How well do you know Russia?

There is a short clip called "20 years of Putinism in figures"

*Putinism means Vladimir Putin's regime.

Here is an English translation of the facts for non-Russian speaking folks.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia is the richest country in the world in natural resources.

Attached: Russia is the richest.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

38 % of Russians do not have enough money for food or clothes.

Attached: 38 % of Russians.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Over 18 years, it has become 2 times less hospitals and 37 % less schools in Russia.

Attached: Over 18 years.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I have never understood why shitholes with tons of natural resources don't just sell them and use some of the cash to heavily subsidize technical training in lucrative fields like software engineering or some shit. That's what I'd do if I was czar.

>I have never understood why shitholes with tons of natural resources don't just sell them and use some of the cash to heavily subsidize technical training in lucrative fields like software engineering or some shit.

It's a common misconception that natural resourses make countries rich. In reality, resourse-poor countries try to make up for it with brain-power and high tech (like Japan), while resourse rich countries are ruled by cliques who just milk natural resourses for their own benefit (i.e. Venezuela, Russia).

Same shit with Saudi Arabia and UAE. They're complete braindead insects that need to import skilled workers.

Since 2000, it has become 2 times more officials in Russia.

Attached: Since 2000, it has become.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Just reading The Gulag Archipelago as it happens.

Russian officials cost the budget 20 times more than American ones.

Attached: Russian officials cost.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Yes, a KPOP stan truly is the best source of political insight.

Russia ranks 1st in the world in the number of teen suicides.

Attached: Russia ranks 1st in the world in the.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

I'm not the author of that clip.

22,6 % of Russians live without sewage.

Attached: 22,6 % of Russians.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

Ow poor poor russian.
Would you like me to give you some money?
Its not much but i can spare 400 bucks

poo in igloo

Russia's population is decreasing at a rate of 700 people a day.

Attached: Russia's population.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Resources are sold but things like oil revenue is only slightly taxed and what's collected is then lost in embezzlement schemes.
So most of the money goes to the oligarchs aka Putin's friends who misappropriated the oil infrastructure and companies in the 90s in the first place.

Because you would get MOSSADed. Did you really think arabs want to spend their oil money on golden ferraris ? They have no choice.

Moscow city's budget spending on propaganda exceeds $ 200 million a year.

Attached: Moscow city.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Based + suicidepilled.

Attached: 15481128142550.jpg (600x874, 77K)

It's (((Your))) fault, Shekelberg.

Federal budget spending on propaganda exceeds 220 billion rubles.

Attached: Federal budget.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

I just watched it for the girls.

6 out of 10 highest paid top managers of Russia work for state-owned companies.

Attached: 6 out of 10.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Russia and Papua New Guinea share 138th place in the corruption index.

Attached: Russia and Papua.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

"Apple" has accumulated $ 237 billion. This is more than the value of "Gazprom", "Rosneft", "Transneft", "Alrosa", "Sberbank" and "VTB" altogether.

Attached: Apple.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Russia ranks 2nd in the world in military spending as a percentage of GDP.

Attached: Russia ranks 2nd.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

A third of Russian families do not have enough money to buy shoes.

Attached: A third of Russian.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

пoхyй тaщeм-тa

Russia ranks 1st in the number of HIV infections among European countries.

Attached: Russia ranks 1st in the number.jpg (1280x720, 115K)


Attached: 1467290403209.png (633x758, 29K)

liberal propaganda n shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harvard University fund is $ 39,2 billion. Russia's budget for higher education is $ 8 billion.

Attached: Harvard.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

you saying all those statistics inaccurate? or wrong?

I don't think so.

Firstly why the fuck is there cringe K-pop in the background? Secondly no matter the situation now it was worse under Yeltsin. Russia won’t improve until it fixes its oligarch problem

In May 2008, "Gazprom" ($ 345 billion) was 2 times more expensive than "Google" ($ 170 billion). Now it is 11 times cheaper.

Attached: In May 2008.jpg (1280x720, 133K)


Attached: 15472297969410.png (416x435, 108K)

Additionally electing a pro-EU puppet as most leftist in Russia want to will just make the situation worse. They’ll rob you blind and destroy your country.

Alexey Miller is still heading "Gazprom" and getting 97 million rubles a month for that.

Attached: Alexey Miller.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Russia ranks 134th in the world in life expectancy for men.

Attached: Russia ranks 134th.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>Secondly no matter the situation now it was worse under Yeltsin

You just wouldn't belive how many boomers here use the same justification for Putin's rign.
His gang only made Russia slightly less shitty than under Yeltsin only due to rising oil prices.

>disliking disfunctional government makes you an NPC

wew lad, it's almost as if you enjoy suffering.

Since 2000, every Alaskan resident has received $ 25 874 from oil revenues. Russians have never received payments from oil revenues.

Attached: Since 2000, every Alaskan.jpg (1280x720, 237K)

gib me muh free money pls

Russia ranks 1st in the world in heroin consumption.

Attached: Russia ranks 1st in the world in heroin.jpg (1280x720, 186K)


did I miss anything in your idealistic vision of a reformed Russia?

Man, ask him

actually all liberals are shit eaters, that think its better to spam that "russia is bad lul i want to get to the europe to get raped by refugees" than actually solving the problem

this shit is cherry picked af
median salary grew twofold under putin, this is exactly why most of the russians support him.
the poverty was much more severe before he assumed the office.
actually, some time ago I dug into suicide statistics and in 2000 russia has 4 times more suicide than us per capita, not it has less.

>solving the problem

Then tell me what path would you like Russia to take? I agree with you Putin’s Russia isn’t ideal but submitting yourself as an EU puppet would be just stupid

Attached: 1532696723172.jpg (400x337, 25K)

Пeдoфил, ты?

by killing themselves

In 2017, Russian females aborted 770 thousand children.

Attached: In 2017.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

Hello slavshit snowflakes.

First step towards solving a problem is admiting it.

thats the problem. "how to solve the problem?" these liberals will dont think about this thing, instead they will eat shit made by liberal shit-making news

нy тyт ceглы++, cлишкoм мaлo

Traitor here. Actually the biggest problem Russia has, everyone bought so many cars the soviet urban infrastructure absolutely fails sustaining them. West can easily defeat Russia by banning export of catalytic converters, entire Russia will turn into giant gas chamber within decade. As for bullshit like people not able to afford food, just forget this BS.

Okay, let me rephrase. How do YOU propose that your country solve these problems? Don't sidestep and mention mass immigration or becoming an EU bitch.

The path of not having oligarkh-ran oil and gas monopolies.

well that's depressing. when I was young I thought nothing of abortion. now I see it as one of humanities greatest evils.

Attached: 12167014_1200863616596483_1335976776_n.jpg (489x604, 40K)

Video made by Michail Svetov - most famous russian libertarian and critic of feminism, left liberelasism, socialism, equality etc.

Also fact to blow your mind: Russia has twice per capita the steel production of US, the basic commodity of productive economy. It's not to showcase Russia's might, but how US fell under the leadership of globalists.

Attached: _.jpg (254x199, 7K)

Russia ranks 3rd in the world in gold mining.

Attached: Russia ranks 3rd.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Because he is a megalian handler of blue Whale/quite house suicide cult

I absolutely agree with you on that, oligarchs all deserve to hang.


Russia ranks last in the ranking of the effectiveness of the health care system.

Attached: Russia ranks last.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Is he something of a Russian Hans-Hermann Hoppe?

>resourse-poor countries try to make up for it with brain-power and high tech
This is BS. All of the hi tech is monopolized by kikes from New York and Silicon Valley.

All of these are proof Slavs aren't White

You live in South America tier hellhole

The state and state-owned companies control 70 % of the Russian economy.

Attached: The state and state-owned.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

It's liberal propaganda - the number of abortions is dropping steadily and is now 4 times lower than Yeltsin's days they miss so much.

Attached: 2017-07-21_15-19-05__ca0395aa-6e0e-11e7-87ff-06f7ed071225.jpg (649x650, 62K)

Hy нo дeжe

ahem, obvious, this video is made by Svetov, obviously, that video again about BAD EKONOMI N SHID IN RASSIA, DONT TRIT ON MIIII :(999

Vladimir Putin has been in power for over 20 years.

Attached: Vladimir Putin.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Russians = white niggers
It’s a fact

Умpи, пpeдaтeль!

Hé is an Ukrainian, and somehow ok with what is happening with his country because of the eurogibs bait

People like that thinks they can buy their freedom from the degeneracy with the promised freemonies, at least as the said degeneracy don't touch directly their person, and they are happy to see people around them falling because less competition for them..

He's also a pedophile.

I still got computer science degree for free and moved to canada

You are lucky nigger

For century(s) our "liberal popositioners" do one and only thing - admitting problems
When confronted with "how do we fix it" its either "+15" or "just get this one guy in power and half the population which is currently contributing to the problem in one way or another will just disappear"
Every single ruler we had in last century at least despite being different from one another still carried the problems of the old with them
Its almost like problem is not the political system, which we changed by 180 degrees twice last century, but inherent problem of russian state/culture/nation which wont just go away with simplistic kneejerk reactions like people who claim that putin is the root of all evil propose

What a great libshit thread.
Keep it going.

Attached: 1554924437925.jpg (882x1280, 483K)

>Its almost like problem is not the political system, which we changed by 180 degrees twice last century, but inherent problem of russian state/culture/nation which wont just go away with simplistic kneejerk reactions like people who claim that putin is the root of all evil propose

Um, okay? I never claimed removing Putin will fix everything, it's just that being indifferent to political and social issues cripples the country.

Life under Putin improved, this is a fact, no one who lived through the 90s will deny this
Now it just needs to improve further in order to reach Western standards, but it doesn't need to adopt Western suicidal policies

So you are still commies

Poverty is lower than in Germany, being poor in Russia is nicer, but even in Germany people can generally afford clothing. That statistic is pure bs
Want more fun stuff? Even in cities like Ufa you earn about half or third as much as in germany, but costs are:
10 times lower for rent
12 times lower for internet
10 times less for taxi and bus
3 times less for gasoline
2 times less for restaurants
4 times less for cinema
~10-20% less for most food
~10% less for electronics
3 times less for cigarettes
2-3 times less for alcohol

you're not really worse off, mate

Being unable to fix the persistent global problems without stalinesque measures, even them being borderline effective at all, for generations upon generations, centuries upon centruries, is what really makes people indifferent to political and societal issues
Do you know how to fix us? I dont, and everyone who though they did in the past were proven wrong by reality, even some really bright dudes
If you keep coming up with new methods to lash the sea but the storms keep coming then you kinda lose the enthusiasm

brainlet argument. Want a sewage in every single village and dacha?
That does not mean that they don't have toilets, they do.
That does not mean that they have no water, they do. Usually getting water is as easy as literally just pressing one button, yet you cucks claim "they have no water or toilets, muh russia is africa tier"

low quality bait

>Life under Putin improved, this is a fact
We see many facts in this thread. You didn't earn +15 rubles. Try harder shill.

What are you going on about? I just gave you a direct comparison to Germany.
You have to be borderline retarded to live bad in Russia, it's not hard to get a degree and job that pays like 60k rubles

You're retarded

Stop bullshitting Vlad cuz =>