Well Jow Forums you won, how does it feel?
Well Jow Forums you won, how does it feel?
We will make them ban things until they have nothing to ban.
Feels good tbqh
feels OK
Ok is not ok
Clown world strikes again
We are running out of things that aren't banned tho
We aren't done yet
clown supremacy is the greatest threat to srs bidness in the west
Amazing how leftists go insane over harmless shit. Everything they call racist just becomes more normalized and popular and it drives them crazy. Kek it's beautiful
>how does it feel?
No amount of memery will ever fill the void in my hole in my heart.
Nice knowing our luck it will work
>you've won
that's funny because I don't see Hitler anywhere. Guess we need to keep pushing
Can we please push this
We still have a lot to do. Hope we have enough time.
I can't believe how much propaganda GenZ is being fed.
Bitch actually said its not ok to be white during a committee meeting in the House yesterday. Honk honk
We have to turn the Star of David into a white supremacist symbol. Force the Jews to ban it.
Start pushing some outright lefty shit as white supremacist alt-right signalling
Somehow flip 'Diversity is strength' so we don't have to hear that any more
What about when basketball players do it when they make a three-pointer?
Diversity is our strength- reject race mixing!
careful what you wish for
>progressives cry like pussies over nothing as usual
Wonder what the next retarded hate symbol is going to be?
Time to make the Overwatch symbol a symbol of white supremacy
Feels good. We should get thumbs up to the same level of meme or more. It would be easy. Watch every website full of cucks get all faggy over the upvote function.
I dont think people who write articles like that have ever watched or played sports.
Operation Bifröst
In Norse mythology, Bifröst is a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard and Asgard, the realm of the gods.
Time to reclaim this Aryan symbol.
Of course not, but I would love to show them pics of black athletes doing it.
Breathing and eating food is racist, because fuck it why not?
Surviving is racist. Run with it.
You have no idea what powers you're messing with here.
Do it.
this is actually a good idea. all you have to do is make memes about how Trump and Netanyahu are pals and how Israel's annexation of the West Bank is ethno-nationalism.
its all true too
And this is just the beginning *honk*
Can they move to China already?
what would really work is if the Daily Stormer started pumping a bunch of really pro-Israel stuff with the Israeli flag put front in center
talk about how based Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing is
what did blizzard do?
>Well Jow Forums you won, how does it feel?
Feels like time to expand the operation.
Ok is 666
It means money in japanese, these people are racist
This is actually doable since so many jews identify themselves as white.
Need to equate Jew star with ((white supremacy)’ holding the brown Palestinian down.
In the eyes of all the coloreds of the world they are white. They are just too stupid to understand that.
Is this proof that we are winning or losing the culture war?
Fuck yes! Go with this!
>Well Jow Forums you won, how does it feel?
Pretty fucking good mate. Operation O-KKK has been an amazing success, a triumph.
fells powerful breh
AccEEEEEElerate good times COMEON
Every time some nigger shit comes up in a news article, simply reply; diversity is our strength. Some nigger kills a kid for cocaine, diversity is our strength. Rinse, repeat