The Honkocaust

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Other urls found in this thread:

America, 1900
>Well, I guess we can tolerate some jews. I mean, our ancestors warned us that they're demons in human skin, but that was probably just an exaggeration
America, 1945
>Wow, those Germans sure went over the top. Seems kinda mean. We'll make up for it by being extra-nice to our jews!
America, 1990
America, 2018
>Holy fucking shit, those fucking jews hypnotized us! And they've been robbing us blind and trying to exterminate us ever since they came here! Our ancestors were right!

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>mass exodus of 4+ million jews from Europe to the US during and between the world wars
Weird, huh?

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>mass exodus of millions of jews to newly formed Israel immediately after WW2
Weird, huh?

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>mass increase in media and literature of the use of the term "holocaust" LEADING UP to WW2, well before Hitler took power
Weird, huh?

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>mass increase in media and literature of the use of the term "holocaust" LEADING UP to WW2, well before Hitler took power
Here's a sampling of the numerous times jews invoked the "holocaust" and "6 million", their magic Talmud number, leading up to WW2... pic related.

Also, here's a video of a guy simply reading old newspaper articles about the 6 million... PRE-WW2... that's all he's doing... it's been restricted in the US... it's probably completely unavailable if you live in Europe... what an odd thing to censor, a guy literally just reading old newspaper articles. Curious.

if blocked

If any videos are blocked in your country try one of the many youtube bypass or download sites.

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>old media articles about the 6 million... PRE-WW2
Why always 6 million? Pic related.

Early attempts to introduce the holohoax myth (the hoax of "six million" dying Jews) failed when global conditions did not include the prerequisite critical mass of corrupt world leaders.

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Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc. etc.

Jews magically INCREASE in power and numbers post WW2.

Millions arrive in the US.

Millions arrive in newly formed Israel.

Jews are more powerful after WW2 than EVER in their history.

Jews continue to gain power and are more powerful in 2018 than ever in their history.

Really makes me think.

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>old media articles about the 6 million... PRE-WW2
Some more examples... in June 1900, for example, Rabbi Stephen Wise spoke of "6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism". Another botched attempt to kick-start the myth was in 1919, when few believed Martin Glynn's claims of "six million" starving Jews.

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The more things change...

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...the more they stay the same.

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Did you know that the US gassed Mexicans with Zyklon B every day for years... but jews catch a whiff and die?

Weird, huh?

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David Cole asked jewish holocaust authority Dr. Franciszek Piper about why there was so little Zyklon B residue in the walls of the locations alleged to have been homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau (far less than would be necessary to kill humans). Needless to say Piper's reply was contradictory and evasive. Fortunately for those individuals interested in real history, David Cole's camera was rolling at the time and Piper's reply was captured for posterity.

Here is the segment of the interview concerned with the Zyklon B residue:

The Zyklon B typhus pesticide tested on humans:

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Do you know how did Anne Frank died? Pic related.

The US had their own interment camps for US Japanese.

Jews died. From best we can now tell around 300,000-900,000.

There was no large scale extermination. The gas chambers are obviously a lie.

The deaths were via starvation and typus (what Anne Frank herself died of in April 1945 at the end of the war).

Germans could not feed and provide material for themselves, much less their jew POWs. The same thing would have happened to the US japaneese POWs had the US mainland came under such massive duress.

When you are shown pictures of the dead jews the allies found at the end of the war, those are typus (mostly) and starvation victims. Gassing does not somehow magically make you emaciated and skinny.

Their emaciation clearly indicates they were kept alive for as long as possible.

They were treated extremely well (by POW standards) until the last months of the war, when Germany was cut off from material and fuel due to allied bombing and the two fronts closing in. When they couldn't even take care of their own citizens, of course the POWs were going to get the worst of it.

e.g like it was pointed out above, Anne Frank (a child) was still alive until April 1945, literally weeks before the end of the war, and she died of the TYPHUS outbreak that plagued Germany throughout the war. Even the jews admit this. And her father survived the camp... living until 1980, becoming wealthy telling her daughter's "story".

It's a shame Germans didn't take precautions to prevent the typhus outbreak that plagued Germany thoughout the war... e.g. disinfecting the camps with the primary typhus treatment at the time, the pesticide Zyklon B which kills the insect that causes typhus, and burning typhus diseased corpses and clothing etc. like the British did when they liberated her camp.

Oh wait...

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Were there a handful of crematoriums? Yep. Millions were interned in POW camps at various times. They were good-sized cities and typhus (what Anne Frank died of towards the end of the war in April of 1945) was rampant. It was a necessity.

Enough to cremate gorzilllions in 3 years? Nope. Not even close, a ridiculous proposition. In fact the handful there actually were were multiplied many times over by fake ones built post-war... and still not anywhere close to enough. This is all thoroughly documented. Plus it's basic math.

Were jews treated for disease and delousing? Yep.

Were jews "gassed" in some sort of overly complicated Rube Goldberg method of mass killing? Nope.

Did jews die? Yep. Especially towards the end of the war as there wasn't enough food and supplies to take care of the Germans themselves, much less jew POWs. Why do you think the allies found camps full of ALIVE albeit starving jews? And the dead jews found, dead due to starvation? GASSING DOESN'T MAGICALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY.

Did 6 jews million die? Nope. Again, basic math in regards to the jew population post-war. 300,000-900,000 died in camps do to a combination of disease and starvation. There was NO multi-million scale organized mass killing of jews.

Is history written by the victors? Yep.

Has the holohoax been used to maintain and expand jew control upon the world? Yep.

Is jew power linchpinned to this fabrication and this is why kikes conduct a continual propaganda spin campaign? Yep.

And they are fully prepared to do so for the next 1,000 years.

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EVERY major camp was found to have Zyklon B on site (due to the typhus plague), both the USSR captured "extermination camps" and the US captured non-extermination camps.

Pic: jews initially claimed all 30+ POW camps were "extermination camps".

Then every camp captured by the US showed zero evidence of "extermination chambers" or any other form of systematic mass killing.

ONLY the Soviets claimed they found evidence of large scale gas chamber killing... after refusing outside investigators for years... and after (now admittedly) RECONSTRUCTING the camps.

What a coincidence.

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Soviet reconstructions and other lies exposed, ON SITE, here:

Up until 1945, Allied propaganda claimed that all the concentration camps, particularly those in Germany itself, were "extermination camps", but not for long. Soon US troops saw the truth for themselves. Well respected American historian Harry Elmer Barnes wrote:

"These camps were first presented as those in Germany, such as Dachau, Belsen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Dora, but it was soon demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination in those camps. Attention was then moved to Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec and Birkenau, which does not exhaust the list that appears to have been extended as needed" (Rampart Journal, Summer 1967).

What had happened was that honest observers among the British and American occupation forces in Germany, while admitting that many inmates had indeed died of disease and starvation in the final months of the war, had found no evidence at all of "gas chambers". As a result, eastern camps in the Russian zone of occupation such as Auschwitz and Treblinka gradually came to be known as the "extermination camps" in the holocaust mythos , although no western observers were permitted to see them until years later.

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The Germans couldn't feed their own soldiers and civilians by the end of the war, much less their POWs. They were taken very well care of until the later stages of the war and Hitler had planned on sending them to Madagascar. Nazi Germany literally created plans to exile Europe’s Jewish population to the African island. Support for the proposal was first made June 3rd 1940 in a memo from the German Foreign Office, then got Hitler's approval, and it was nearly put into action before Allied gains in World War II made it untenable.

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Video investigating the history of the "homicidal gas chambers" lies of Majdanek:

TWO MILLION claimed deaths down to 78k... whoops... honest mistake goyim... the "holocaust" still happened just as we told you though... still 6 million total... don't question it.

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Jews now claim 900,000 jews were gassed and cremated at Treblinka 2... down from the multi-million claim of the Nuremberg Trial.

Treblinka was open from July 23, 1942, to October 19, 1943.

That still means 4,000 executions and cremations a day if magically running 12 hours a day 7 days a week without interruption.

A body leaves behind around 7 pounds of ash, the size of a shoe box.

900,000 x 7 pounds = 6,300,000 pounds or 3,150 tons

Roughly the size and weight of 40 Blue Whales

All buried in this tiny corner of the 33 ACRE CAMP.

28,800,000 teeth.

243,000,000 bones to leave ash and fragments.

Never to be found again.

For reference, New York's central Park is 843 acres.

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>The Honkocaust
never forget

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>never forget
In 2012, the Constitutional Council of France ruled that to extend the Gayssot Act (the law against Holocaust denial) to Armenian genocide denial was unconstitutional because it violated freedom of speech. The Gayssot Act itself, however, was found consistent with the Constitution.

Anyone know of any Holdmore classes? Or Armenian genocide classes? Or the genocide of 12million white Christians by jews before WW2? Nope? Stalin killed 25 million of his own civilians. Mao killed 80 million of his own civilians. (((No one))) cares. It's all about jew control over the west as people awake to jewish post-war exaggerations and lies.

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Did you know that the states of California, Illinois, New jersey, New York and Florida have laws requiring the K-12 indoctrination of the holohoax in public schools?

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>K-12 indoctrination of the holohoax

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Connecticut and Kentucky just joined them

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20 more states on the way

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Jew goal = All 50 states

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A lot of normies hated jews up until baby boomers though.

Then laws against even questioning it, like in most of Europe

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>holohoax classes
>holohoax laws
What is a foundation myth?

It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).

2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).

3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

**Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned**

This is by jew design.

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Reminder: The holohoax numbers have NEVER been scientifically DETERMINED.

Only CHOSEN to suit jew political aims of the time.

They are forced to admit this now.

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Only Link can defeat Ganon.

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>The holohoax numbers have NEVER been scientifically DETERMINED.
>Only CHOSEN to suit jew political aims of the time.
>They are forced to admit this now.
9,000,000 Cited by the French documentary Night and Fog, which has been shown to millions of school students worldwide.

8,000,000 The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945.

7,000,000 The Nuremberg Trial.

7,000,000 Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office.

6,000,000 Cited in the book “Auschwitz Doctor” by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the "doctor" was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians.

5,000,000 to 5,500,000 Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Hoess, based on his “confession” which was written in English, a language he never spoke.

5,000,000 Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Monde reduced the figure to 1,433,000.

4,500,000 In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Hoess trial.

4,000,000 Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995 (see below), The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 (see below) but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery.

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3,500,000 Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Muller's book, “Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber.”

3,000,000 Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Hoess, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943. Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. (see below).

2,500,000 Cited by a famous "witness to the Holocaust," Rudolf Vrba, when he testified on July 16, 1981 for the Israeli government's war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann.

2,000,000 Cited by no less than three famous Holocaust historians, including Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in “Harvest of Hate”; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in “The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy”; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in “The War Against the Jews.”

2,000,000 to 4,000,000 Cited by Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, “A History of the Holocaust.” However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figures and determined that the actual number was lower: 1,600,000.

1,600,000 This is a 1989 revision by Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000, Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote' 'The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn't reached the public yet."

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1,500,000 In 1995 this was the “official" number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by the historians at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby "replacing" the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraph citing the "new" figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new "official" figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).

1,471,595 This is a 1983 figure cited by historian Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died. In his later calculation, Wellers decided that of the 1,471,595 who had died at Auschwitz, 1,352,980 were Jews.

1,433,000 This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000.

1,250,000 In 1985, historian Raul Hilberg arrived at this figure in his book, “The Destruction of the European Jews.” According to Hilberg, of those dead, some 1,000,000 were Jews.

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1,100,000 to 1,500,000 Sources for this estimate are historians Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum (later of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum) in their 1984 book, “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”; also Dr. Franciszek Piper, the curator of the Auschwitz Museum, writing a chapter in that book. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 thus remains the "official" figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp.

1,000,000 Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book “Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers.” This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called "Holocaust deniers" who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz.

900,000 Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York.

800,000 to 900,000 Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his 1953 book, “The Final Solution.” This figure is notable, considering the fact that it reduces the Auschwitz death total from the 4,000,000 figure that was widely in vogue in 1953.

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775,000 to 800,000 Jean-Claude Pressac's revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, “The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder's Machinery”, scaling down the figure from Pressac's 1989 claim of 1,000,000 dead. At this juncture, Pressac said that of the new number, 630,000 were Jews.

630,000 to 710,000 In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac's 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac's 1989 figure of 1,000,000.

73,137 This figure was reported in The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released. According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.

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What was life really like at the Auschwitz "extermination camp"?

Auschwitz "holocaust survivor" jews interviews, in their own words... watch this.




Medical care



Movie theaters


Was it a jew "extermination camp"? Or a POW camp where people died towards the end of the war due to starvation and disease?

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NAZI's took his kidney in 1954? I'm calling bullshit.

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>Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned
>This is by jew design

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>This is by jew design

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>This is by jew design

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Remember the Honkacaust.

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>This is by jew design

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>nazis are horrific monsters!!
>oh but they also rigidly respect room occupancy limits in their death chambers
>you know, for safety

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>This is by jew design

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>This is by jew design

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lol imagine being locked in an air tight chamber. 200 people pushing you and stomping on you to get out. the oxygen is running out you are taking deep breathes and panicking. then the room fills with cyanide gas. you wait it out and survive because there were so many people that you did get gassed in a sealed concrete chamber with finite oxygen.



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Hitler constructed a giant electric chair that electrocuted 10,000 jews a day.

This is why we have to have mandatory holohoax classes... to never forget the 6 trillion.

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That map makes me smile for some reason. Jews are great at removing kebab


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>why didn't they magically make more space
wow good point and not something a brainlet would say to try and feel smart with his fellow brainlet nazi buds

Hitler constructed moving knife chambers straight out of Indiana Jones. Even if a jew escaped, they'd have to climb a 100 foot tall pile of jew cremation ash and then still likely die in one of their nazi acid pond traps.

All the screaming annoyed the neighbors greatly.

Never forget the 60 trillion jews.

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>He survived because he was number 201
Like they wouldn't have just shot him in the head.

Hitler had jews tickled to death while nazis watched and masturbated wildly in their trousers.

Never forget the 600 trillion jews.

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Are you online harassing me?

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Hitler had jew eating bears. He would holohoax jews by feeding them hebrews.

Never forget the 6000 trillion jews.

Honk honk.

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It was all a joke.

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>be a jew
>get gassed "at least 6 times"
>i'm fine now

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Holocaust: Part II when?

Holocaust: Part I when?

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This meme keeps getting better. My sides ache

Why would nazis care about gas chamber approved numbers?

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Why would nazis care about a jew's tummy ache before she was supposedly to be gassed?

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Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz, Nuremberg afidavit:
>I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946.

From the memoirs of Rudolf Hoess:
>I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear.

From an interview with Captain Bernard Clarke, officer at Rudolf Hoess's arrest:
>The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'

Josef Kramer, Assistant Commandant of Auschwitz:
>I have heard of the allegations of former prisoners in Auschwitz referring to a gas chamber there, the mass executions and whippings, the cruelty of the guards employed, and that all this took place either in my presence or with my knowledge. All I can say to all this is that it is untrue from beginning to end.

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You're late, JIDF.

Honk honk.

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>be a jew
>go to get gassed
>gas chamber is full again
>oh well, you can go too

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Question, why do jews want to do these... horrible horrible things to us

>Blaming rise in anti-semitism on white neo nazis
Of course, it would never be the thousands of muslims they're letting in every year

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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"It's not a lie if you believe it."
Seinfeld, The Beard, Season 6, Episode 15

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Aw gee, I thought germans had good work ethic?

What makes you think I'm jidf?

its amazing how every single one of them has some outlandish story of how they were the only one to survive. Theres gotta be more than 6 million of these stories at this point

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>Aw gee, I thought germans had good work ethic?
apparently not

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play him off, honkers!

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>oh no hans the gas ran out!
>i guess she lives i dont know what else to do

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>be a jew
>nazis run out of gas again
>well shit, you can go as well

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You dumb fucking brainlet.
If you buy a car that seats 4 people are you telling me it's physically impossible to fit 1 more person in it?
And if you knew this was the case would you still invite the 5th person to come along only to realize when you get to the car "oops Sry m8 not enough room"

Bumping a glorious thread

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>be American in Vietnam
>breathe plant killer
>get home and have kids
>kids have deformities
Wait what

>jerry: boy let me you, I am NEVER doing a set at THAT camp ever again!
>george: I heard the swimming pools were pretty nice

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can you imagine today 6 million cows go into a slaughterhouse and 60 years later 5 million of them are still alive and kicking. I am starting to think Hitler was really bad at using pesticide. Would not hire him to rid my house of roaches.

>be a jew
>escape 9 separate "jew killing camps" by walking backwards
honk honk

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Why did the nazis use death camps? wouldnt it have been much easier to just kill off jews when they found them rather than gathering them into massive camps, feeding and dressing them, giving them barracks and all that shit

C'mon add the clown nose and the wig, it's too perfect.

Cue dad joke about eating some beans.