Is it possible to turn an influential leftist into a white hate symbol?

Is it possible to turn an influential leftist into a white hate symbol?

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Ben Garrison

That should do it

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Make Jared Holt a symbol of white supremacy. HAIL HOLTLER!

kek. The true aryan face of hwhite supremacy.

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Heil Emperor Yang

half of Jow Forums comes from niggers and mutts how is it white nationalist

Fuck. At this point we can do anything.

They will point at anything we do as an example of “Look, they’re Nazis.” Like they think they have us under a goddam microscope. They don’t realize it’s a telescope and they are just seeing this tiny part of something much, MUCH bigger.

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Media says so, nobody questions the media. That's why we have all these refugees from those wars we fought it based on media lies.

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Why not Che? He hated gays and blacks

Yup. Which symbol do you want to hijack?

I don’t think half of you are using the clown meme right. *Honk*

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focus on the pride flag.

Pride flag

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Only if its Scott Adams.

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Based. keep making more, oh and share them on social media so leftists can see it.


Any Ideas?

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Not sure, just be creative.
try to use taglines such as:
>"A separate place for every race" 6 words = 6 bars on lgbt flag


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We need to declare "Jared" the new name for white supremacists, everyone knows if your name is "Jared" you wear an SS uniform to bed every night.

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