Bleak Future for the US

Anybody else super blackpilled on the future of America? Jews are really gonna hamper down on pro-whites, and any rhetoric which is anti-PC.
If groups like the ADL and other such groups are provided with "tools" by the government, we are all truly fucked.
Politics will not fix this, Trump will not fix this.
The only way we can truly liberate ourselves is a solution which is not peaceful. Irregardless of what happens, conflict will erupt.
International Capital is against us, our OWN Institutions are against us, our Politicians and everybody else.
Not only that, but the technology which will come about in the very near future is a Trans-Humanist nightmare, just look at this twitter thread.
This will be the end of free will.
Once you plug in, it'll be lights out if you stray from their (((plan))).
Although Trump has definitely moved the cultural overton window, he has done absolutely nothing for white people.
Whites need a wake-up call, and quick.
Have any ideas or insights?

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America sold itself out a long, long time ago. I no longer concern myself with the future of the United States because;
1) It doesn't deserve one,and
2) There isn't going to be one anyway.
America, and the Americans of past days, allowed this country to be taken over by Jews, let themselves be talked down to by niggers, and are now allowing the country to be invaded by the turd world. The ones who resist or have resisted this are too few in number to justify the continued existence of the country, especially when it's destruction would do more good than harm.

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~20% of the population?

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this. things were literally over over 130 years ago.

I'm going to blackpill you even farther. There wont be a civil uprising, and if there was, we wouldnt get our country back. Russians and the Chinese have been working for over 60 years helping to create an actual civil uprising in America. (They) have been using us as a tool to suck as much money and cheap/free weapons as (they) can. (They) understand we are going to collapse, they are just doing the things (they) can in our political system now to have the biggest profits before then, China and Russia are well aware of this, so are many billionaires. They will kill the stock market and our economy and you will see it happen as our country collapses from within itself. Civil unrest and uncertainty will be at an all time high mixed with a great depression in a modern world. (They) are suffocating us, while Rus and China methodically plan to capture the west and control it from the other side of the earth. (They) are in power in Russia, and control money flow to the Chinese. Israel will be the center of the earth and the central market hub of the world. The silk road will shortly follow America's downfall and ensure (their) absolute control of the world. There is no saving America from the inevitable.

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I predict a civil war by 2030. Things are bad now, but they're going to get a lot worse.

>when you try to stop the dystopia but realize it already happened many decades ago

Stop acting like Jews are so hard to kill. Just lure one into the woods with $100 and cave in their skull with a concrete block. Jesus, you people are such pussies. I bet you’ve killed 0 Jews. Hell, I have several Jews chained up in my cellar doing my taxes now! And I’m going to kill them if I don’t get a lot of money back.

i'm not worried because once we become a true minority (less than 40%) they will realize the error of their ways and will start passing laws forbidding brown and black people from having more than 2 kids. welfare will have to be cut because the majority of it is paid by whites, and asians are far too small of a population to keep up the standard even though they make more than us. just wait it out and if worst comes to worst, there's always europe.

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Jews may be the mastermind behind America's ultimate demise, but we let them in. We let them take over our institutions and determine public discourse and morality. There was something wrong with this country that permitted this situation to occur in the first place.

>he thinks he’ll be able to successfully vote for shit as a 40% minority when the other 60% wants to see you go extinct


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Basically. There are 0 realistic ways to fix this peacefully.

not us, them. as i said they will realize the error of their ways. you can't just eradicate the architects of a system and keep it running smoothly.

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The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

maybe we can concentrate the non-whites in the cities then have some terrible terrorist attack?

would the military leadership go for that? clearly we need a highly segregated military.

herb goes in the fields

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I don't want to have a family in the USA because the Democrats are waging economic warfare on the native-born.
I'm filled with murderous hatred for the Democrats.
I want the USA destroyed. I want to make sure it is broken and fucked up beyond repair before I leave.
I fucking hate the USA.

at least you can always learn japanese and go live a comfy and peaceful life in japan while all the other countries burn alive in shitskins.
>mfw all my struggle will finally have that life-long reward
Feels good desu

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>Whites need a wake-up call, and quick.
Nothing will happen unless
Food get scarce
Economic crisis
They (the govt) start cracking down on "white nationalism". We know how the ADL is, their definition of "white nationalism" will include being able to read the FBI uniform crime report or not wanting to kill yourself. They'll overstep their bounds and kick the sleeping giant awake.

What really makes me hate the USA is Google. It is an anti-male, anti-white gang. The people who run Google are fucking evil.

>would the military leadership go for that?
Military leadership is on the opposing side I suspect. It's just the majority of all military on our side.

They are hated by many. It's just a matter of time until some nutball shows up there and goes on a killing spree.

>200 proof
just use % like a normal human

So the question is now, what should we do for the future?
Move to Europe, where there is an actual real chance of it being saved?
The US will be ground zero for Brazilification and extreme violence towards whites.

Thread deserves a bump

Idk man, guns are here can you imagine using sporks in a civil war in the UK?