This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking various trafficking networks and enterprises. There is a consistent trend of data showing that Best Korea is based as fuck and that Dokdo is rightful Korean clay. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc.

Trafficking can happen in many forms depending on the product being moved (human, guns, drugs, rare animals/art, organs etc.) and involve many different groups and organizations. We track all types.

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Newcomers should pay attention to shills targeting these threads with discrediting/discouraging attempts as well as injection of misinformation and bad leads.

>archive of past threads
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/hunting traffickers general/
>archive of past /atg/ threads
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/anti trafficking general/
>archive of original /htg/ threads

>A summary of the “clock” mapping method you can use in your own city as well as a summary of general trafficking information

>Pastebin of related info

Attached: HTG Badge_02.png (600x600, 228K)

Other urls found in this thread:








Look for these kinds of things to map out the trafficking/smuggling networks:

[Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

Trafficking/smuggling also has several different categories:

1) [Government/Military]

2) [Corporation/Business]

3) [Criminal]

4) [Intel Agencies]

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Very nice.

Attached: Bolton_Escalated.png (498x571, 233K)

Loving the meme.

Attached: Bolton_Walrus_02.1.png (1469x827, 980K)

>(URGENT) N.K. leader calls for self-reliance to prove sanctions won't work
>(URGENT) N.K. leader calls for 'serious blow' to those bent on imposing sanctions

Attached: john.jpg (720x540, 335K)

My favorite thread!

Attached: 1533871452620.png (1004x750, 681K)

Attached: Kill_Yourself_Faggot.webm (640x368, 515K)

Status report on all projects. Also keep making the Bolton memes, they are so good.

Also we need to make some Mike Pompeo memes showing how much better he has been involving NK compared to Bolton.

Go compare the statements of Pompeo and Bolton about NK, it's a day and night difference.

I tend to be taking care of my errands and etc before HTG so often I start up on my projects again as soon as I post the threads, so I have nothing new for now. Other than some research into Bolton, but I didn't find anything too major.

I do have a question though, is Private Security as big of a deal as it for the US for the SK trafficking maps?

Need you guys to pull up what Bolton was doing during Bill Clinton's Administration.

If Hillary got in, Bolton would have made his way into her Administration and sabotaged it like he did with Bill's.

It's a global business, take note of it.

Oh shit check this out anons:

>Who has proof that Victor Pinchuk Foundation is lawfully organized anywhere? Taking money from abroad raises question of registration under FARA--Bolton has LOTS of 'splainin' to do ASAP
>John Bolton Took Money From Clinton Foundation Donor, Banks Tied To Cartels, Terrorists, Iran

Made some new progress one of my side projects, need to do a little research and figure out what normie memes are hot right now so I can make more.

Bolton has been saying there is no diplomatic solution to NK since before he got his current job.

>Bolton has been saying there is no diplomatic solution to NK since before he got his current job.

How the hell did Trump miss that huge red flag?.







>Back in 2015, Bolton joined Freedom Capital Investment Management, an upstart investment firm with a novel and somewhat grisly money-making philosophy. Whereas society looked down on businesses like guns, oil and coal, Freedom Capital saw financial opportunities.

>The famed neoconservative had other private-sector ventures during his time out of government, though none as memorable as Freedom Capital. He served on the boards of Diamond Offshore Drilling, Arizona Chemical Ltd., and EMS Technologies.

>Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton also speaks with the president on occasion, and according to three sources familiar with Trump’s thinking, he is on the shortlist to replace National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, who is said to be eyeing the exits. Like Tillerson, McMaster has clashed with the president on some major foreign-policy issues. And while Bolton’s hyper-interventionist views clash with some of the president’s skepticism of post-9/11 invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, he has also advised Trump on issues such as the Iran nuclear deal.

>Bolton also happens to be a regular on Fox News. And the president is said to enjoy his commentary.

Because Trump saw John Bolton on Fox News and felt that was good enough background info on him apparently.

Take a look at all the files WL has on Bolton, it's really going to raise even more eyebrows on why Trump even hired him and why he still is not fired.



>Pompeo defended the administration’s actions. Countering suggestions from lawmakers that economic sanctions on the North are faltering, Pompeo said: “You should move to the outskirts of Pyongyang, because those folks think it’s very effective.”

>“They issued an unhelpful statement saying they were thinking of going back to nuclear and ballistic missile testing, which would not be a good idea on their part,” John Bolton said during a radio interview that aired Sunday morning
>“The North Koreans really, unfortunately, were not willing to do what they needed to do,” Bolton told John Catsimatidis
>“President Trump wants to see this threat resolved through negotiation,” Bolton said. "He’s made a number of proposals to Kim Jong Un ... It hasn’t worked out yet, but the president still is willing to try and do it. He wants North Korea to be free of nuclear weapons, that’s for sure.”

The bolton speaks as if NK's fate is already decided

MFNGA(Make Fox News Great Again)

>The bolton speaks as if NK's fate is already decided

That should be a major concern if you know and have researched all of the False Flag scenario's against North Korea.



It wasn't on Fox News?

What does this say about Trump's decision making ability if he can't catch something this obvious?

These are good ideas I'll look it up.

Does Jow Forums strip metadata off these uploads?

If not, you may want to rethink posting .webms.

Attached: 1537988839756.png (528x721, 230K)

I think at this point so many people have looked into me that the point is kind of moot. I would only care about leaking stuff that the average person could use to trace me.

>Ask him if he got that mustache by having his head up Cheney's ass.

Fucking lol

>Given Mr. Bolton undoubtedly resolute, outstanding and admirable stance on Iran and on American foreign policy in general, I personally can’t help strongly supporting him. Repeating myself, if I were American (I am Italian) I would almost certainly be a neocon.
>Bolton reports BN needs to move quickly on Iran since the Obama
administration has abandoned Israel. The sooner Israel eliminates Iran's
nuclear plans the better.
>Bolton is the next SECSTATE after Obama is run off.
>I sure hope not. He is a flaming arsehole.


Attached: us-saudi-pompeo_1ff4cab2-f5f7-11e8-8694-11c39b8de84b.jpg (960x625, 36K)

u fucking samefagschizo

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On Sep 25, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Aaron Colvin

> I just walked by him. His mustache and look of anger was undeniably
> awesome. I'd hate to work for that guy.
> Sent from my iPhone


Attached: 1517497913909.png (289x336, 96K)

>The israelis don't have the planes and don't have the tankers. Its an
impossible mission. Bolton wouldn't know a missile from his asshole.
>Does bolton even know the difference between an opinion or fact. The brain
trust has spoken.

Everyone hates Bolton lol.

>Pls trip him.



Unrelated to NK but I have a few questions regarding the FV.

If one has HPV/HSV is it possible that it is the C strain of the virus or is that always a sign of UK?

If the FV is the greatest threat to mankind, why are you focusing so much time and energy on NK and human trafficking?


>TODD: "Who do you talk to for military advice right now?"
>TRUMP: "Well, I watch the shows. I really see a lot of great -- when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and you have certain people that you like."
>TODD: "But is there somebody -- is there a go to for you?"
>TRUMP: "Probably there are two or three."
>TODD: "Every presidential candidate has a go-to."
>TRUMP: "Well, probably there are two or three. I like Bolton, I think he's a tough cookie, knows what he's talking about. Jacobs is a good guy."
>TODD: "Do you mean Ambassador John Bolton--"
>TRUMP: "Yes. I think he's terrific--." [Meet The Press, NBC, 8/16/15]

are you fucking kidding me right now

Been working on learning to use MATLAB with an assignment due at the end of this week. Trying to stay healthy and well-rested.

Any advice on how to fall asleep? Sometimes it's hard to shut off.

Attached: Yamero.jpg (500x486, 23K)

>Bolton: Israel Has 'Eight Days' to Attack Iran

Goddamn it Trump you stupid fuck.

>If the FV is the greatest threat to mankind, why are you focusing so much time and energy on NK and human trafficking?

To fight the FV if things go critical you will need all countries in the fight.

>If one has HPV/HSV is it possible that it is the C strain of the virus or is that always a sign of UK?

C Strain is not any STD.

>Everyone hates Bolton lol.

Yet Trump hired him and still keeps him around.

>Any advice on how to fall asleep? Sometimes it's hard to shut off.

No electronics for a few hours.

3. John Bolton is running for president. He is the candidate of the Cheney faction. He has already secured funding through Cheney's sources. The scenario is not to win the nomination but dominate the party's foreign policy, a subject about which the Tea Party and Republicans generally have almost nothing to say. If the Republican candidate were to win in 2012, Bolton and the neocons hope to have momentum to have him appointed Secretary of State.

Trump is the type of vampire that wears a stake around his neck.


>Former US envoy to UN tells 'Post' that Jerusalem should pay as much attention to PA's UN bid as to the "grass you tread beneath your feet."

>US President Barack Obama is "the most anti Israel president in the history of the state, without any question," John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN and a man considering entering the presidential race against Obama, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

>"If you think that this is just a misunderstanding of where the green crayon went in 1949, then think again," Bolton said of Obama. Bolton's comments came during a meeting he had with the Post's editorial board.

>Bolton, who is currently a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a Fox News commentator, said that Obama bought in to what he said was the "European line" that if you make progress between Israel and the Palestinians "freedom and light" will break out in the region, and every other problem from Iran to terrorism will be easier to solve.


How are the mutated such a threat to modern warfare technology?

We are trying to avoid the FV infection getting to that point.

>C Strain is not any STD

Huh. So I've got HPV and yet I still want to end feminists/feminism and strive to have children and raise them in the best way possible.
What gives? Shouldn't I be a limp wristed faggot trying for the opposite?

Do you have any questions for me today Class?.

Are the mutated claws something on par with those that the dinosaurs had? Would that be a good comparison?

This is a great meme

After threads I sleep
Before/during threads I work
During threads I work on thread work


Good idea

Fucking kek



Kekd & rekt


Look at how claws on "demons" are usually depicted.

Also let's get back to the topics we are talking about.

No questions right now, need to keep digging through these Wikileaks and also figure out how Bolton tried to fuck over the Bushes.

Not at the moment.

Not every STD is FV, but FV can be tramnsmitted like an STD.

>the former US envoy to the UN and a man
>and a man
That’s debatable

Good to know.

It’s also worth noting that you can track FV by STD spread as well.

High rates/locations of STDs is an indicator of FV

Can someone post a picture of the "Black Hole"?.

? Or the submarine

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Attached: The Bolton.jpg (867x618, 79K)

Attached: The Bolton2.jpg (735x999, 140K)

Attached: The Bolton3.jpg (783x1080, 162K)

>1. (c) Under Secretary Bolton told Vatican Deputy Foreign Minister Parolin that the U.S. was making steady progress in Iraq, even though the security situation was not what we would like it to be.

>On North Korea, Bolton highlighted U.S. willingness to take North Korean security concerns into account, but expressed disappointment with the lack of progress at the last round of talks.

>Bolton said Russia had agreed not to ship nuclear fuel to Iran, and that President Putin appreciated the dangers posed by a nuclear Iran, even while some in the Russian government and industry continued to cause problems.

>Unfortunately, the outcome of the recent talks in Beijing was "not that positive." Parolin recalled that all parties had agreed that the region should be free of nuclear weapons, and suggested that this offered a positive point of departure. U/S Bolton explained that the only real outcome at the talks had been the agreement to meet again in two months, but that it now appeared that even this would not happen on schedule as North Korea had indicated it would not be ready to meet at that time.

>Parolin asked Bolton about the degree of U.S. willingness to take North Korea's security concerns into account. Bolton indicated that the U.S. has discussed some form of security assurances, which could be put in writing, though not in the form of a treaty. Bolton pointed out that the U.S. had been prepared to put this on the table and would be prepared to do so at the appropriate time in the future. Parolin reiterated the Holy See's desire that this problem be resolved through dialogue.


Bolton is explicitly against a peace treaty, he just wants a war.




>4. (S) U/S Bolton began with North Korea, laying out USG concerns about its dramatically increasing nuclear weapons capability. President Bush had instructed the State Department to find a peaceful solution to the crisis, using multilateral conferences, the UNSC and North Korea's neighbors. However, Bolton explained, diplomacy is a complex process and "time is not on our side." The President has decided that we must examine other "influences" in order to slow down the North Korean program. The USG's judgment is that the North is supporting its hard currency earnings via sales of WMD material and equipment, as well as drugs and gambling enterprises.

Hes really been pushing this shit since 2003.

Attached: The Bolton4.jpg (744x1041, 123K)

writing the next page now

Attached: The Bolton5.jpg (744x1041, 178K)

The "Black Hole" everyone is talking about.

>Bolton is explicitly against a peace treaty, he just wants a war.


>writing the next page now

These are masterful, continue.

Attached: image_update_img.jpg (624x351, 21K)

Get a bigger clearer image.

One hole to rule them all
One hole to find them
One hole to bring them all
And in the darkness bind them
In the land of NASA,
where the 'scientists' lie

Attached: One Ring.jpg (2415x1407, 108K)

It's an eye, not a hole.

Compare it to a Goldfish eye.

These memes are so great user, make more. I really enjoy them.

Attached: eso1907a.jpg (1500x844, 61K)


Sorry I don’t know and don’t follow the news A5.

Wait... really.. this is the thing they’re referencing?

Attached: A2E56D75-9E17-49B3-9D86-7A652F12FAE1.jpg (1100x825, 27K)

Who gave you this picture of my asshole?


As I said, compare it to a Goldfish eye.

Attached: 1554939195465.jpg (1210x600, 38K)


Attached: magnets.jpg (640x320, 39K)

It's an eye.

Similar to a Goldfish eye:

Wow, trips twice in a row. I'd rather have won ther lottery.

It looks exactly like it even the watery distortion plus whatever else they’ve done to blur distort it

Attached: 6113766E-703C-43C3-BD7C-638EF726C7B7.jpg (640x351, 62K)

they just photoshopped a goldfish's eye?

Pretty much.

If you have any editing skills you can replicate it pretty well.

Noice though

I do have NK intel I want to drop tonight, so lets get everything else out of the way first.

>when A5 about to reveal that the giant intergalactic space serpents from many mythos&legends are actually real things

That is definitely an eyeball.

I know they had to justify all those funds, but damm.

I find it hillarious that even the people of STRATFOR hate bolton



From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of Fred Burton
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:36 PM
To: 'Analyst List'
Subject: RE: John Bolton on Netanyahu

Bolton is the next SECSTATE after Obama is run off.

Date 2010-03-17 18:49:58
From [email protected]
To [email protected]
RE: John Bolton on Netanyahu

I sure hope not. He is a flaming arsehole.

Another answer on the same chain.

Date 2010-03-17 16:04:19
From [email protected]
To [email protected]
Re: John Bolton on Netanyahu

The israelis don't have the planes and don't have the tankers. Its an
impossible mission. Bolton wouldn't know a missile from his asshole.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Attached: The Bolton6.jpg (744x1041, 192K)

are all pictures from "space" faked? Even ones of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune?

Is the climate of the rest of Earth that is beyond our ice that's been melted harsh with constant extreme weather conditions? (tornadoes, hurricanes, etc)

They say 8 symbolizes perfection.
>relieved its just a parlour trick
Space snakes arent real are they?

Attached: c5f2bdfb3edbfbb6e05c9e018b847196.jpg (716x400, 52K)

why can't they just CGI some impressive looking thing? Why do they just use shit blurred out photos of goldfish eyes? Does NASA do anything useful for America?

>are all pictures from "space" faked? Even ones of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune?

If you don't have a telescope or have actually been to them, don't always blindly trust the images they show you.

It's an Eyeball.

*whoops, forgot the bolton stache.

Attached: The Bolton6.jpg (744x1041, 193K)

are there any real images of Earth out there?

or images of earth taken from satellites that have traveled far enough in space to capture the full size of Earth?

Images are around if you know what to look for.

But the focus of topics right now is NK.

i'm lurking, trying to keep up with developments

i was going to ask about that stupid 'black hole' picture, is it literally just a great big lazy distraction?

If hillary got in, was bolton going to blame the norks for the wikileaks hacked emails?
But instead Trump got in so Russia was blamed


1. (S/NF) Begin summary: On June 17, Under Secretary John Bolton met with Dr. Moustafa Bahran, Chairman of the Yemeni National Atomic Energy Commission (NATEC) and science advisor to ROYG President Saleh. Discussing the U.S. campaign to target and cut off revenue that funds North Korea's nuclear program, Bahran advised concentrating on the Ministry of Defense (MOD) and suggested the U.S. keep Yemen's development needs in mind. Bahran outlined his work with the IAEA to secure nuclear materials and radioactive sources, proposed a joint Yemen-U.S.-UK-France resolution on the security of radioactive sources, and suggested a regional initiative to strengthen nuclear and radioactive controls.

>is it literally just a great big lazy distraction?



Attached: The Bolton7.jpg (744x1041, 162K)


From: Sidney Blumenthal
To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2010-09-28 02:00

From right-wing sources:
>3. John Bolton is running for president. He is the candidate of the Cheney faction. He has already secured funding through Cheney's sources. The scenario is not to win the nomination but dominate the party's foreign policy, a subject about which the Tea Party and Republicans generally have almost nothing to say. If the Republican candidate were to win in 2012, Bolton and the neocons hope to have momentum to have him appointed Secretary of State.

wonder who are "Cheney's sources".