Losing th Cultrue War

The left is winning. A video like this calling out your ineptitude can gain hundreds of thousands of views and largely positive ratings and you can't do shit about it.

The Alt-Right's days are numbered.


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Other urls found in this thread:


WTF I just changed my vote to Hillary.

but leftist cant even say nigger omfg.

Not watching
Not listening to beta males
Reading books and making my own mind
Not a sheep to let faggots influence my thinking
Keep on radicalizing people to become sheep of the left
I'll be here waiting to profit from the low IQ sheep created
The future is beautiful in spite of this mental retardation.

another shill headed to concentration camp

Too afraid to have your mind changed?

sent ;^)


It's not the left that's winning. It's the Jews. They want you to look up to weak manlets.

>need a degree to get a good job
Stopped watching there. People actually believe this shit.

Mind changed by watching a video.
Do you remember the old movies where people were strapped to chair and were made to watch images/videos of things on a loop?
I'd rather read a book than waste 20 minutes of my life watching some sperg with no credentials spew some not researched information/ manipulating the narrative to show his wanted result.
No thanks libtard. Not watching.

Another loser just confirming the entire point of the video. You can be mad about it or you can be honest with yourself

he’ll never get the slide detached

And another

Come on ypou guys, if your arguments are so good, where are they?

People don’t listen to ugly people. This isn’t some kind of troll post or anything, but name 1 ugly person with influence.

by this guy? look his posts. pathetic display. Showing that carpet cleaner IQ

>someone took the time to make this video


And this Jewish gate keeper can regularly pump out videos like these shitting on the core ideology.

Alt righters are largely shills or plants. So good going wasting your time chasing a red herring.

Just realized I should have said ugly people that aren’t slinging money around.

Send a transcript of the video, it's an image board not YouTubeChan.
I ain't wasting 20 minutes. Time is the only currency that counts and I'd rather not waste it on cancerous shit. How about this argument, faggot?

This is so funny it's almost sad. It's like you're a parody of yourselves. not a single argument, just name calling and refusal to look at evidence


his voice is brimming with onions lol

Anyone who uses the term "alt-right" is a propagandist against nationalism. That's all to it. Alt-right is made up and demonized term by the media which is meant to be applied onto everyone concerned with demographics of their own countries. Which is most logical thing to be concerned about after millions of illegal immigrants are allowed in by traitorous and sold out governments.

Strawman in the first minute to deflect valid criticism (wheres the money?)

Doubt this video acknowledges the JQ or that all wars are banker wars for jews.

No need, she already won.

Its called shadow banning and skewing the numbers

Not ugly.

please don't say the n word

ive heard the same argument a hundred times. why subject myself to it again?

Charismatic and not ugly. Average looking.

Are you this mad over seeing thousands of people in the comments shitting on you? Can't even handle a simple Youtube video without falling to pieces. Must be the Jews, right?

we're not even conservatives you pathetic globalist shitstain

we dont want to pay for college because we dont want to pay for women to go on 4 year fuck fests where they're brainwashed into degenerate communists who think they're too good to have kids until its too late, and basedboys who major in video game design and end up as unemployed commies too

not because we're fucking republicans who dont like being taxed

you liberals are so fucking stupid and late to the party

I'm not going to waste my time watching the whole video if I already find one of its points wrong. Does he show later on how all good jobs require a degree? Or is it just an empty assertion? If its the latter amd not the former then fuck off.


checked and where are you saynerb?

It's about the Alt-Right playbook, you'd know if you watched the video
Literally giving up because you know you can't win

Why? He was charismatic and wasn't ugly (not by any standards, not overweight, pretty proportional face).
But calling us faggots because that guy was charismatic and people loved him is sad.

>falling to pieces

is this nigger serious

Look at my flag. It means you're not welcome here. :')

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Reported him to the local pd and office fbi

Eww an uggo. Thank god for anonymity

lol this nigger sounds like a faggot

Just 1 video and you fall apart. It's pathetic. If you're so sure you're right. Argue, fight, win. If you know you're wrong then refuse to look at evidence, sling mud, and hide in your hole.

Despite being 13% of the population

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Make an argument next time without projecting how you personally react to information which doesn't align to your own beliefs. Also that video is good, although strawmanning some imaginary "alt right" term, just proves my point.

>look up "alt right playbook"

>"what are the rhetorical strategies the alt right uses to legitimize itself and gain power"

its so funny seeing you guys literally shit yourselves tryign to understand why we're winning, when its simply because WE'RE RIGHT LOL

you literally think we're strategically brainwashing people with propaganda, you're so fucking stupid it hurts my soul

He is ugly. End of the story.

Pictures or GTFO.


>Come on ypou guys, if your arguments are so good, where are they?
Stop shilling your shit here faggot, Jow Forums is not giving you views.

End of the story, faggot.


lmao dude this guy is a fucking retard

he's claiming the alt right is some new thing of fringe extremists, with origins only as early as the 1970's thats entirely false, its simply a resurgence of old style conservativism before kikes took over america after ww2

you people are so fucking insane and retarded

It's not subjective, ask people on the streets like I did just now, tell them if Hitler is good looking.

The 'left' won a long time ago, of course chodes like this are getting more view, his views are in-line with the false conciousness of the modern West. The Alt-Right was always a counter-cultural movement, the age of the 'silent majority' is long past.

Normies can keep living in candyland for all I care, when the real world reasserts itself and their revenge-of-the-nerds model of society disintegrates in terror and blood they'll have earned it.

Oh look, another POL BTFO memeflag poast.

Ok I watched it and I'll bite.
First, not many really use those arguments and those that actually do, aren't knowledgable.
Want free college, attack the price makers.
Want affordable healthcare? Harass the insurance companies that pay $25 for a cough-drop.
Increasing taxes doesn't fix the problem, it effectively ignores it.

On taxes: You fail to understand how tax works. Want roads paid and paved? Thats from gas tax...and so on. An increase in a federal tax IS NOT a solution. It will continue to impoverish.
The problem with your video is that its all based on assumptions and ignorance. You have no evidence, just fantasy land thinking.
Before coming here, learn about the position you try and argue. Read a few books. Learn history. Or ya know, come here and look stupid.

He's a shill.

>expecting people to substantiate their claims is mud slinging
This isn't looking very good for you. You came here to BTFO the ebil nazees with your video. You have failed, try again tomorrow.


Not good looking but average looking.
I didn't say he was "pretty" but average looking and he was.
Beauty is subjective, are you really Italian? All the Italians I've met were pretty smart, but I guess you're quite the blacksheep.

>japanese gardening board

I really hope the alt-kike dies fast. so normies realise we need to get our hands dirty. no more politics. its time for action

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Literally fell off my chair and it shattered to pieces because of the truth bombs dropped in the video.

What a penisbird

Destiny is so hawt

i know one basedboy and its taken him until just about this month or so to figure out the "alt right" label even exists

ive literally been a nazi for years and talk with him about politics and he has no fucking idea

they're so fucking stupid

he doesnt understand anything, nothing about cosmology, politics, history, psychology, science, nothing, he knows nothing but capeshit, video games, zogfood and racemixing

honestly i just buy weed from the guy and take a dump on his brain in the meantime for keks

Not even average looking, they told me he is ugly.

>Censor the right
>Boost the left with NPCs and bots
>Haha we are winning!!
I'd like to see how good those leftists arguments and logic based though is when niggers come in mass to rape you all

The closest thing to an argument in this entire thread. Congrats, you took the first step on the path of not being a retard

50% of the crime

You're clearly not Italian and you sampling 2 people on the streets by asking publicly WAS HITLER BEAUTIFUL? Is the greatest faggotry.
Get back to Africa.

>2 people
Nope, I can go dowtown and people would still say that. You need proof bitch.

> ugly

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thats because the video is making an argument that none of us even care about, we arent conservatives for any reason other than the fact that we dont want to pay for shitskins and women to have a free ride to destroy society

other than that we're socialists

its the same reason why all white countries are socialist except america, the least homogenous one, because we dont trust each other due to the lack of racial solidarity so we compromise by having more selfish policies, secretly hoping we can kick the shitskins out and go back to trusting and helping each other out again

Yeah because going into the public and making a poll based on 1. A controversial person who's name is being uttered with contempt 2. While people are walking by and hearing the answers therefor changing the results -> IS REALLY A GOOD AND VIABLE SCIENTIFIC SOLUTION.
What school do you go to? Is it for mentally challenged faggots?

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>Thinks mockery is "falling apart"

Ok Newfag..

I dont think you understand. We don't want to talk, argue or converse with you. We want you to die in the fires of hell. Neck yourself.

Shut up N I G G E R Faggot kike

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Kaiser Wilhelm looks better than him.

>people hate him!
People can dislike anyone, they can still say if said person despite being a bad guy, was attractive or good looking, but nope. UGLY!

We're not conservatives, nigger. The video ends with "If you want to fight fascism, move left",using the regular strawman of fascism that you fags use these days.

As for media from our side not gaining numbers? It's all censored, put into limited state and outright deleted. But you already knew that.

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Dude, you're retarded. Can't argue with mental retardation.
Based on the aspect, he wasn't ugly. I'd show you people uglier than him that are alive today. Beauty is a scale and there are attributes that make you ugly by default, he had none of those. Stop being retarded and read some books.
Now please, imply that I'm a nazi faggot, while you know nothing about how you can prove the validity of any statements.
Jesus, fucking dumb people like you are why we have the EU.

I find it incredibly comical that the left pushes free college and free healthcare while COMPLETELY IGNORING that a college will charge $150 for a text book or that a insurance company will pay $200 for a bag of saline. There couldn't be a more evidential point that proves how breathtakingly stupid the left is and can be. They claim intelligence but lack the wisdom to research any further than their own echo chambers. Super power levels of retardation.

If you want to combat communism, move right.
Logic is not strong in that guy, innit?

>Dude you are retarded! Why can't you see how beautiful he is?!?
Ad hominem, FAGGOT!

>if it loks like we're losing, it's just a jewish trick!
Could you be any more mad?

I'm sorry, I dropped it. Who the fuck needs colleges when we have internets, and they're not only often better as an educational tool, but also almost free as both left & right agree it should be.
Was your post ironic? Because that video is talentless af. It probably was ironic, and I am a dumb foreigner again.

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ahhh my boy destiny. undefeated and fucken lit. he is a man's man

Kill yourself for shilling your video here faggot.

Didn't say he was beautiful.
>average looking
Ad hominem is a pretty retarded argument as I didn't attack you based on how you look, I merely noted that the mind-twists you make to 'PROVE' something you can not is retarded.
Monkey watching too much YouTube.

You attacked me! You are getting triggered over me saying that Hitler is ugly!

Lol. No. I do support this video though. These dishonest kike tactics are making more fascists every day than Jow Forums could hope to in a year.
Found the Jew.

Only dogs get mad. Humans get angry. Learn english. I posted counter arguments and you've ignored them. So, its just best that you grab a towel, wipe off your face, and go sit back down at the kids table.

What a waste for quads.
I ain't getting triggered. It's just that it's your opinion and you're presenting it as a fact.

>just name calling and refusal to look at evidence
That's because Jow Forums gets these low-energy garbage "gotcha" threads like yours every day of the year, maybe every hour of the day.
Your thread is nothing special and people are tired of wasting their energy with this sort of rubbish.

Bluepilled shill, won't waste my time any longer with this.

Another post by someone with no counter-argument. Everyone's a shill or a jew and you just don't have to respond because you're so sure you're right! Isn't that how you say the left behaves?

The term for it is brainwashed.

>but muh socialist Europe pays cents on the dollar for health care
> America has copyright for drugs
>Europe and Canada allow pharma to steal everything

I don't watch any YT videos shared to Jow Forums regardless of what side it supports. E-celeb shit is cancer.

It is a fact, go ask the people out in the streets.

>Comes on Jow Forums and expects to be taken seriously

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This conversation is hilarious. Hitler the qt3.5 waifu