Prove you're not a mindless buffoon and say ONE (1) nice thing about the Jewish people

Prove you're not a mindless buffoon and say ONE (1) nice thing about the Jewish people.

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They hate muslims

They're killing America


I've liked everyone that I ever met.

Sue me.

Killing them sure puts a smile on my face.

They make excellent lampshades.

They make nice lampshades.

They are very good at subverting nations and fooling the goyim cattle with their pilpul

They make excellent soap.

Depends of the jews but they have an elitiste education wich is good.

Too bad they don't ever use it

hello nice thing


Jewish delis rock.

matzah ball soup is pretty cool.
bagel, lox, and cream cheese with raw onion and capers.

swear I'm not Jewish,
I just really love Einstein bros.

they prefer muslims over you since they worship the same god

they make a good soap

The only parts of America you don't like are Jewish, Krautfren.

I like when they go away and leave me alone.

I refuse, because a nice person is not a race.

They're doing their part to make sure the EU falls apart. Fuck your retarded wannabe nation.

They aren't plenty

I haven't met many in person in America but I liked everyone I did meet. I talked to many Israeli citizens when I had a port visit to Haifa while in the navy, liked them all. the idea of Zionism bothers me and I don't think the united states should be giving Israel an inordinate amount of assistance vis a vis the rest of the ME.


Palestine is reminder to us all what Jews are really like.
and I hate Mudshits so that should tell you something.

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2000 years.
No country, no home, expelled from everywhere.
Yet they control the world, the money, the goverments. If I had a chance I would go full on Jew, shame I don't qualify.

Mossad-sama if you're reading this I am fully prepared willing and eager to betray everything and become a Jew and join you.

They are wonderful people.

They have close family ties, like the two siblings in your picture, their kids are probably close to eachother too.

I can't think of any I know personally that I don't like either.
Grew up with a few. Nice people with nice families.

>Prove you're not a mindless buffoon
>say one nice thing about the Jewish people.

Choose 1

They created the whole education system lol
They basically want an america 2.0 to help them in the next war. The end of times. YEET third temple is finished. Who here muslim already? Unironically the truth. The whole netherlands is turning to be a muslim state under thierry baudet

They make such nice ashes.

they're tenacious

Jews rock!

I sure can, there is a kike in my department who never shuts up about her kike life and goes to all the kike clubs and support Israel events on campus

jewish girls

Jews Rock

they are the perfect black sheep

They should all go to Israel.,

Literally rock jews?

They're an evil that exists to let me know what good is.

God bless Assad

Some of them are secular and not complete fucking retards.

They sure persistant

They make the best ASMR videos

Their soap is to die for.

the khazar milkies meme is real
t.colonizer of a jewess recently

They kill muslims.

they have black eyes

They're so good at deceiving us gullible white goyim. They're so educated, smart and ambitious.

>t.colonizer of a jewess recently
She colonized you. Genestealers do not work the way you think they work.

They sure do have a homogeneous nation to disappear off to.

They leave us alone

what a cute boy on the left i love jews

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they make good soap

Jews are pretty cool guys.

They make exellent soap

What would you even use the jew soap for?

Eh collects money and doesn’t afraid of anything

you see a mom, dad and kids....
i see demons

clean my ass

They are very caloric.

They're cucking europe

They make really good movies

They are hella a good people

They do a good job keeping whitey down

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they make alot of money

I loved "Blazing Saddles".

They actually maintain family values.

While I'm at it, so do Muslims.

Laci Green is my Jewish princess.

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Jews have red hair more than any other race. Red hair is the rarest and most beautiful.

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There are some pretty good Jewish musicians out there.

I have never met a bad Jew

Starting to think this is all in my head lol

Your women are very beautiful, and I wish to immigrate to your Beautiful country

"Okay" JIDF.

They are extremely nepotistic. They look after their own.

Just wish white people did.

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I’m being serious lol, it’s only the high ranking ones

Your Jew in the bakery doesn’t want to subvert you

they do understand good and evil.


Israel under Netanyahu (and previous leaders) is a model ethnostate and a lot of the arguments they make for justifying Israel's existence apply to us too. Right-wing Israeli Jews are generally not that bad and just want their own country where they can be left alone. Leftist diaspora Jews are the problem, not nationalist Jews in Israel.

>Palestine is reminder to us all what Jews are really like.
You mean conquering a territory and settling it? That's what we've done for centuries. The Arabs/Palestinians were the weaker side and lost, Israel was the victor. It's their land, just like how Australia, America and Canada are our lands.

They're good at propaganda and sophistry. The best of them could come up with a convincing argument that an ham and cheese sandwich is kosher if they wanted to.

jews are great

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We have problem with Soros not with the common people and those who live in Israel. For example, I have nothing but respect for Ben Shapiro and Avi Yemini.

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Their ratfaced women have nice big titties.


They trigger the left, I like it.

some of the women are fuckably hot. bonus if they dont run their mouth

>Prove you're not a mindless buffoon by saying something factually wrong

This has been a /leftypol/ op since day one and it is cringe. You should be rangebanned for even posting it.

I don't hate all jews, my mum and my rabbii are really nice people

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Good with handling finances, memeflag

Unironically superior to goyim, who are proven to be cattle.

Khazars pare not even ethnically Jewish. They are just larping euros.

they actively shit on pigshit sandbaggers daily

jewish women are great at sucking dick

excellent at having Europeans kill each other so they get powerful

Make good kindling

Quit spamming.

Only 3.36% of Ashkenazi Jews and .92% of Sephardic Jews are rufous.

They are great listeners when you tell them to get on the trains and into the showers.