More proof space is a hoax. The same image of a black hole released today was tweeted back in 2017.
More proof space is a hoax. The same image of a black hole released today was tweeted back in 2017
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Yes. They even said they took the picture in early 2017 you dumb fuck
t. schizo
kys faggot
I see the damage control from spacefags is already rolling in
Conspiracies like these are meant to make everyone who questions the government seem like cooks.
That is an incredible shitty picture
Yep, thats why they get spammed here so often.
Take your meds
>space is cool
>why doesnt anyone believe FACTS
VERY homosexual
Space is the biggest hoax.
It took them 2 years to release it?
What are predictions
>schizo poster
>space is a hoax
take your meds schizo
It looks red and not black
Looks like two hellish eyes but one is blind.
why would they have to "reconstruct" anything if it's just a fucking photo?
Why all the fucking secrecy and hype over the release of a fucking photo?
Why does NASA use fucking CGI to take a fucking photo from space?
>proof space is a hoax
Got to make sure you don't see anything they don't want you to.
I could explain it but you dont believe any of it anyway so who cares.
higher res image
Shut it down
>I'm ignorant so it was secret and shit
>Asking questions like a 4 year old
Where are your parents?
Do you retards really not know basic photography?
Not every photo in space is a literal photograph. Some of the "photos" are spectrographic readings on the light and light levels. Some are actual visual representations. These don't just lay flat onto each other to make a picture.
>space aint real cuz godd aint said it real
>space fake god real bless america
Because you're Danish, I might
I have a 2000mm focal length Dobsonian that I use to take photos
I've done nebulas, planets, moons, and even caught a spiral galaxy
Why the fuck does NASA act like space photos should be classified?
Where did you EVER get the impression that they feel this?
I do believe, please at least explain to me
It's not classified. You are just too stupid to use google. Btw the photo have little to do with NASA
because the kikes of MSM have been announcing the announcement for almost two weeks and it's a carbon copy of a 2017 photo release
because they have literally had sections of space blocked out from their skyview website
because fossilized wood counts as moonrocks to them
can we declare this black hole the new land of white supremacists?
the actual "picture" they took looks nothing like what they show
you can't take a picture 40 something light years away
it's density and light and shit and from that they make what it probably looks like
>they should explain this to people
The photo is from the ESA
because they release photos of "mars" which happens to be an exact replica of an island on earth
because shit like pic related happens and no one, those who should be the authority on such things, says a word about it
Wasn't that a CGI construction of the photos they expected to get?
Now imagine that this is satan.
that is incorrect
if you see light emitted, the distance doesn't fucking matter, it's just "older" light
Are you fucking serious?
checked what is that?
that is a direct pull from one of NASA's Solar trackers
The time elapsed is over two days back in 2017 and no one has said anything about it
Because what you're seeing is a reconstruction of light from another goddamn galaxy received by an incredibly sensitive battery of equipment operated by people who actually invest their intelligence into a field.
That about sum it up?
>what’s perspective
>if you see light emitted, the distance doesn't fucking matter
correct for observing it
taking a picture is a different thing
from the light they observe they create a picture which is still mostly guesswork
>this is nothing new, it's common knowledge
This is massive bait.
All I'm willing to say at this point is that NASA is getting massive budget cuts ordered by Drumpf. So if there ever was a need to announce an announcement for hype it is now.
Red Ice knew it all along
Doesn't prove shit, because every word translates to "to deceive" in Hebrew.
Just google it matey.
That is incorrect
Blumpf wants a Space Force, I've actually been selected for Officer's training this week
What does ESA mean in Hebrew retard?
The rocks in the front are on a small hill, which warps the perception of the shadow
The biggest loophole in this entire fucking thing ( not talking about the black hole photo sciene is always great) is the fact that dumb people on the Internet really believe they are smart enough to spot fakes with their intellect
>Some shit drawn with MsPaint
>Moon landing was fake
>Even more lines with Paint
"Real in my mind"
>black hole sucks photo(light)
>no graph
How do they know it is a black hole and not just a large planet being swallowed by the star?
Why the fuck are normies on facebook sharing this shit photo? I don't get it. Even if it were perfectly bona fide, why do people feel a need to personally share the pic?!
So why is it being spammed now?
Then explain to us without lines why there are unaltered photos showing shadow angles with a 40-60 degree variance from a light source that is supposedly 93 million miles away
Because the media wants their clickbait
Because sometimes people get excited about things, it's a strange concept to the average jaded 4channer I know
my dad did this; it's because they grew up in a generation where they were so pumped full of zionist spermatozoide that they worship the feet of the technological gods who are "so much smarter than them"
Looks like a violent turbulence on the sun's outer surface.
black holes don't exist
>a planet as large as a star
its because all of the evidence points to it being a black hole.
it has a massive gravitational field that's consistent with black holes
the image looks exactly like simulations predicted
also, the black hole happens to be at the center of a galaxy
All the sciency-people gets to post a massive digital FUCK YOU in the shape of this black hole to all non-science potheads.
Whereas you're a truly enlightened individual that knows everything, daddy would be proud user
the light souce is millions of miles away
If thats true you are a lucky Mc'goo
The 2017 pic was computed generated
> flag
Fuck off
1 i thought black holes couldnt be seen
2 they used a 'virtual' earth sized telescope to see it
what in the fuck is a virtual telescope?
This is real from JPL sun telescopes, but it’s from some years ago and not recent. Anyone posting this gif with false info attached, like stating it’s recebt, is disinfo trying to discredit it.
JPL can provide no other examples of the phenomenon they claim this to be ever looking at all like this, except after this was first seen many years ago.
No shit, they created a CGI picture of what they expected the real deal to look like, turns out they had a fairly good idea of what they would get a couple years later
There was literally a huge shitstorm over that and tons of conspiracy theories. Did you live in a cave or something?
That’s what JPL claimed, except it hovered in place while draining from the sun for an extended period before bursting away, and it has the appearance of a tadpole.
There is no previous example of “sun turbulence” even remotely replicating this behavior or physical appearance as a solid object sphere with a siphon.
Solar parasite, possibly from the Andromeda galaxy. They move from star to star siphoning the immense heat/energy as a means of travelling and sustaining their form. The Jews, Saturnic orders and pic related have lured this specific one to our solar system because they think it's a manifestation of Moloch.
>seeing an object in space and calling it an object is a conspiracy.
>it’s natural even though the phenomenon it’s claimed as behaves nothing like it and appears nothing like it.
To me it “looks like” a car at a gas station just before and as it drives off after fueling up, but we shouldn’t just assume on base appearance.
All digital photos are reconstructed from physical phenomena brainlet.
Hearty kek lad
Dude. Even scientists were baffled. And screaming "ALIENS!!!!!" wihout a thought is a conspiracy theory
This is misleading because for instance the way satellites picture earth vs the way an Apollo astronaut on the moon are very different even if your statement is true. You are disinfo.
shadows aren't parallel
That's the hot matter circling before it gets sucked in, idiot. It's basic physics. there are clear differences between an infra-red picture of a black hole and an optical picture of a solar eclipse.
I remember the event and JPL responding, they did not claim it was aliens or such, but a ‘common’ phenomenon on the sun, which they could show no similar example to though.
How does the heat signature escape and travel to us to be observed?