
Why do right wingers only finally come around to what leftists have been saying for years once its explained through race shit?

Being against the growing corporate control of America? Left has been there for decades, only took the escalation of immigration for the right wing to finally realize it. By that point it was far too late

Against the military interventionism? Every right wing blog was iraq war apologia before conspiratorial nonsense became more mainstream

Why do common sense, good ideas that would benefit everyone have to be baptized with hatred and conspiracy before you warm up to them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It must have the right wing seal of approval first or else they think it's muh leftist propaganda

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Case in point

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hey rabbi

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>Being against the growing corporate control of America? Left has been there for decades
And where exactly? Leftist politicians always served corporate and banking interests. They are porky's whores.

>Being against the growing corporate control of America? Left has been there for decades
Wrong. Every leftist I meet is the most materialistic sack of consumeristic shit I've ever met.
>yeezies or whatever celebrity shoe
>buy overpriced dog toys from companies owned by Alpo
>use facebook
>drink coffee
The main difference is leftists are too far up their own asses to be remotely objective about their plight. Barring some exceptions, conservatives tend to not

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But I was against crony "capitalism" and interventionism decades ago. I even voted for the nigger. The real question is, what's wrong with you that's preventing you from being a white nationalist? Either you're attached to nonwhites for some reason or you're mentally ill.

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>tfw the overwhelming majority of Americans, including more than 50% of Republicans, support medicare for all

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I think you're the ones who are late to the National Socialist party

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The right is always 50 years behind the left, it's how this system works. The left must drag them kicking and screaming to the future, just part of the american dynamic

You could literally say that about any group of people in world history

People can tell when an outsider is trying to persuade them, that's why you have to build comradery first

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Ah yes, liberals are super enlightened, that's why our society is crumbing, sorry

Well, you'd have made a reasonable point, but you're a commie and I'm sworn to shoot you in the head on sight. Sorry.

Yes. The future dystopia.

National Socialism was created 80+ years ago you dumb nigger. And actual socialism was created long before the kike marx co-opted the term for his jewish slave ideology.

>lets adopt strong welfare policies!

Retard. You can't have a welfare state with the kind of illegal and legal immigration that the US has. Especially not with America being Obese which is a huge cost towards healthcare. And doubly especially not with the boomers reaching end of life care within 20 years, which around 85% of healthcare costs going towards the last 5 years of life.

Completely halt all illegal immigration through any means, heavily reduce immigration from third world countries in favor of European whites as they tax the healthcare system less, instill a sense of patriotism through fitness and health (or build up Christianity again and heavily demonize sloth and gluttony), reduce all foreign aid to near zero (note that many other eurofag countries will not be able to afford their social programs without US military protection), reduce global military presence unless it's a direct threat to the US, build up the nuclear family through pro-family policies so single mothers and their fucked up kids would instead be contributing members of society, and then, and only then, can we talk about better social programs for the US.

gl feeding the world in your open borders unemployed welfare state, niggerfaggotkike

Oh but that in itself doesn't prove anything.
Both right and leftwingers can be wrong about the same thing, but in different ways.

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Jews aren't 90% of the top 1%. They are at most 30%.

So, yes, vastly over-represented, and by far the most successful ethnic group in the US, but not the majority.

Focusing on "Do Jooz" ignores the other 70%.

Capitalism is a form of unjust exploitation regardless of the ethnic composition of the owners and top professionals and managers.

this commie makes more sense than all u right wing retards

>The right is always 50 years behind the left, it's how this system works. The left must drag them kicking and screaming to the future, just part of the american dynamic

That's really the inherent flaw with conservatism, that they only actually conserve for X amount of years, and eventually give concessions. Liberals win long term, always.

Hopefully the next constitution will be written that an amendment to the constitution can only be done once every 50 years with 75% of states approving. A president will be able to make an emergency amendment only once every term with atleast 50% of states approving, and that amendment will either be erased or reverted back to what it was before, at the end of that presidents term. The next president may choose to extend that amendment for his term in office, and the next president as well. But as I said, each term will only allow 1 emergency amendment change that ends when he is no longer in power.

Will the liberals still win out? Probably. But it will take a LONG LONG time for them to do so.

Make eliminating niggers from North America central to your platform, and I will support you.

A very good question, but an equally valid one is why the left continues to double down on third-world immigration while at the same time advocating a strong social safety net? We would go bankrupt within months handing out benefits to the hundreds of millions who would flock here if we had open borders. You know that, right?

You can still have capitalism without a corporatocracy, and destroy the Mil-Industry complex at the same time by banning PACs, and reallocating defense spending for campaign funds. This would put every candidate on a level playing field, and eliminate certain advantages like having back to back TV ads for the same candidate.

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The guy is correct in the sense that these people just perpetuate the "problem" by doing nothing about it and still buying the product.

Or does that stupid bitch really think making that tweet while still buying their product will really make them change anything?

The genocide needed to turn 56% into 100% isn't going to happen. If the US wanted to be a white nation it shouldn't have brought in so many niggers.

White nationalism never happened because the white nations spent their whole history until 1945 fighting each other, and from 1945-1992 most of the strongest most developed nations spent their energy fighting socialism.

By 1992 the Amerimutts were the unchallenged hegemon, and the cheap labor migrant agenda was global policy.

White people have never united and will never unite as a race. They are too divided by nationality and socioeconomic class.

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The people who are called right wing extremists today are actually former leftists.

I've always cared about corporate control of america.

>makes the brown and female poor victims of a white male oppressor

case in point as to why liberalism is a mental illness.

>Hating capitalism while being overtly materialistic and a consumerist zombie doesn't contradict Marx in any way at all
>Coming up with something to improve something already made (neither by niggers btw) is somehow related because change
>Comparing your life at all to that of a Medieval peasant.

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Jusy say "gas the kikes" and we'll accept you, stop with the "i was right all along" shtick

>has numerous replies
Seems 'bout right.

>Against the military interventionism? Every right wing blog was iraq war apologia before conspiratorial nonsense became more mainstream
ironic now that the left are warmongering chicken hawks.

The left is against corporatism. Just ask the heads of facebook, google, amazon, twitter, unilever and a bunch of other woke ultra rich corporatists. I mean come on, facebook wants the government to help govern the horrible things white people say on social media. Can't get much anti-corporatist than that.

>Completely halt all illegal immigration

The left is against open borders. The liberals and the conservatives want the cheap, easily exploited, impossible to unionze labor.

>many other eurofag countries will not be able to afford their social programs without US military protection

This is bullshit. Norway and Denmark are in NATO, true, but Sweden has always been officially neutral and Finland was de-facto allied with the USSR during the Cold War (when they, like the other Nordic countries) built their welfare state. The Soviets and their satellites had welfare states too and obviously weren't getting any US protection. By the end of the Cold War, East Germany surpassed the US on some social indicators, as were the urbanized areas of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

Where the fuck does this "American military protection" meme come from? It's so ridiculous. US "protection" has probably set social progress in Italy alone back half a century, from rigging the post-war elections to Gladio state sponsored terror, to fueling a strategy of tension during the "years of lead".

>build up Christianity again

Unironic christcuckery. How stupid do you think the American people are? As bad as they are, the generations that are growing up right now with Internet access aren't going to buy into the bronze age mythology BS.

>fat people


Problems in most developed countries, not insurmountable. We could go a lot further toward supporting health and fitness, but big business wants more consumption, more insecurity and neurosis, and more mindless consumption. The left was the main force behind eugenics and healthy lifestyles, but corporate power won.

Hell even the goddamn hippies, for all their flaws were pretty slim, loved being active outdoors, and promoted eating real "natural" food.

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nothing was proved fucking retard.

That's less conservative than the current US Constitution. There really haven't been substantive Constitutional amendments since the progressive era, a century ago. Most changes in US law have happened through court rulings and regular statutes, not constitutional changes. Current constitutional changes require approval of 2/3rds of the states or Congress.

lol actual links and sources proving they are the 90% are posted here 24/7 but thry arent cause a leftist said so. go back to school

You are going to let 13% of the population get in the way of passing reasonable policies?

You are going to let blacks cuck you? You'll keep voting against your own best interests as long as blacks live near you?

>against military interventionism

Norway isn't socialist, they employ SOME socialist concepts. This is a stupid argument, you are a stupid person.

The left is against open borders. Open borders is neo-liberal nonsense.

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Right wing is synonymous with trying to go back in time. You're either a young faggot that doesn't know of the actual time period they reminisce or an old faggot that can't distinguish nostalgia from sensible political policy.

>If the US wanted to be a white nation it shouldn't have brought in so many niggers.

It didn't. Its government did, arbitrarily. No American voted for the 1965 immigration act or any of the policies that lead to that decision. This is a duplicitous line of argumentation that tries to depict the average, old stock American as actually wanting this shit when the reality is they never had a voice in dissenting against the matter.

>White people have never united and will never unite as a race.

Except for the dozens of times throughout history that Muslims tried to invade Europe, the Western European endeavour to colonise all other lands on the planet and turn them into extensions of European countries populated by European people, the Founding Fathers and the Constitution explicitly stating that only white people of good moral character are even considered people, etc. You Nazbol fuckers go hard on the pilpul, huh? Pic related is a drop in the bucket, I have dozens more.

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You have to actually organize a boycott. Corporations will only change their policies if it benefits their top line revenue growth or bottom line profitability, net income.

To affect them, you have to organize and carry out strikes, disrupt supply chains, sabotage production, etc. Those tactics work. The old left/ labor movement understood this. Today's radlibs and woketards generally don't get this and think politics is about their image, not their material impact on the outside world.

Regulation can work too if it has enough teeth to be enforced and to have a real economic impact.

But individual consumer behavior doesn't mean shit if it isn't organized. "Ethical" consumption is just another marketing niche. It does nothing to stop the unethical practices.

Raising awareness isn't enough to change anything, but it is the precondition for organizing and action. Individual private consumption choices don't matter one way or the other, even if it causes clueless people to call you a hypocrite.

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>Doesn't realize that humanity required to go left to escape natural order of stronger rules over weak in order to escape being ruled by faggots, beta kings, and totally tyrannical governments.
>Now that a Goldilocks spot between absolute totalitarianism and anarchy exists, we don't have to push left anymore (Authoritarian Republic/National Socialism)
>Left continues to push, using constantly changing list of "oppressed people" after the actual Proletariat's stopped buying their shit decades ago (not sex workers and journalists)
>Thinks every right wing movement is exactly the same and behaved in a hivemind like fashion
Imagine being this much of a projecting brainlet/

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Hilary was the personification of these negatives, and 2 years later we still hear about how Trump cheated when he beat her playing by rules that haven't changed in 250 years

"What particular social element has to be overcome in order to abolish Judaism? For the present-day Jew’s capacity for emancipation is the relation of Judaism to the emancipation of the modern world. This relation necessarily results from the special position of Judaism in the contemporary enslaved world.

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.

Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.

An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would be dissipated like a thin haze in the real, vital air of society. On the other hand, if the Jew recognizes that this practical nature of his is futile and works to abolish it, he extricates himself from his previous development and works for human emancipation as such and turns against the supreme practical expression of human self-estrangement.

We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate." --Karl Marx

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The source given in the image above doesn't say what the image claims. It's just a lie.

My best interests are to remove Non-Whites from my country. Economics are always secondary to demographic and social issues.

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why do you brainlet leftards think right = corporate stooge.
Thats what a leftard is.

>let's open Jow Forums and see what stance leftists have shifted to this week

Call it whatever you want (I'd call it a mixed market with social-democratic policies including a robust welfare state, sectoral collective bargaining agreements, and a high degree of social ownership of wealth), but recognize that these are good policies that should be more widely adopted.

Claiming we can't have them because brown people exist is just being a cucked retard.

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>Claiming we can't have them because brown people exist is just being a cucked retard.
No it's being intelligent enough to realize that adopting generous social policies in a country that's 40% shitskin is dumping money down the toilet.

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I can only speak for myself but I try to learn from my mistakes. If something works it doesn't need to be changed and vice versa. Leftists I know tho, started to be pro free trade, pro interventionism, pro globalization. Why? Out of being contrarians . And they aren't contrarians to the the power, which would be not that bad, no, they look to what far right thinks and go the opposite way. Before attacking an authority, they have to paint it in rightist colours. Some rightists act like that too but for the left it starting to be ridiculous. They started seeing FSB agents everywhere as soon as Trump said Russians were not that bad.

Immigration and diversity are bad for social cohesion and the US was founded with white only citizenry.


Doesn't change the fact that the US was also founded as a slave society that mass imported niggers. It was never pure white.

Europe also never united based on whiteness. Caucasian Muslims are white and some southern European Christians are browner than even Turks and Persians. Religious unity didn't have much to do with genetic relatedness.

Maybe its a bad system if it results in candidates like Hilary and Trump?

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Well that isn't going to happen. Refusing to support any reasonable policy to reign in corporate power until your white fantasy land magically emerges is delusional.

the real left has no/few politicians because you arent going to change anything through elections and leftists know that. The only reason to be active in politics in a capitalist state is for very specific reasons and objectives.

It wouldn't be if we had eugenics, a set of policies that the left supported and the right wing christcucks opposed.

>Doesn't change the fact that the US was also founded as a slave society that mass imported niggers
It was always the idea to send them back to Africa after slavery ended.
>Europe also never united based on whiteness.
Bullshit, all European monarchs intermarried with each other with the exception of Albania. Russia also invited any Non-Jewish Europeans to settle Russia and retain their culture in the 18th century. There was clearly some sort of pan Euro identity.

we are only half way to where we need to be.
we abolished legal class with the bourgeois revolution, but we must still abolish production class. Then we will have the optimal society.

What's with these faggots rocking the Commiefag flags and vomiting up any opinion Jow Forums might agree with? You understand Reality < Politcal ideaology? That we don't just move around set pieces so we can keep whatever brand we emotionally attached ourselves too? That reality being Equality is a lie?

You are confusing liberals with leftists.

based leaf

A lot of us here were "left" at one point. There's no "catching up" to do. I was what could be considered fringe even with a subscription to Adbusters, a copy of the communist manifesto, even volunteered at my local anarchist collective. The white guilt/self-flagulation reached a boiling point and what used to be a wing focused on consumer criticism and economics in general started focusing on little boys in dresses instead. Idiotic notions of "reverse racism" & "cultural appropriation" started becoming mainstream too. You fucking halfwits decided it was a good idea to make the demonization of your most influental base (straight, white, males) a constant fucking issue so I guess I'm on pol now.

>until your white fantasy land magically emerges is delusional.
You seriously don't think we're set for some significant happenings in the next few decades? The US is inevitably going to have a Yugoslavia style civil war on Racial lines. If Whites succeed we'll certainly see population transfers similar to what happened in the USSR post WW2.

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>It was always the idea to send them back to Africa after slavery ended.

Among the left (at the time the Republicans) sure, but the plantation owners had to have their cheap labor, so they kept the blacks as sharecroppers and tenant farmers. Northern industrialists realized they could get in on the game, and brought in waves of "great migration" to the northeast and Midwest cities. Capitalism is the reason we are stuck at 56% or worse.

>There was clearly some sort of pan Euro identity.

But more conflict within Europe than unity against common foes.

The future is red.

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Go on Jow Forumsstupidpol

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I really hope you are just learning English. I used to teach English to children in Germany, and you are at a 3rd grade level.

It's just sad, really.

Nice job trying to make rightwingers look though, then posting animu like a soýinjected reject

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Like, OMG! Why is it, that, like, the right wing death squad only realize that my broken system will totes work when we have one common enemy?
I mean, they need to totally chillax and read Marx! I know communism never worked--ever--but we should all be on the same page with destroying degeneracy!
So join up!
#gored #yolo #parentsjustdontunderstand!

Our geographic political divide is urban vs rural not so much regional.

I would support balkanization of the US, but I don't see it happening.

>The future is red.
Red white and black

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his english is fine

because "the right" that believed in capitalism then is still the same right as today, the new-right is overwhelmingly from different backgrounds, including what my guess would be majority former leftists
you didn't think it was neocon boomers radicalizing did you? lmao

>Against the military interventionism?
WW1 - Wilson - (Democrat)
WW2 - FDR (Democrat)
Korean War - Truman (Democrat)
Vietnam War - LBJ (Democrat)

Both US political parties are right wing, red scare propoganda ensured there is no left in the US, and a fairly weak one in the west in general.

We have the democrats, who are trying to drive is ever further into late capitalism, and the republicans who are simply resisting change.
It must be clear there is only one 'driving' ideology right now in american politics, the liberal ideology. the only resistance presented by mainstream politicians comes from the natural tendancy of some people to want things to just stay how they are. These people are just a natural societal phenomina that apply some drag to progress to keep it from progressing too quickly, they are not really political. In the current circumstances, with out any actual leftist force at work, we are depending entirely on trying to resist the negative changes the liberals are trying to enact.
This is not a winning solution. It buys time.

i never was against big coorporations as long as they serve me.

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You do realize most people on here are in their twenties, right? Who are you attacking here, retarded boomers? Well welcome to the club you fucking retard. Please kill yourself.