Leftist retard thinks that making some faggot video will give them onus on meme

>leftist retard thinks that making some faggot video will give them onus on meme

Why dont they ever come up with their own memes? Why do they just copy or attempt to "reclaim" shit that was never theirs?

Attached: Clown-Pepe-Lil-Lunchbox-Video.jpg (800x400, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


desu cringe failed attempts are a good way to kill memes, but it has to be an attempt to use the meme and fit in.
this is just ultra cringe, and frankly a bit disturbing


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Why do they all talk in this pretentious way and try to pose as smug intelligent, it's so fake and artificial. Personality disorders scream from these videos.

Tolkien explained it best. Evil is never generative or creative. It’s best Hope is to pervert something wholesome, good, and fertile for its own uses. This is why they responded to Pepe with Dat Boi and now clown Pepe. The forces of Satan, or as we call them, “lefties,” can’t actually create a meme on their own because they lack souls, and therefore creative energy.

Take their sodomite symbol, the rainbow flag. They didn’t authentically create it. It is designed to mock God and his promise not to destroy the world with a flood again, symbolized by the rainbow.

Satan is quite real and his will flows through lefties. But he can’t fucking meme.

I can’t stand her, some tell me what she thinks the clown meme stands for? Because is literally proving the clownpill by making this video

How about someone makes a new fucking meme for once instead of recycling wojak/pepe for the 100th time, this shit has passed rage comics in terms of overuse and unoriginality

Pol hasn't made a new meme for some time, too many boomers and new users

She's only proving the meme correct. Of course she is feeding it's power, and deserves to be rewarded.

Everybody left, we Urbit and i2p nao.

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how do i get in on this?

Have a high technical ability and then lurk ~zod for one year.

Isn't this the chick that stalked her ex at his job and put it on the jootube for pity when he drove off? For some reason this "name" rings a bell.

lil lunchbox is a troll.

The funny thing is that because of this gay shit we now know James Woods is Mossad.


It was always a LGBTQ+ meme.
Thanks for spreading LGBTQ+ awareness

Attached: clepe.jpg (450x448, 50K)


You heard me.

ur mossad


Dam sun

Oh look lads we got ourself a funny guy

>stalked her ex at his job

Some bitch tried that with me once. Got a restraining order immediately. Of course, that's only paper. But she was arrested.


Wasn’t she on a Metokur stream?

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A troll who knows who is running the memes. You've literally pasted this board with her ugly mug for days now.

Maybe she does 'own' Pepe now.

She literally became the Joker in real life.

Yeah, last night.

Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage

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my sides Hahaha
the shills are too strong

If you think that's bad her Facebook is absolutely other worldly and she responds directly getting btfo by everyone
I'd say we are beyond entropy here it was just too much

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keep sucking drumpft's dick claters

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Don't even know what this gay shit means but I've been to your Facebook and it's shit.
Can't wait for James Woods to btfo your mentally ill asss
You can't even create your own memes just coopt shit we've made.
I'd usually say KYS but seeing you and you (followers) suffer is much more entertaining
Also your kinda cute what a waste I hope you get some white dick in you might cure your insanity I feel sorry for your parents and race.
T. Virgin

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I was walking on the ground.
I didn't make a sound,
Then I turned around,
And I saw a clown.
Had a frown.
Stood on a mound.
Started barking like a hound.

Clowny clown clown.

When I came to what I found,
He showed me something that was brown,
So we became great friends and
Late in life, he got sick...
I gave him some soup, but he got
Worse and asked for it's purse.
It got it, but it was empty,
So it cried a plenty.
I wondered what to do.
I didn't know what to think,
So I got a drink.

And then I showed it
Something that was round,
And it died, smiled,
And fell on the ground.

Clowny clown clown

Thinking back about those days

With the clown,
I get teary-eyed and really snide.
I think that deep down,
I hated that clown,
But not as much as Mr. Farr,
I'm going to go smoke a cigar.

Clowny clown clown.

I was walking on the ground,
I didn't make a sound
And then I turned around --
I saw a clown.

Clowny Clown Clown.

I hate you clown.
Your ugly frown.
Smiley lips.
Think I'll clip you across the nose, clown.
Want a cigar?
It'll get you far haha
Like Mr.Farr... get it?
Haha Mr.Farr?


(Coughs) See what a cigar'll do? (laughs)

Ugly Clown.

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Stop clowning around

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women are ugly in your country. go back to fucking your brother

Why don't we claim her?

>women are ugly in your country.

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Why is it that I feel like the pleb mainstream is becoming more and more like puppets and were becoming the puppet masters. Have we become the 'jews'?


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That's the most obvious solution
Shes at least fuck able as well.
>mfw we can literally fuck a meme we brought into existence.
2d and 3d vr waifus btfo we 4d clown pusy now brehs
Next step brapcows

Just some NEET nigress' attempt to live out her clown fetish, disregard

bitch lives in sweden

okay you do it faggot
enjoy your zero reposts

user thanks for posting this its very high quality


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Why do you care about a random idiot?