So, there was no collusion, and everybody, even the haters, believe that...

So, there was no collusion, and everybody, even the haters, believe that... why do you keep having to tell us every single day that there's no collusion? We get it, you're innocent, you can stop trying to convince us now.....

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Why is OP so mentally ill? Doesn't like the fact POTUS can speak directly to the world?

Did you read my post? It's fine that he speaks to the world through twitter, that's normal. Doesn't he have anything to actually say though? There was no collusion, okay, we understand, why do you have to keep bringing it up over and over again?? If everybody agrees that there is no collusion, who is he still trying to convince?

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maybe when the msm admits that there was no collusion instead of continuing the charade he may not say anymore about it.

every picture I have is a duplicate of this one?

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>If everybody agrees that there is no collusion
but they don't agree.

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Agreed. Nobody fucking cares.

Know what Trump supporters care about? Deporting all Hispanics. Holy shit, just do what we elected you to do, Donald.

You niggers spent 2+ years propagating this lie, every single day for 2 years. He gets to rub this shit in your face for the next 6 years.

I don't think he's trying to convince anyone. He's gloating. He's entitled to it after what has been done to him.

OP a faggot, btw there was no collusion

We’ll stop when the MSM stops pushing a debunked conspiracy theory.

We like to rub it in your face, you deserve it.

>getting assblasted over a twitter post
He's just reminding everyone about the absurdity that has been going on for a long time.

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>Non-stop 24/7 pushing of the Russian narrative since winning the election in 2016
>2019, Trump is cleared of suspicion and decides to rub it in on Twitter after years of being harassed
>Lol why won't this dude just stfu already?

Seems kinda pointless when he's already this most powerful man on earth.

Pointless like this stupid thread you made bitching about it. Have you considered Reddit?

>most powerful man on earth
The position is relatively powerful, but the guy sitting the chair is just someone that jumped through enough hoops to be the face of that position for 4 or 8 years.

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yea im sure trump was organizing the whole thing through his mossad russian mafia freemon knight Templar connections & its all his fault

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He's going to remind you how wrong you were every day, in case you forgot that you were wrong

>why do you keep having to tell us every single day that there's no collusion?
>Stop pointing out the real corruption in the US government!!!