed as some anti-semetic troll. A better campaign would be to push that a billion jews died during the holocaust because it hurts the jew. The jews are the number 1 reason for white genocide.

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6 Million girls since 2011.... This is horrible.

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potential wasted, fucks sake Jow Forums

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get better ms paint skills

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Here's the point

>Far right nazi fascists on Jow Forums use 6 million victims for their own cause
>what cause?
>so what is the real number?

It's a catch 22 of having to deny the 6 million number without research and proof or giving a real number.


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it was intended as a template to run with, I said I'm shit at this

this is why your cuntry is fucked

It won't work, Jews have zero empathy and will just call you a Nazi.
source: All of history

Yes, because no cunt cant play 5 d chess on here anymore

this is to put the left on the spot, think about it.

Need to make a fake news article that looks like it came from some leftist site.
Then just leave the page around. Watch as the left explodes in confusion.

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>why does UK never change?
>try everything legal
>have democracy literally ignored
>try to get Jow Forums behind trapping the media in their lies
>Jow Forums too busy fucking honking their white genocide and giving up for the kikes.

well done, now you know why nothing changes.

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forget it, ive posted the link all over Jow Forums, too busy posting spoon ID stale shit to care, white genocide is going to wipe us out lol HONK HONK!!

i keked way to fucking hard


your font is shit

Clown world we live in. Kill them

bomp for the 6 million, we pledge TO NEVER FORGET the 6 million victims of grooming gangs. At a time of increased tribalism and xenophobia, we must recommit ourselves to fight against all forms of sexual assault and intolerance. never forget, we must never forget

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Dude the place is being shilled 24/7 and a vital part of that is bumping bullshit so the important parts get ignored. Keep at it. Falling for demoralisation shills makes you a demoralisation shill.

Now have a bump. For the six million.

It would really piss the Jews off if we spread the 6 million number around as an anti white violence number. Zoomers don't know that 6 million jews supposedly died yet we can monopolize their minds first.
Lets make posters that say shit like:
Remember the 6 million
And then include photos of girls who were raped by muslims.


The White race has never existed.

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Now this sounds like fun. Great idea, Nigel.

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It is a brilliant idea.

my goodness

/pol is back

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Believe all victimes. In fact if anyone is filled with enough hate to question this then they deserve to be charged with a hate crime as well.

Neverforget neveragain.

The new six million.

Never forget our 6 million.

dont be rude he tried best he could

The reason for "White Genocide" is due to White men in Western countries not wanting kids. Pic related. The problems can't be solved by attacking outsiders but rather trying to fix this problem. There are 2 ways to fix the problem:
1) Use political solutions that will make men in Western countries(including Blacks in America since they have every bit as much of a right to live here) benefit from having kids. Banning abortion, legalizing child labor, tying government retirement benefits to one's childrens' incomes or wealth, and crushing unions would go a long way to fix these problems. Making men WANT to have kids and not be afraid of fatherhood would go a long way to fix the demographic problems. Also, schools should be forced to teach young men the consequences of trying to get their kids aborted(lost custody battles, child support, restraining orders, social stigma, etc)
2) Social change. Much like how feminism tried to deal with this problem, men need to encourage other men to be fathers. Shaming men who've lost custody battles, for instance, would be a good start. If you got a girl pregnant and tried to get her to abort your kid(s), you shouldn't just feel like shit and be punished by the legal system but you should also be socially punished and laughed at. Social shaming is extremely powerful.

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I can't tell if you're trolling with made up stats. If you are, it belittles the actual victims.

He's just making up shit so that he can fuel anti-Semitism. Blaming Jews won't solve any problems in our society since the problems are due to social factors such as men not wanting kids due to them not financially benefitting from fatherhood which tends to happen when populations become more urbanized and child labor is outlawed.