How do I resent work less? I've tried to be logical, like "hey, some people work in sweatshops or go hungry each day...

How do I resent work less? I've tried to be logical, like "hey, some people work in sweatshops or go hungry each day," or try to get excited about money, but nothing takes. I'm miserable every day and it leaks into the rest of my life.

I'm stuck in that corporate America, 8-5 nonsense, forcing myself to unnaturally wake up without enough sleep to stare out a window while life goes by while other adults make sure I'm sitting at my desk like a good boy. All for a paltry amount of vacation time 2-3 weeks a year where I still have to check my email.

Is there any way to feel more positive each day?

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Same boat user. About to look for a different job.

Work culture is so bad.

Yeah it's called finding a new career path

The economy is shit so you’re doing ok in terms of money. Maybe go on walks and contemplate your life. Find someone to talk to in person to relate.

If it’s a toxic environment and you hate it and would rather be dead then you are not meant to be there and need to find a different path. If it is only slightly annoying and generally like every other job I would say get with the program and realize you are privileged enough to be owned by people in America who allow you to work menial jobs for small wages as apposed to digging in trash heaps with your bare hands on trash-laden shores. Would you rather be walking barefoot through rich people washed up heroin-aids needles? or thrown away teddy bears instead of just working some boring not very stimulating job? Which would you rather do? Welcome to reality. Work hard and come home and enjoy what you can with the money you earn and stop being a bitch.

This is an issue though, I'm like 7 years into my field, and I don't know how to justify going to school again to make $40,000 a year in something I still might hate, when I make six figures now. "Change your career path" sounds good in theory, but is my problem going to be fixed?

I've been doing a lot of contemplating, a lot of talk with other people who are business professionals, even going to a therapist, and no one seems to have a ton of good answers.

The business people are all extraordinarily motivated, and have a chip on their shoulder where they want to show everyone what they can do, so they can have that sick car or sick house. The therapist thinks I should quit my job and join a drum circle or some shit, my parents just think I'm lazy and entitled.

I have to leave to the office in 30 minutes and the stress is probably gonna make me puke.

Trust me, I've tried to use this logic on myself. Frequently. It doesn't really help. I wouldn't call my job menial though, it's very engaging and rarely slows down, which is what makes it extra horrible. Everything is always an emergency, there's always tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake in every moment.

I find myself unable to enjoy anything with the money I earn. Vacations? Make me grumble I won't be able to sleep in my own bed. I come home and drink most of the time to forget how unhappy I am, and mostly just shitpost. Video games, hobbies, all empty things.

I even changed jobs and it didn't help. I appreciate the help, but "stop being a pussy" isn't changing anything to make me happier. I still slog in there every day and get my shit done, but it's like the light of my soul has been switched off.

Then turn it back on and fall in love with things that don’t involve sex and you will be okay. Learn to enjoy your own company. What is so wrong with that?

Where did I ever mention sex? Are you in the wrong thread? Also, I'm fine with alone time, but spend most of my time mentally exhausted.

Take a wholesome multi vitamin, fish oil, vitamin d, vitamin c, b vitamins in the morning and take magnesium, a liquid mineral complex, more fish oil at night. I didn’t say you were involved in sex or anything I just mean in general because relying on sex or porn is unhealthy. Avoid thing that make your soul feel dead go towards things that make you feel good about you.

Buy a nice quality bed and bed accessories. A lot if people's stress and anxiety originates from low quality sleep. You spend on average a 1/3rd of your entire life sleeping, why not put an investment into it? People put way more money into things they barely use. I used to say I was never a morning person, but I realized that was because of my shitty sleeping habits. I'm not a ball of sunshine, but I can actually wake up feeling rested instead of an irritable mess.

You don’t. All you can do is realize the system exists to protect itself, not you.

The only things that get me by are the very real possibility of climate change driven nuclear war and potential for AI to go rogue and kill everything.

Count your fucking blessings op because you’re in a very fortunate situation to hate such a cushy job. Plenty of people would kill to have that salary in a comfortable work environment. Think of all of the retail stores you pass on your commute and how each one has an entire team of people who have to stand every day and deal with shitty customers.

The solution to making your job less boring and shitty is to actually put in effort and invest time and energy into doing a better job. I know so many people that find the work day a slog and most of them find it that way because they’re trying the least.

You're experiencing late stage capitalism.

You can try to change your career into something you hate less, that seems like a logical solution to the problem. But would you have the time and brainpower to do so?

You're a slave, and those conditions are your shackles.

I make about 18k short of six figures as a stem in a fortune 500. Conditions are about the same. Everything is the end of the world. Everything will cost all the money.

What's really got you down is you are surrounded by idiots and pussies.

Something that has helped me is letting go of the goal. Of being perfect. Of preventing all the wasted money. Of putting out the fires. Just let go.

Why? Let me tell you. My uncled worked at NASA. He helped put men on the moon. Was an engineer, etc. When he was 80 he remembered very little of that. He did remember holding his wife in a shitty bed in a shitty house. This was a fond memory.

If putting men on the moon is barely worth remembering, how is doing shit work at a fortune 500?

We're all going to die and those work goals do not matter.

My plan is to save up 1 year of work expenses and move to a bigger city. I'll go through the motions and try just hard enough. Maybe stay late once a week. Then after I'm invested and qont lose my 401k matching, leave.

I've been here 6 years so I figure I can do a few quick jumps before I look flaky.

Why do you get up every morning? Is it simply to live or do you have something to live for?

The market Jew devalues your life and your individuality by turning you into an interchangeable part in a system that does not benefit you. Part of breaking that mold is finding a purpose higher than yourself and realizing that to live is to struggle.

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based blackpilled commie

>implying communism isn't the flip-side to alienation in capitalism

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Find another job?

Communism is not that different from capitalism when dealing with the human spirit. You still run into lackyism. And soulless work. Not being validated. Nepotism. Playing favorites. Politics and cliques in your work area. The shittiness of man still remains.

In some ways it is even worse because there is less reward for your suffering and it is harder to get resources for things that recover the soul like travel or art.

You would not be able to get a piano to write music under communism unless you could prove to a state official that you need it to help the communist state. So if you did get it you would have to write and play songs praising the government.

Capitalism sucks but at least you get a little me time.

Been something people have complained about since forever.

What is this 8-5 bullshit? it was called the 9-5 and included an hour lunchbreak. we're being fucked out of an extra hour a day and no one even mentions it. now if i want to only work 8 hours i need to skip lunch.

>I don't know how to justify going to school again to make $40,000 a year in something I still might hate, when I make six figures now. "Change your career path" sounds good in theory, but is my problem going to be fixed?
iktf. i did not take out 50k debt and waste 5 years of my life to make 40k/year. this is bullshit. all careers are fucking garbage anymore, all of them.

I have a decent bed and I'm very committed to sleep health. It still doesn't help the work nightmares.

I worked retail and used to think it was stressful and terrible, but the honest truth is, I wish I could go back (at least when I wasn't management). My job isn't boring, my job isn't easy... I try with pretty much max effort every single day, and I'm pretty generally overwhelmed.

This is exactly how I feel. The brainpower? Yes. The time? Not really.

Also in a Fortune 500. Thanks for the thoughts. I actually work with smart people for the most part, but everyone is critically overwhelmed all the time.

I wake up simply to live. I have zero purpose. It's miserable. I can't seem to find purpose.

Not that simple. I've switched companies and the problems are the same.

I'm with you, user. The irony is that I'm not allowed to skip lunch and leave at a reasonable time. It's 8-5 no matter what the fuck I decide to do with that lunch hour. So I leave and go watch ESPN somewhere, maybe have a beer.

It seems like companies are screwing people at every turn.

Because by the time that morning rolls around I haven't died. That's me, at least, although I'm not OP.