How do you cope with the fact that if things don’t change, you’ll most likely never be able to retire?
It makes it difficult to live in America. I work in the medical field and it’s turning into Wal-Mart.
It’s all fucked mate.
The world will collapse before i'm 60, i won't retire to anything but the sword.
If you are in that position just kill a local pedo and get sent to prison. Everyone will leave you alone and you spend the rest of your days playing chess and woodworking.
meh...people are supposed to work until they die....have you ever seen a 75 year old "retired" person? Your brain turns to mush twice as fast the day you stop making money for shekels...They only way to do it an not blow your brains out, is to work for yourself and start your own shitty little business...I did.
I find comfort in the thought that you are absolutely right and therefore our system HAS to change. It will be glorious.
>living past 40
Im never becoming a boomer, will go full sperg and murder as many nigs and somalis before then
Invest in stock and you'll be good
>you’ll most likely never be able to retire?
Known for years that the social security system was a Ponzi.
sounds comfy
work will make you free
work won't make you free
but we can make you look good
My retirement is a shotgun to the face
economic collapse is due every 80 years.
great depression was 80 years ago.
*that's when the full horror of Satan's design was realised*
You know what's the best and traditional security for retirement? Making many kids and raising them well. If you'll make 5 kids and get $200 dollars a month from each on top of your pension you are set to survive in relative comfort.
>How do you cope with the fact that if things don’t change, you’ll most likely never be able to retire?
Well, at least you don't have to worry about saving money for your retirement.
The future is going to be shit anyway, how would you enjoy your last years when niggers and shitskins roam the streets in packs, looking for feeble old white men to rob and murder?
I cope by taking over the world intelligence services with the help of Satan
buck up your ideas
No. That won't do anything. Kill jews instead.
You're incorrect, Big Brother will guarantee that our chocolate rations have gone UP 40% by retirement age.
Retire? I've been spending the last three years building up our homestead. I plan to do this until I die, or at least damn near close.
Lol im retiring at 41 years old with a full pension. What the fuck are you talking about wagie?
You will be an old man by then
41 is old
41 is the prime age to fuck thots and do dope shit. I've already been around the World twice with my current job so retirement for me is kinda useless anyway. I could die at 41 and not give a fuck. While you wagie cucks will be grinding your bones away until age 70 providing your grand daughter's for me to cum on top of lol
>prime age to fuck thots and do dope shit
What a meaningful life you've led.
>Kill jews instead.
If he is blaming niggers and spics for all his problems.
He is to low IQ to figure out how to do that.
And if he wasn't low IQ he would have a better job/life and wouldn't want to kill people
>fuck thots
I got that out of my system in my teens and early 20s then grew out of it...