So this guy is the founder of the alt-right

And he claims that Christianity is actually the root of all our modern woes.

Is he right?

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Judeo-Christianity is.
Christianity is not

How many "founders of the Alt right" do we have so far? I lost count

As many as it takes

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People conflate subverted, mainline Christianity with biblical Christianity.

The Bible is not pro-Jew, pro-Israel, pro-multiculturalism, pro-welfare, etc etc

>founder of the alt-right
>black hair
>black beady eyes
like pottery

He's a Jew, so no. He's a child of Satan and he's wrong.

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Explain the difference.

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>founder of the alt-right
How many are we up to, now?

who the fuck is this soiboi?

there is none


Didn't think so.

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Also notice the following:
Mencius Moldbug
Mr. Metokur
Murdoch Murdoch

turn MM sideways, what do you get? 33.

You're being had by Masons.

Forgive them, they know not what they do

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NRx isnt the same as alt right, and Moldbug never identified with alt right.

mm is secret masonic magic

Fuck Richard Spencer. I'm with whoever this guy is.


Moldbug is pretty interesting imo. Essentially laid the groundwork for the term 'globalist' to take root. He coined the term as 'the cathedral' but his idea is what took root into mainstream as globalist

the fuck is this

>canadian flag
like pottery

NRx is NOT the same as alt-right, but it was an interesting forerunner that was breaking away from basic bitch conservative politics. And he doesn't hate Christianity per se, his big thing was "The Cathedral" which came from an old book called "The bazaar and the cathedral". He also promoted the whole "pathological altruism thing" and "Progressivism is hypercalvinism" where modern American leftism is some mutant, atheistic degraded form of Puritanism.

Moldbug's biggest enemy isn't Christianity, it's the English dissenter tradition and Whiggism.

Khazar's being asshurt over their 2nd temple falling by the Romans is the root of all modern woes. FFS, look at what they have done to build their 3rd temple

Curtis Yarvin has fuck all to do with the alt right. Richard Spencer is the alt-right. He tried to sneekibreeki his way into mainstream conservatism but got outed as a filty white supremacist

wtf i love freemasonry now.

Abraham the root of all global tension throughout modern history

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>nigger black hair
>nigger black eyes
He's probably just an asshurt edomite khazarshit trying to subvert the far right.

it is, but it's also the root of our greatness
so, eh?

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oh shit witnessed

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What's the alt right?

I don't think it is the cause of Western problems. You can't say that the values you see that are destructive to individuals, families, communities, and ultimately society are Christian ones.

>claims that Christianity is the source of all our problems
>wants to go back to a monarchy with the leader justified by God

Pick one

also, Yarvin is a Jew, albeit an entertaining writer. required reading for anyone tring to understand post-paleo dissident rightism

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Nice Sam Hyde post mason shill, I know he's in on it too

i don’t know who or care about that guy, but the statement is true. the church ruling over everyone was no better than the jews and it seems like they rule together, take turns, and have brief periods of fighting each other for dominance over the centuries. just look at history, it’s right there.

>And he claims that Christianity is actually the root of all our modern woes.
He actually claims that Anglo-American protestantism (Quakerism and shit like that) is the precursor to progressivism. If you read about the feminisation of Christianity and the reactionary "muscular" Christianity, you will see that all that happened was that the religion was continually stripped down to mean nothing more than "be nice to everyone and you will be a good person". Look at what people popularly know about Christian teaching: "turn the other cheek", "love thy neighbour", and "he without sin cast the first stone". Never mind that Jesus also said to cut your hand off or pluck your eye out if it causes you to sin or that Jews are part of the Church of Satan. We now just have hippy Jesus that condemns no one and loves all unconditionally.

>We now just have hippy Jesus that condemns no one and loves all unconditionally.
That's literally Jesus' teaching on the nature of the Father in the synoptic gospels. It's a logical conclusion of synoptianity. You have to ignore the sinister authors of the Bible for the religion to work. The fruit of Bible idolatry is death.

>the alt right
>an umbrella term created by the MSM to disambiguate all rational opinions to emotional conjectures based upon who is saying what

>if you don't like immigration then you are alt right
>if you don't like abortions then you are alt right
>if you think private individuals should own guns then you are alt right

It's marxist ideologues that perpetuate through all progressive/conservative conjectures. You either believe in a moral change or you are degenerative and counter revolutionary.

Straight commie double speak.

Lol, you're fucking retarded. Have you forgotten about the existence of pagan Gods? The first monarchs' rules were justified by pagan gods.
