99% percentile frame

99% percentile frame
99% percentile IQ
99% percentile testosterone levels
99% percentile hair
99% percentile beard
99% percentile muscle build
99% percentile income
99% percentile number of chicks banged

you literally are inferior to this man. How can one cope?

Attached: hasan-piker-04-1075x1200.jpg (1075x1200, 129K)

Attached: coindrop.webm (960x540, 642K)

>How can one cope?
Same way they always did.
Gang up on them, kill the men and take their women.

Kek. How come the Chapo Reddit liberals always raid Jow Forums but nobody here ever raids or even talks about them? It must suck not being a threat to anybody here.

I literally look like this man
Not you user?
Time to hit the gym, faggot.

He’s 5’2.

god i wish he were inside of me

>99 percent percentile

Attached: dcwqvmf-25435143-ad7a-4132-98b2-6c767526da8b.png (965x636, 94K)

>hair touches door frame
nice cope faggot

>wearing another mans name around your waist
Nah son, homos aren't men.

literally who?

Is Jow Forums the new /b/

Turks are homosexuals. Their national sport is fingering each others anus and grabbing dicks. Pic related

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 47K)

Stop spamming this filthy roach.

because gentiles are about to face permanent enslavement

he is a filthy k*rd, if i ever saw him and he try to say he was turk i would slapping him on his filthy k*rdish unibrow by the will of tengri

>perfect frame
>slouched neck which will result in hunchback by the time he turns 50
Okay achmed

Attached: 5202EDE1-18AE-4CED-9B59-C0B087DEE77F.jpg (608x719, 84K)

yaak that gross black skin

Can confirm life is super great for the Germanic untermensch. I don't have a high income though but doesn't seem to matter.


and 15 percent body fat

>99% percentile testosterone levels
that's dangerous you absolute retard

> 99% percentile

Attached: 1540875081967.gif (320x200, 560K)

*uber lmao

I carry a bit more muscle than this guy though but yes it actually gets frustrating at times, impossible to make make friends when you are super alpha because their women are not good at hiding their lust and their men, understandable get defensive and misplace their anger at you.

Sucks not being able to have a best friend :-(

Nice i have the same build but im white and 6´2.
Feels good to have won the genetic lottory.

Oh shit that's hot

Who cares. We probally live more before our teens are over than most ever will judging by half the posts around here. 30 year old incels were something inconceivable to me and I thought they were a troll until people like Elliot Rodgers started showing up.

Actually feel bad for guys like that and wish I could teach them my ways but whenever we share wisdom on this board we get attacked by the Internet incel defense force.

They're doing you though. You have not the balls to do them.