Seattle is Dying

any Seattle anons here? have you seen this documentary "Seattle is Dying"? worth the hour watch (or at least part of it)

pretty crazy. what is the solution? if you were the dictator, how do you deal with homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness at the societal level? how has it been dealt with in the past?

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Every city run by Democrats is going though the same stuff.

They don't care about crime, at all.

Kek, San Francisco part 2. Street shitters rise up!

The doc was pretty big on Jow Forums last week/two weeks ago

bring back insane asylums

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Get rid of the leftist city counsel. Let the police do thier job to start.

If i was a dictator well, I'd ethnically cleanse the south and put all the leftist Scandinavian retards in Ballard in reeducation camps. You would not see a single dark skinned person or homeless encampment in the city ever again.

Interesting watch but the advocacy for a specific junkie rehabilitation program at the end seems suspect.
Regardless west coast cities should start by not paying cash to them and enforcing the law before any attempts to help them are made.

Give homeless people three chances to accept shelter/addiction services. If they refuse and/or are caught camping or abusing drugs in public after their third encounter, they get exiled from the city. If they are caught within city limits after that, they go to prison for at least a year.

Nah, just have to make sure you get it into their neighborhoods. As a rule, cops (especially American cops) couldn't care less about crimes against the homeless. It's all about making sure that the egregious ones (thieves, streetpoopers, addicts) understand that they aren't welcome in your neighborhood.

This but unironically. 10,000 times more humane than giving people the freedom to injure themselves and others because some retards felt like defunding mental health facilities. We already have checks and balances, if the deepstate wants you gone, they aren't putting you in an asylum, they're putting you in the ground.

this. deinstitutionalization was a mistake.

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Strictly crack down on illegal drug supply.

>run by Democrats
this user might be onto something

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The bleeding heart leftists don't get that this is what happens when you push socialism. The Gini coefficient goes up and the middle class dies.

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proud to be an ex-seattle resident. was given an opportunity to get out and i took it. honk.

Local racist new station. Of course they would say our city is dying. We're as vibrant as ever.

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It’s a decent film but avoids the real problem. Seattle has a homeless problem because local leaders want it to have a homeless problem. It’s big business and you’ll find that the people running the homeless programs are all connected. Additionally it acts to demoralize the civilized classes by showing the consequences of getting out of line.

We're just gonna kill'em!

Make open air prison (think West Bank) and air drop GMO bug bars (think Snowpiercer) and all the fentynal, poppy seeds and whatever you make meth with, they could want. Building buildings is easy. Build some structures and irrigation. And let them HIV and shiv until they die. It is mad max level society under the overpass anyway. We could also do this, without the drugs, for people who just want a free, idyllic life to pursue water coloring and dance therapy, but then they wouldn’t be working off debt and pulling on the great chain, so that doesn’t work (think Waco, People’s Temple, or Ruby Ridge.)
The truth pill is that the social distress in Seattle is welcomed by the power brokers, just like nig violence in Chicago, or the screeching beggars in NYC, or the street hookers of Tampa. It let’s people be judgemental and feel superior, while landed power raids the labor of the masses and the fiat currency of the nation.

If they came out and said that, the documentary wouldn't have been as effective. What's in the documentary can't really be argued with, which is why it has been so damning.

“Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.”

Duterete 2.0 that shiz.

San Antonio is #3 on the list of shit places cant wait for that documentary

same in Paris

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Yeah they all went to Portland...i was in Portland 2 years ago HOLY SHIT. The caravans everywhere and always by weedshops

i came here to post this

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Seattle is turning into a sh##hole. Theres areas in downtown Capitol Hill that Gay Pup Slaves have taken down and replaced the street signs with their own. The storefronts are all changed and if you walk the sidewalks you're confronted by bodybuilders with inflated scrotums and forced to leave. The nice parks are overrun by these "fabulous" homosexual men grabbing boys and screaming. They're there to harass and rape them because of their running shorts. The Space Needle is overrun with these rude rodents that plow into our small kids hard enough to knock them down. Now we have 3 of these silicone fueled manslaves in our City Counsel. There were a quarter million of them voting to overturn the few people left with any decency, along with a pile of Democrats with their heads up there their hind ends. No phobias, just observations and experiences

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I will never forget taking the train to New Jersey back in the late 90's and when we were near Philadelphia we saw what appeared to be a giant slum that looked like Brazilian favelas on the side of a hill. I have never seen any explanation for what it was or been able to read about it anywhere. But my brother and I both saw it.

How recent is this photo? It looks like stalingrad to me but I feel like they ran out all the migrants to the north banlieu last summer and they haven't resettled since

Agreed. It's not a good idea to put all your energy in faith into one graphical representation of data that is meant to display the holistic well being of an economy. Dorm room liberals don't get this. It's a talking point spouted by people with only surface level understanding of economics as a discipline. And many professional economists are beginning to understand the same about GDP but haven't come up with a viable replacement.

you must have seen Camden, New Jersey.

a true shithole

that moment is always burned in my mind because it was the first time I questioned the very nature of everything I have ever been told about how things are

I've always liked the idea of having the big swinging dick. I'd say get rid of the homeless, doesn't matter how. Decriminalize drugs, get rid of the mentally ill, again, doesn't really matter how. Get rid of firearm regulations, get rid of those pesky illegals, free up the airwaves because to hell with fcc regulations. Oh and crack down on communists and all their offshoot shades of red. I think the rest would sort itself out. Gotta encourage church, physical fitness, and studies as well. Then there's the economic side because too many companies are working their employees 12+ hours a day. Have fun starting and raising a family with those hours, but everything else should sort itself out.

>what is the solution?
Bum reservations. A trail of tears leading directly into some Bay Area cities.

Bums suck and the "fight against homelessness" is pointless because most of the time it's not the poor family who's living in a motel because the dad lost his job, it's drug addicts with mental problems who have no desire to be helped. They ruin every area they infest by dumping their trash, needles and literal shit all over the place, they harass everyone and are violent making places more dangerous. Re-open sanitariums and lock them away. Get them off the streets out of sight, out of mind. They contribute nothing, will never contribute anything and don't want to contribute anything.

>Interesting watch but the advocacy for a specific junkie rehabilitation program at the end seems suspect.
Yeah, it's the same with career criminals. When someone is that far gone long term there's no helping them. Vagrant junkies will continue to be vagrant junkies no matter how many rehab facilities they go to.

They do care about crime: they love it. It ensures people keep demanding the state to save them from it, which means given more power.

>end welfare instantly
>distribute lush northwestern lebensraum to men of the race
>bums can live in tents and farm
>in 2-3 years the only taxes are property taxes
>allow people the right to sell themselves as slaves
All you need to do.

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Just give me the power to write inside the diagnostic psychiatric manual I would have that problem solved. Simply list chronic homeless as a mental illness worthy of being locked up for like suicidal and homicidal tendencies. The logic being that people who live on the street are at a large risk of dying.

Seattle is Dead! Died along time ago!

America is first wor-

>what is the solution? if you were the dictator, how do you deal with homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness at the societal level?
i'm in LA. the solution is roaming death squads. nothing less will restore cleanliness to out cities

Seattle user here.
This may seem a bit radical, but let them die off/ execute them.( Homeless/Substance abuse).
There's no point in having them stay alive, they just make the place a shithole.
I wouldn't mind taking part of a monthly homeless hunt.

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Everyone should read the follow-up too. It's almost as powerful.

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Then do it yourself CIA nigger.

When did America become a third world country

>if you were the dictator, how do you deal with homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness at the societal level?
Tough love: mass, humane executions.
Their genes are weak and they are hurting society so they must go.
I'd want to be put down if I had one of those problems.

The seeds to its destruction started around in the 70-80s. But things didn’t really get started until around when Obama came into office. He didn’t cause it but he most certainly didn’t help in any way.

>inb4 Congress holds all the power
Yes they do but it’s easier to just pin the blame on an identifiable person than a couple hundred people.

Seeing that I actually would prefer living in cages.

There are more empty homes than homeless people. Kill all the landlords and the problem sorts itself out.

this. We just need good men to attack these people

The idiots voted for this.

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Based pasta

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Arrest all the homeless for trespassing. Run their prints. Ship them back to where they have outstanding warrants.

Don't breed

I was there a couple of years ago, road trip, and it was real bad then. Under every bridge was a homeless camp.

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What about 0 chance ? what about attacking the problem with all you got ? Your kind of thinking is what fucked up the city in the first place.

Give landlords three chances to accept the seizure of their property. If they refuse and/or are caught holding empty units or taking rent payments under the table after their third encounter, they get exiled from the city. If they are caught within city limits after that, they go to prison for at least a year.

All homeless should be given shelter and food in WORK CAMPS. Have them turn big rocks into little rocks. If they are found to be on drugs, put them in isolation for 2 weeks. If they die from withdrawal, then it's problem solved.

Sell them in bulk to corporations for cheap labor. If they don't want to work, it's back to the work camps and 3 months in isolation.

Find a problem with this. Protip: you can't.

Seattle cop here, AMA

Why dont you ever do your jobs?

Eradicate the poppy fields in Mexico, mass detox centers on abandoned military bases, integrate back into society with jobs in construction, road crews. Give the hope again

What is the best way to deal with a methed up junkie?

ITT: People who've never been to Seattle who think the homeless problem has something to do with drugs.

People are homeless because they can't afford homes. You imbeciles.

Lol wow. Seattle doesnt have a homeless problem. It has a drug problem.

If you think otherwise you dont live here.

When we invited the 3rd world here. Listen to that Pajeeta in the video, she wasn't born here.

What about that place where they throw fish around?

I walk past eight homeless camps on the way to work. None of them are using, they're all trying to figure out how the fuck to do laundry.

>> dying
Kek nigger its fucking dead.

You need to learn to hide your income and cheat on your taxes because the only solution to seattle in their mind will be to take all of everyones money and then collapse the economy

Awesome, so now Jow Forums is mirroring jewtube trending videos.
What the fuck happened to this place.

Who gives a fuck about Seattle?

I thought we were here to discuss opportunities in holding down minorities and stopping the Jews?

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Lmao so basically its impossible to own land in Nevada. What a worthless fucking state

They are using. We have affordable housing in the suburbs and we have a labor shortage. They can get jobs if they were clean that are 15 dollars an hour or more.

We have no state income tax.

This isn't stormfront you boomer faggot. Politics can be discussed here.

is there no Seattle Tweaker Cam up?
I read they found oysters in Puket sound have high levels of opiates in them.
what's the solution? squads.

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>It's not legal living on the sidewalk!
I guess those homeless people are just gonna have to start living in mid air then?

Vlad Dracula had the right idea.
>send invitations to all the homeless for a lavish feast at your castle
>lock the door behind them
>kill them all

These people are drug addicted and mentally ill. You can't fix them. If you try to help them they resist. If by some miracle you do manage to cure their mental illnesses and substance abuse, they'll just relapse. They don't have any friends or family. Just fucking kill them. Kill them before they rape and kill your daughter. The homeless should fear your city. The homeless should say "oh, don't go to Seattle, if they see you begging you'll get a lethal injection."

Read this you fucking retarded faggot

Eastside here....mandatory suicides for all homeless people, it's the only way

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Is that a good reason not to cheat on your federal income tax?

>kill them
sacrifice to Kilauea maybe get that thing off the ground finally

Happened to Denver and Colorado too, but luckily a lot of the whiter parts of the state are rejecting the yid governor and AG

If I were a dictator I would have them all killed. In the past I think they were either killed or locked up in asylums.

I've seen it, I would hope than many of the meth users of Jow Forums also see it. Hopefully they will save themselves.

>Kill all the landlords and the problem sorts itself out.
>People are homeless because they can't afford homes
>I walk past eight homeless camps on the way to work
Sure you do kid. We totally believe you're not a moron and have a job.

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Craziest story. Have you met Travis? What’s going to be the breaking point?

The problem is two fold.

one: you have a bunch of drug addicted people that don't give a fuck

two: you have a bunch of parasite rent seekers peddling Victorian era nonsense as the cure, it's pretty much the monorail episode of The Simpsons played out in real life.

my recommendation is to purge the rent seeking parasites, look at harm reduction, most people with addictions just spontaneously quit on their own, round up these people and place them in humane conditions and let them do all the drugs they want until they get sick of it and then let them reintegrate.

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Place a bounty on the hands and feet of undesirables and let the problem solve itself.

pic reminds me of that old show Dark Angel with delicious young Jessica Alba

>Pick up that can

Tell toothgnasher the bike guy says hello.

> None of them are using
Just when I thought I've read the dumbest shit imaginable, I run into this.

It's not just Seattle, it's pretty much everywhere in blue regime dictatorship regions such as King County, Snohomish County, most of Western WA, Oregon down to California. It's like that in Everett, Olympia and Aberdeen. There are even swarms of criminals in the smaller cities and towns such as Marysville and Arlington, Shelton and Elma, from the north to south, east to West... It's bad, it's worse than you can possibly even imagine. The only way you will get arrested or prosecuted is if you wear a Trump hat and get attacked by the mentally ill scum and dare try to defend yourself or your property. North Korea and Venezuela is seriously probably better at this point. - Everett Tweaker Cam -

>how has it been dealt with in the past?
The losers were thrown in jail for short periods of time (days) for midlevel law violations, like shitting on the sidewalk and possession of small quantities of drugs. Forcibly detoxing in jail a couple times straitened out their act enough to behave well enough to not be hassled by police. Also, repeat offenders got longer and longer sentences, just weren't out on the street to cause problems

same with my city. the crime rate in berlin went went ridiculous high due to the multi culti shit. public anger got lauder and lauder.
the minister of Justice of berlin proudly announced that he created 6 new courts to fight against criminals. everyone clapped amd was happy. several months later came out the courts are only exists on the paper. no court rooms, nur judges, nothing. its too expensive. a judge already said every one can do crime because they are overloaded and the cases will be barred

fuck liberals

I feel connected enough to this that I almost want to make my own thread.

I've lived in Seattle PROPER for eleven years now.
I've lived in belltown, lower queen anne, near the space needle, and the central district. I've worked downtown for almost the entire time, I've worked right next to Westlake square and worked in pike place market.

Currently, I work at a group home for people with mental illnesses. Most of them have problems with either hard drugs or nicotine. Most of them have schizophrenia or are schizo-affective.

Bottom line is I've lived in the community, seen the homelessness downtown and in other districts, and work with the population on a daily basis.

I know a lot of you have decided that the issue is strictly political, but I think it's more multi-faceted than that. Still probably belongs on Jow Forums though.

The fact that the law cannot be enforced is serious problem. retail employees are also not able to protect their stores from thieves. My girlfriend just had a meeting where they were told that if they tried to physically stop shoplifters in any way, they would be fired.

The drug problem seems pretty huge here, and so is the cost of living.

Any sort of solution that is proposed is usually met with the attitude that homeless people are "human beings" that deserve dignity and respect. Of course they are, but that does not excuse illegal behavior.

There's no one-size-fits-all solution, and it will take time if the system is to be improved upon. Personally, i think actually enforcing the law and creating more manditory detention facilities that are equipped to provide rehabilitation treatment is a good first step.

The awareness that this video provides is very vindicating for people who live here, it's somewhat editorialized in its execution, but for people who know Seattle, the imagery and attitudes are spot on.

pic related is walking distance from where i live.

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Yeah I have to see this shit day in and day out. The documentary shows the reality of it.

Police need to arrest people who commit crimes, even if they're poor, even if they're black. And prosecutors have to charge those people, and get convictions. Currently none of that is happening because the progressive-SJW-socialist ideologies are in total power here.

It would be good for people to start throwing molotov cocktails into the tent camps at night. That would accelerate the issue. But I won't do it, because I want to not go to prison. (I'm not homeless so they would actually prosecute me.)