Elon Musk is 100% right, we are living in a simulation and the new Lion King helps prove it

Elon Musk is 100% right, we are living in a simulation and the new Lion King helps prove it.

>I think here’s the strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation, I think is the following: that 40, call it 40 years ago, we had Pong. Two rectangles and a dot. That was what games were. Now, 40 years later, we have photo-realistic 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, have augmented reality.
>If you assume any rate of improvement at all then the games will become indistinguishable from reality. They’ll be indistinguishable. Even if that rate of advancement drops by a thousand from what it is right now. Then you just say, okay, let’s imagine it’s 10,000 years in the future, which is nothing in the evolutionary scale. So given that we’re clearly on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality and those games could be played on any set-top box or on a PC or whatever, and there would probably be, you know, billions of such computers or set-top boxes it would seem to follow that the odds that we’re in base reality is one in billions.


This trailer is 90% photoreal. Some of the yes don't look alive, and some some of the movemet have the floaty cgi thing going.

In 10 years, movie cgi will be 100% photoreal at 10,000+k.
In 20 years, virtual reality cgi will be 100% photoreal.
and humans will still have not traveled further than our own solar system.
DMT and acid/shrooms experiences also add credence to this hypothesis, with the fractals and dreamlike creatures.

Attached: la-1554905342-wbl6dlkrs0-snap-image.jpg (800x450, 63K)

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how does it make a difference if everything is data or physical matter of both behave the same?

>of both behave the same?
*if both behave the same?

CIA had virtual reality in the 1960s.

Everything you see in the public eye, they had in secret over 50+ years ago.

Kurzweil says we will not be able to tell the difference between reality and VR. Then he says, will it matter?

>If you assume any rate of improvement at all
I assume we've hit peak tech and it's all downhill from here.

No they didn't. Read Project Phoenix.

*The Phoenix Program

Fuck those movies. While appearing harmless, old disney movies with anthropomorphic characters created the furries of today.
This one will create quite a lot of retarded animalists. Kids will grow thinking that animals are just like us, or even better, the only difference being that they don't speak.
China did right banning that stuff.

simulation theory is so dumb and assumes it is possible to accurately simulate consciousness something which there is 0 (zero) evidence for.

Thats only possible with heavy compositing retard.

douglas adams gave a good speech where he said that when man was a hunter, god was a hunter, when man was a mason, god was a builder, etc. now man is a computer faggot so god is a simulation.

>I think here’s the strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation, I think is the following: that 40, call it 40 years ago, we had Pong. Two rectangles and a dot. That was what games were. Now, 40 years later, we have photo-realistic 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, have augmented reality.
>>If you assume any rate of improvement at all then the games will become indistinguishable from reality. They’ll be indistinguishable. Even if that rate of advancement drops by a thousand from what it is right now. Then you just say, okay, let’s imagine it’s 10,000 years in the future, which is nothing in the evolutionary scale. So given that we’re clearly on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality and those games could be played on any set-top box or on a PC or whatever, and there would probably be, you know, billions of such computers or set-top boxes it would seem to follow that the odds that we’re in base reality is one in billions.

Attached: retarded faggot .png (488x463, 28K)

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imo its kind of like looking at a clock and saying time must be a measuring tape

bump for understanding on how do unplug

>these graphics are really good
>therefore we live in a simulation

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Wtf does that even mean? Jesus christers, its literally just man creating god in our own image.

trailer looks less shit than the pikachu abomination. still not giving disney money.

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haha ur dumb

hahaah this

The only reason you think these are photo realistic is that you have never seen any actual african animals

Seems like a simulation would be creationist and base reality would have evolution

>never seen any actual african animals
You're talking to a burger dude

Thats pretty gay. I'd rather watch the original.

Shut up, retard.

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