is white men racemixing the last hope of the white race?
Is white men racemixing the last hope of the white race?
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The one drop rule is the one drop rule. If you have a single nonwhite ancestor, you are not white.
Holy shit that niglet. COPE harder
son = looks more like the dad (white)
daughter = looksmore like the mom (black)
is that how genetics work or just a coincidence in this case?
Why do these incredible white athletes choose to be with negresses? When they could have other beautiful white women.
That Virginia white bball player who just won national championship, Kyle guy, is dating some black chick. Prince harry married a divorced negress. Dork nowitzski with this negress here.
I can't believe even white men are being tricked into this miscegenation.
When they grow up they will be darker. I had blonde hair as a kid and am a full blown kike now.
They will all be dark once they are adults.
>"is killing myself my last hope of having a good life"
Stay in school, Bjorg.
only with koreans
>some black chick
>that flag
user, I...
That bitch is at least a quarter black.
Fucking disgusting this guy could have any white chick on campus and he's with that. Yuck
>is white men racemixing the last hope of the white race?
no, men having white children is you fucking cuck
their oldest son literally looks like he could be brad pitt's son
yall are jelly
There's no hope for the Swedes. They must be saved from themselves.
Unfortunately white athletes get heavily gaslit by their black teammates. Sports culture has become nigger culture.
you realize you're asian right?
White men marrying negresses is so baffling I almost don’t believe it. It’s just as pathetic as marrying a jungle asian (flip, hmong, cambodian, etc.) but with even more added virtue-signaling.
Furries exist and you're confused about bestiality.
I want to bleach an Arab HIJABI HOTTIE