Hi Jow Forums

I've been here a few times already. I'm back for a couple of hours to answer your questions. I'd like to stick to questions about the CTMU but I'll try to answer what I can, if I deem it worthy of my energy in crafting a response.

Attached: ONEORZEROYESORNO.jpg (249x210, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are traps gay


Are memeflagging faggots gay?

I've answered this before. If you have an XY chromosome, you are a man. If you are a man that dresses like a woman, you are a trap. If you, as a man, masturbate or otherwise engage in sexual behavior to traps, you are engaging in sexual behavior regarding men. Men that engage in sexual behavior with men are gay.

Hence, traps are gay.

What causes my dick pimples?

thank you

Good to see you back,brother.

Why are objects that travel towards me coming from the future?

Why are your mods such faggots? I have properly replied to the question asked in order to be eligible to enter your FB closed group yet they will completely ignore my application.
I really want to know more about your CTMU but it kinda sucks that you have such slobs as virtual bouncers.

Is it possible that humans are aliens stranded on this planet?

please give a grug brain, dumb-down iteration of the CTMU, as you see it (a tl;dr, if you will).
Also, what did you have against Brian Wilson? I recall you kind of dismissed him in a bodybuilding magazine interview on 'genius' term attribution. He seems to fit that category to me (p.s.-have you ever written or tried to write music, pop songs or harmonies?)


Since defining the CTMU, how have you applied it to a previously “unsolved” scientific problem and what was the outcome/breakthrough?

for those of us out in rio rhinelander: medium.com/@variantofone/explaining-the-ctmu-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-163a89fc5841

Ah, they are gay. Thanks for answering

His name was Rabbi Yeshua the Annointed Messiah. The name "Jesus" or Logos are satanic pagan-greek influences.

In the bible logos = word (Yeshau is the living word)
In Stoicism/Heraclitus LOGOS = force of reason.

God = a Germanic-Anglo-Saxon-English word for their Allfather Godin or Wod (Wotan or Odin). The father of Yeshua was EL (sometimes called YHWH), as in IsraEL, or GabriEL, or the Elohim (sons of EL).

Attached: Yeshua the Annointed Messiah of Israel..jpg (324x266, 20K)

>take different IQ tests for years
>eventually get used to solving them
>take a documented test at a psychologist office
>wew imma genius now

>>calling other people faggots

Fuck off you mong

Well, what would you like to know?

I think you've got it a bit backwards. Essentially you are separated from all objects by a distance. Light from that object is hitting your eye a fraction of a second after it leaves the object. It then takes another split second for your brain to process the information. So whenever you actually see something, you're seeing its past state.

Given that you have justifiable belief in an afterlife, and you conclude that things such as homicide will lead one to be condemned to hell - how do we deal with the Jewish problem?

Throughout history, it has been delt with by the sword. You suggest this will forgo one from entering the gates of heaven. How else do we rid ourselves of these parasites?

Say you became dictator of the US. Unlimited power. What would you do? Everything from education to military to eugenics.

Up to the relevance of perception, your mind and reality share an intersection and isomorphism. This is why the laws of logic and things like the scientific method work. Reality is logical. It is also perceptual in nature. One cannot know something exists unless there is both something to be perceived and something perceiving. Reality must contain everything that is real by definition, and nothing can exist outside of it. So it must also include ultimate explanations of itself. That explanation is the CTMU.

Anyone of any persuasion who is out of sync, as it were, with the utility function of the universe must be brought back in line with it. The CTMU states that they ultimately will anyway, but that doesn't preclude a general 'reckoning' of all who exploit and abuse both other human beings and our planet for selfish purposes.

We have a lot of work to do, though.

hmmm... okay, we'll thanks for trying to dumb that down, I guess. will try and digest.

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I predict that in the future in many western nations currently being overrun by 3rd worlders etc that there will be an increased in lone wolf style "white nationalist" (for want of a better word) charlie hebdo style attacks directed towards places like the ADL, SPLC MSM outlets, NGOs that facilitate the mass migrations, vocal multicultural supporters and possibly politicians which actively push the agenda. If this occurs will this:
1. Have any effect on the perceived anti-white agenda;
2. Lead to a curtailing of access by the instigator of such acts to social media platforms and if so to what extent;
3. Mainstream political discourse.

Although I am an Aussie I would like your views as pertains to the US.

Additionally do you feel there is a likelihood of a "hot" civil war?

do you care about civilization?
what do you think your role is regardless of how you may feel about everything you think is happening?
what do you hope to see become of us as a civilization?

The left has been ostracizing, humiliating, and patronizing even middle-of-the-road right wing views for a long time. When free speech is curtailed by the tyranny of public opinion in this way, and views are cornered and driven into cellars and dark places (such as Jow Forums), the sprout and germination of both radical ideas and radical violence becomes inevitable. Most of this violence will be directed at whatever the perceived suppressors are. Freedom of speech actually works, and the left used it to silence its opponents. I am more certain that they will pay the price for that moving forward, as unfortunate as that is.

Please get on an interview with JF Gariepy. Also if you can convert parts of CTMU to a YouTube format you could gain a much bigger audience. People would be interested in your thoughts on other topics as well. Please stop wasting time on Kikebook.

Do you believe socialism is inherently bad? I feel , as does a lot of this board that a masculine form of socialism. One that has standards and epects results is necessary to advanced civilization. Also how do feel about the Chinese social credit system? I think it is great and possibly an impartial way of realizing a meritocracy.

Timestamp or gtfo

So, the universe caused itself is what you're saying.


Did you even think about how your esoteric mathmatic over-shot word usage would cause people to be turned off?

OR are you just trying to sound smart? Because you come off as a psuedo-intellectual. And there is a paraphrased saying,
>people who don't really understand what they teach have trouble simplifying it to the common man

Also your version of "God" (which is a word meaning Godin/Wod/Odin) as the unmoveable and unchanging basis is a weak construct for a creative or Creator influence.
Maybe you should of read the history of philosophy and the problems that these argument create like sophists.
>Zeno paradox
>Parmenides entire life's work
These subjects you push in a sort of neo-philo mathematics way have already been said and destroyed over time because they lack fundamental consistencies when they are compared or contrasted or QUESTIONED over a long period of time.
Language and I'll guess math will eventually demoralize your work because that's what happens when you don't prepare for 'Reductio ad Absurdum'.

>The creator is constant and unchangeable
Then how can he create change, he can't even think of something different without a difference of motion or intention from the former state?

That's just one example if you get more popular. You're welcome. I'm the one who made you famous here (8ch thread) after running into a random youtube TV doc about genius like 2yrs ago. Kind of disappointed with the results though. Former bouncer myself. You should of talked and beta-tested with more people (as a people person) and seen if your theories were translatable to more than an esoteric-math-based few.
Just sayin.

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Is one condemned for partaking in such a reckoning? Can it be seen as a moral duty?
>We have a lot of work to do, though.
Where do we start? My only direction now is acquiring capital and starting a family. I have an intelligent fiancee who is keen on having many children. I have to be careful who I discuss anything thats 'red pilled' for lack of a better word, as it not only risks my career, but also my freedom in leafland. Most people are not receptive to race realism or understanding the kalergi plan, though I do try to provide an understanding for people I trust to be intelligent enough to overcome their conditioning. Is there more I can do?

Not only is the universe self-caused, it cannot be any other way.

why not?

Is the universe conscious as well as logical?

What do you think of my "proof" of having always existed.

1) Consciousness is not defined by memories(time)
2) Memories expand/contract as I forget/learn or even imagine things.
3) I cannot have existed for a constant amount of time "n" since I continuously experience n changing (2)
4) The fact that I don't have memories of before being born or the future is not relevant for my existance

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are human beings aliens stranded on the planet or did we evolve here.

do you practice meditation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, or any other forms of 'out-of-body travel'? can you relate your opinion and or experience regarding these phenomena?

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What do you think will be the critical point that causes the civil war/culture war to go "hot"? How far off do you think that critical point is?

That's where you are wrong. I can tap into forces that exist outside of this reality at a rate faster then the speed of light.

Developing languages is one of the worst things we could have done. The absolute majority of people are trapped in a verbal mind, I truly am curious as to how many people can even think at all non verbally. I have only spoken to a few people that think without words, thinking in verbal terms restricts you to no end. Non verbal thinkers are able to imagine and think of things most couldn't even fathom. Language is a virus.It's no coincidence that creative people don't come up with most of their creations verbally. When people talk about creating from a place subconsciously, unless they did so asleep they did so consciously just non verbally the same for when they same it comes from the heart. We need it to survive and communicate when we are on a lower frequency but i this current stage of human development it is unnecessary I think. I'm probably going to eventually regret posting some of my thoughts online but whatever, if you want to think critically and out side of the box. if you want to access your creative space, think non verbally

How do I quit watching BLACKED?

We know that objects need to be perceivable and to be perceived in order to be said to exist. This is logically necessary. For what would it mean to say something exists unless there is some mind there to perceive it and also to point to it existing.

Now, do a thought experiment and remove all possible perceivers but yourself from inside the universe. It's just you. It is now logically impossible to remove yourself from the equation without also removing the universe from the equation. So, up to the level of perceptual relevance, the universe cannot be said to exist or perceived to exist without a perceiver. So what happened at the big bang? The only explanation is that the universe perceives itself. It cannot be any other way. If you wish to deny this, you can, but only also by denying the validity of logic.

Physicalism Implies Experience Never Dies

Do you think we've reached the point of no return yet? or are the problems we face as a species manageable? also do you think when ai comes a(the) singularity will come along with it for certain?

How do we save the Western World without going Brenton Tarrant?

It can go two ways. Sporadic pockets of violence here and there that never increase over time or a gradually escalating spectrum one end of which is unrecognizable from the other.

Thank you.

On a serious note, what are your thoughts on Ted Kaczynski? Is ever expanding technological development the root cause of the west's problems today? Are people over-socialized?

>For what would it mean to say something exists unless there is some mind there to perceive it and also to point to it existing.
It would mean existence without abstraction. Coward duh

>Now, do a thought experiment and remove all possible perceivers but yourself from inside the universe. It's just you. It is now logically impossible to remove yourself from the equation without also removing the universe from the equation
You already removed the Universe and made existence a body, al la "The Myterious Stranger".

>So, up to the level of perceptual relevance, the universe cannot be said to exist or perceived
Because you removed it.

>The only explanation is that the universe perceives itself. It cannot be any other way.
Or it can be non-self-reflecting like plant and simply bloom. You don't need a will (choice) to exist, it just does and to reduce it to a "neeed to" doesn't negate the ABILITY to.

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You're welcome

Here is an interesting question.

Are all natural laws reducible to a first principle, which is by itself capable of generating natural laws. What could that be if you had to guess?

By natural laws I mean the most fundamental ones like the fundamental forces, gravity, concept of space and time itself.

Eating dick chocolate

Will I be the only one asking for proof you're the high IQ farm guy?

Anyone who thinks this should neck themselves immediately.

First of all, don't worship or condone the acts of that man. The senseless atrocity he committed did absolutely nothing to remove the real criminals in power, and violence is not the way to remove them anyway. They cannot be defeated in a head on collision. There are also a few highly questionable things about him. I personally will not Applaud the Mossad.

>Are all natural laws reducible to a first principle, which is by itself capable of generating natural laws. What could that be if you had to guess?
Why would you need a "ONE" principal? I think you want that. Why not say 3?

Either way, reduction leads to the absurd.

if you have a 200 IQ why are using the libertarian flag?

That answer is so vague, it leaves the question unsatisfied. I could have said what you said simply based on Pew. I'm asking, what do you feel will be the catalyst to start a violent civil war, and how long do you think it will be until that catalyst is achieved?

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>I personally will not Applaud the Mossad.
First smart thing you've said thus far. Coward

On CTMU I remember reading that in the end good(logic) always wins over evil, as evil is eventually exposed as logical fallacies and contradiction. Does this mean that God has not yet been formed? In the sense that perfect coherent logic has not been reached since evil contradictions are still being tried?

Thanks beforehand.

>if you have a 200 IQ why are using the libertarian flag?
He thinks he's being sneaky and can argue it wasn't him. He doesn't know how the internet works.

Unless the universe is abstraction, of course, which so far as you and your mind is concerned, is ALL it is and ALL you can know it is.

This is very interesting. Who or what do you think that perceiver at the moment of big bang is? Why did the perceiver suddenly come to be? Where was it before?

Thank you for giving your time and knowledge

Your questions are fucking gay.

If climate change is a legitimate concern, then why don't first world politicians advocate heavy sanctions on China and India as they create the largest amount of net pollution?

What are some simple steps every one of us can do to be better, more informed, smarter, happier, more skilled etc?

>I'm asking, what do you feel will be the catalyst to start a violent civil war, and how long do you think it will be until that catalyst is achieved?
I'll answer you with psuedo-intellectualismsss.

Civil War can't and won't happen aside from what we've been warned about for a long time. See Fight Club.

>Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.
We're in a WOMB and IDEAS war right now. This is WW3

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But then who defined that there should be three pinciples and not one? That itself must have been determined by some law or actor. If there is a single principle which could generate all others, at least it could minimize the amount of uncertainty with regard to this (although there would still be questions)

>Your questions are fucking gay.
I didn't have any question you fucking leaf

>Continually comes on here and LARPs as Chris Langan
>Never once provided proof
>Doesn't even use a tripcode
>Uses a meme flag, so, definitely not from Chris's home country
gullible faggots everywhere here

The universe is the Perceiver. You are a microcosm of that, a perceiver. Any properties you can perceive in a modeled sense, such as the laws of physics, magnetism, ecological equilibrium, mathematics, are properties of the universe itself.

Hi Chris
Just wondering if you could answer this user's question: I too am curious as to what your thoughts are on Kaczynski and his ideas. Does he have points you agree on? Points you don't agree on? Is his form of ideology a step in the right direction?

I'm too low IQ to ask a worthy question, but good to see you here. You're the only user that I wouldn't call a faggot.

I'm not going to pretend I really understand CTMU, but I'm going to ask you this:
Are there some potential experiments/applications that prove/make use of the CTMU theory that the conventional physical world view fails to explain/enable? Any example would be great.
Also does it coherent with the electrical universe theory?

I think I'm following the idea of the universe perceiving itself etc., but what rationale is there for the universe being "fixed" as it is?

I quoted "fixed" because what I mean is that we have fish, we have birds, we have the laws of physics, and so on, but WHY are these things as they are? Why don't we see birds that look like fish and fish that look like birds? Why are humans the only intelligent life form (that we're aware of)?

On that last note, does the universe perceiving itself suggest that it's more or less likely that other intelligence life exists in the universe?

Not OP, but Ted's criticisms were sometimes accurate, but his solutions were totally ridiculous and unworkable. People are not going to conduct a violent revolution against the state to liquidate their own propserity.

More exactly, Ted's plan would involve people going from their current Walmart and TV lifestyle to a more rugged existence, either a low level DIY civilization or even a hunter-gatherer type society. While that might seem like a virtuous idea, either society is not proven to be possible with 7 billion people, and definitely will not provide us with the comforts that this one does.

Therefore some guy sitting on a couch is not going to go and tear down "industrial society" when he has nothing to gain except that his behavior somehow matches the abstract and non-visceral standard of virtue Ted has set for them.

I've answered this question before, but conspansion predicts that dark matter/energy are erroneous predictions due to the inherent problems with intrinsic expansion, and that in the early universe there will be no dark matter or energy needed to balance the mathematics.

This has been gathering evidence for quite some time.

>Thinking Chris is on Jow Forums at 3AM eastern time in the middle of the week

Hmm, I want to correct you on that definition but I'll save it for my futue works. I'm tired of e-celebs stealing my creativity (not that you would on purpose or anything)

>Unless the universe is abstraction, of course, which so far as you and your mind is concerned, is ALL it is and ALL you can know it is.
Your position is called subjectivity ( a fucking cancer). And the abstraction has nothing to do with the observer.

I'll give you the children's response to Paramendis when he tried this shit.
>If you don't believe in change why don't you walk in front of the OX cart
Meaning if you don't believe the Universe can exist without observers, why don't you see if non-observation works while walking into a camp fire.

Oh, I know, you'll say the Creator is observing you burn. But let's say there is no constant "unmovable mover" (Creator), and we still have the same existence we have today. Will you still burn?

POINT BEING: proof through subjectivity and reduction is not proof, it's language based arguments.

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It might be him. He's using a lot of big words

Your mom kept him up all night, he needs to cool off a little

>That itself must have been determined by some law or actor.
Yes, it's an observed definition like 'ONE'. One apple, one orange.
>If there is a single principle which could generate all others, at least it could minimize the amount of uncertainty
Yes but "principal" isn't defintion, is it? It's action. Action does not need observation, only the defiction of the action needs to be defined by humans speaking a complex language to --- as you say --- create certanity (human understanding).
Thus we search the unknowable for self reflection

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Are you really him? Have you made posts or threads before this one?

He never says that the population would sustain its current size, in fact he states the opposite. Many people will die if his ideas are implemented


Yes, this guy has, with the same memeflag. Is it Chris? Absolutely not, but why? See: digits of truth

Why does every person that takes acid come out saying something akin to this near exactly?
>man we are all the universe and the universe is all us
Are the psychonauts somewhat correct?
Pls answer big nibba iq man

Great thanks for the repsonse. Is it possible to explain why the universe suddenly "decided" to perceive itself so that it came into excistence. I still have a hard time overcoming the chicken and the egg thing.

thanks obongo
if race war ever happens it should be called obongo war

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What will be the metaphysical trigger that puts an end to this hyper-materialistic mindset that has dominated the 20th and early 21st century?

>I'd like to stick to questions about the CTMU

what are it's practical applications, you fucking coward?

And who is going to support this cause? Even the most radical movements in history that have attracted support, promise that things will get better for at least one specific group if their ideology is followed. Who benefits at all from Ted's plan in a way that is immediate? All the benefits he says we would gain are abstract and distant, it is nothing we would experience. In fact if people carried out his revolution, they themselves would only suffer and condemn their whole generation to suffer, as the population is reduced by billions to adapt down from an industrial society. This would be an unbelievably painful process, and people would not forgive these revolutionaries for causing this.

How would discord not know by now if this is legitimate? I am way to wary to follow that url, anyone with a brain would be. Especially when it is spammed

>balance the mathematics.
And there is your abstraction weakness.

You think math (a language or measurment) is something beyound a tool.

>I too am curious as to what your thoughts are on Kaczynski and his ideas.
Degenerate fucking hippie who was MK Ultra'd. Some stop asking him Mossad questions and he'll stop ignoring them.

>Who or what do you think that perceiver at the moment of big bang is? Why did the perceiver suddenly come to be? Where was it before?
>The universe is the Perceiver.
>I think I'm following the idea of the universe perceiving itself etc

See the absurdity here.

1. The Big Bang model (masonic-gnostic) is the creation of the Universe from a zero-sum energy model (nothing moving).
So to percieve takes reflection of action, which means some energy pre-BIG BANG.
Some action...

And thus words become more important than meaning in order to 'prove' a position that Chris has:
>Perceiver = Receiver

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Would you agree that cryptocurrencies are the best way to combat the corruption of central bankers?