>Completely halt all illegal immigration
The left is against open borders. The liberals and the conservatives want the cheap, easily exploited, impossible to unionze labor.
>many other eurofag countries will not be able to afford their social programs without US military protection
This is bullshit. Norway and Denmark are in NATO, true, but Sweden has always been officially neutral and Finland was de-facto allied with the USSR during the Cold War (when they, like the other Nordic countries) built their welfare state. The Soviets and their satellites had welfare states too and obviously weren't getting any US protection. By the end of the Cold War, East Germany surpassed the US on some social indicators, as were the urbanized areas of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
Where the fuck does this "American military protection" meme come from? It's so ridiculous. US "protection" has probably set social progress in Italy alone back half a century, from rigging the post-war elections to Gladio state sponsored terror, to fueling a strategy of tension during the "years of lead".
>build up Christianity again
Unironic christcuckery. How stupid do you think the American people are? As bad as they are, the generations that are growing up right now with Internet access aren't going to buy into the bronze age mythology BS.
>fat people
Problems in most developed countries, not insurmountable. We could go a lot further toward supporting health and fitness, but big business wants more consumption, more insecurity and neurosis, and more mindless consumption. The left was the main force behind eugenics and healthy lifestyles, but corporate power won.
Hell even the goddamn hippies, for all their flaws were pretty slim, loved being active outdoors, and promoted eating real "natural" food.
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