America should take in more immigrants, it’s great for gdp

America should take in more immigrants, it’s great for gdp

>America is not full, or even close. Has the president been to Montana
>Economically, the president couldn’t be more wrong. More immigration would better serve America, for very simple reasons. And better economic and trade policy with Central America, coupled with a dose of cooperation on internal security and law enforcement in areas where human-rights groups like Amnesty International report widespread abuse of kids and young women by criminal gangs, would mean fewer people who run for the border in the first place.
>First of all, economic growth depends in part on population growth. The popular formula is that the economy’s potential growth rate — its so-called speed limit — is about the sum of the labor force growth and productivity growth. The reason economists think the U.S. economy can really only grow between 2% and 2.5% annually is that each of those factors only grows about 1% each year.
>So more people here — especially people old enough to work — would be a spur to consumption, which is most of the economy. If the president wants the economy to grow 3% a year — or the 4% to 6% he claims to be delivering when he gets on a roll (his first two years averaged 2.55% even with a deficit-funded tax cut) — he’d best make population grow.
>Second, the U.S. economy has 7.1 million open jobs right now, about 15% more than the number of unemployed people. And if more immigrants came to fill some of those jobs, and consume stuff, they’d generate still more job openings. That’s how this works. Pretty basic, really.

We need more immigrants (expect Europeans, we should only take in brown people)

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Thanks Trump

Three years later and still winning...

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Immigrants should go to Mongolia. Or far east Russia. Fuck having them come to a country that white man has built up

Opinion: Gas the Kikes Race War Now.

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Hey there Schlomo

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We need more brown people in white countries, think of the food and the few attractive ones

so the only reason the US needs more inmigrants is because American citizens refuse to get paid shitty wages and be slaves of consumerism.

anyway trew away your culture, safety, social cohesion (if there's any at this point) social trust and bring more culture wars/clash and people incompatible with western values. Yaaayyy

I don't know why people who are not kikes, shill so much for inmigration. America has more than 300 million people and technology and a lot of academias. Thinking there are nobody who can claim these jobs, is just a lie.

>And if more immigrants came to fill some of those jobs, and consume stuff, they’d generate still more job openings. That’s how this works. Pretty basic, really.

Then why mention he job availability % if it's never going to be zero? Of course if you bring in more immigrants, they create jobs, and thus job openings, and so how do you fill those new jobs if people arent having kids? Why, more immigrants of course! It's a never ending loop.

If the population growth stopped completely right now, the job opening rate would remain fairly stable until companies started shutting down, at which point those available jobs from those companies don't exist anymore. Because you need new people to constantly create jobs, no people = no new job openings.

Weird how not a SINGLE politician has suggested we try increasing birthrates. Except steve king who got demonized and called a white supremacist for doing so.

MONTANA IS FUCKING FULL. God I hate these people. Literally shaking right now. Will they be happy when everything is destroyed and we're all standing each in our allocated square meter eating yeast cakes and farting in a tube? There's not even a word for these people.

>I don't know why
They don't, retard. Kikes love crowding twenty people around a stage in a stadium and snapping a pic that makes it seem like the place was packed. They do the same thing with trans activists or immigrant activists or whoever. Sometimes the type of crazy they're trying to pass off as revolutionary and brave and powerful doesn't even exist so they literally hire some faggots to pretend.
We're the majority, user. It's so fucking obvious. Any time some poll or comment section or website isn't kiked to shit, it starts naming them and hating on tranny fucks.

>There's not even a word for these people.
Kikes, user. Also welcome, and just a friendly reminder, you're supposed to lurk for awhile before you post, just to get a feel for things.

Oh piss off, fruitbowl.

So, in summary: The Earth is overpopulated, but America, which is on the Earth, is not full.

It it's the same guy writing this shit here:
you don't even have to ask about where the ((())) go.

What the fuck is this guys point?

>We need to import people to make muh economy number go big big!

How about this, you slimy weasel, how about we DONT import people, and let the high labor demand (there are a ton of job openings after all!) combined with stable labor supply result in an increase in the price of labor - wages.
Who the fuck cares if the GDP grows 20% if the median cost of living is increasing faster than the median wage? I’m 120% fine with1%-1.5% GDP growth spurred by tech and more productive processes rather than 4% growth spurred by importing cheap foreign labor to drive up housing costs and drive down labor while eroding social trust and cohesion.

If an economic initiative does not result in wages rising relative to cost of living, and the stability of employment, then it is USELESS. Fuck these banker snakes

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You people dont hate capitalism like those commies now do you

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Everything those obnoxious rat spics can produce for the economy can soon be done by robots.

>What? You don't want unchecked illegal immigration and unlimited legal immigration? We NEED people! Look at how EMPTY this red state is!
>Oh you're thinking of having a kid? Here's an article with a stock image of a happy childless couple or troublesome crying baby. You'd save a lot of money, headache, and actually be like fighting climate change if you DON'T have kids!

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The US will not be full till it has more browns than India and China combined.

Cant wait for the USA to turn into a judge-dredd hellcity chinkshit looking place then because of it.

What happened to global warming? More people means more CO2.

It’s only white people that cause global warming

Ah thats why white americans should stop having children. Makes sense.

I was reading some really old forum from 2002 about Montana and even back then, residents of Montana were saying "don't move here, we're full"
I respect you guys for that. As much as I love Montana's landscape, I know that I don't belong there.

Shill thread, sage

People really don't understand how Trump is exposing people right now
>economist are now pro immigration
>liberals are anti Israel, anti jew
>MSM is anti-US

Just think about how 2020 will be with their platforms.

I'm so fucking glad.
Also send more to Krautistan, they really need to be destroyed this time.

All consumption raises GDP.
You bring 100 million people in, who do absolutely nothing but eat, sleep and shit. GDP goes the fuck up.
GDP isn't worth shit.

>it’s great for gdp
When you worship only GDP, you sacrifice quality of life.

Remember when the Democrats pretended they were on the side of the common working man instead of slimeballs serving of the greedy lusts of globalist corporations, importing foreign brown slave labor because it means the Company will make more profit (from replacing workers with serfs) and that means Executive Goldberg will make an extra million-dollar bonus this quarter.

>Growth ueber alles
>Increase consumption at all costs
>Brain drain developing nations
Absolute state of the left

Building prisons is great for the GDP. Riot police are great for the GDP. Violence, crime, human trafficking, drugs, and murder are all great for the GDP.

Must worship the GDP....

Kill all the Grabblers

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No really it helps.