Brexitiers and leavers BTFO
EU leaders agree to new Brexit delay until 31 October
Brexitiers and leavers BTFO
EU leaders agree to new Brexit delay until 31 October
What an absolute fucking joke. May better step down in favour of someone that will run parliament into the ground to ensure brexit at this point.
Based. Enough time to organize a second referendum to make sure you bongs stay in. That was the plan all along, everything else is just smoke and mirrors.
So are you faggots going to just extend indefinitely or something?
I've been telling you it's cancelled for weeks.
Remember the whole fucking thing was just a Cameron's faux pas. He choose to start this shitshow rather than admitting he's an idiot.
Why do people care about Brexit so much? The only thing Brexit proved is that the government does not care what the British people think but they should have already known that. Whether England stays or leaves the EU it will not change a thing except for some economic complications. They will still be under the thumb of a tyrannical government, still at the mercy of hate crimes laws, the country is still going to be flooded with 3rd world migrants, and nothing will still be done about the 3rd worlders in their country that spread crime and breed like rabbits.
Nice democracy EU tards. Hope you all get flooded by muslims even more and burn to the ground.
The united kingdom is not a country or sovern nation. Stupid EU cucks. Have another Muslim on !e.
They are trying. Doesn't mean they will succeed, but they are trying nonetheless
By October 31, there won't be an EU to return to.
I love how EU showed UK who’s the boss and British delusions of power were crushed
The one who doesn't want to leave is the british government.
Show your flag
>British delusions of power were crushed
Implying it was ever up to the EU to wreck this.
>people of UK want cake
>David Cameron insists they want plain bread
>"I'll stake my job on it," he says
>they vote for cake
>he quits, but drags some mean-faced old lady on stage with him
>"This is your new boss. She's in charge of the cake. You can absolutely trust her, even though she and I are hardcore bread enthusiasts."
>she proceeds to unwrap a Tesco cake, lifts her skirts, than shits all over it
>people seem to think she should quit
>"I'll quit when you eat the cake."
>no takers
>"Okay, I'll quit once you agree to eat the cake."
>still no takers
>"Maybe you need more time. I'm also looking into shitting on a different cake."
>UK begs to stay
>The EU allows them to not kill them themselves against a few concessions
>People blame the EU for forcing the UK
Its like a person screaming for help in the lake and complaining when someone drags them to the shore
Brexit is canceled.
Mohammed and his rape fantasies again.
>UK begs to stay
Fuck you.
"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" - Blue Oyster Cult
Your elected leader May is doing that for weeks.
My cock is diamonds for cake shitting may
fucking disgraceful.
now how many times is she gonna make them vote on her shitty deal or some other shitty alternative.
This is the best analogy ive read. 10/10
Our government and the EU are on the same side. Have been from the start. This charade is because they fucked up and gave us a referendum, then proceeded to lose it. Now they have to fuck about in order to do what they want (stay in the EU), but not get lynched by the public in the process.
"Brexit" has proven without a doubt that democracy is dead. Your leaders hate you and do not serve your interests. But Britbongs do nothing so nothing will change. Another delay. Another "deal." More show pony acts to pretend something is happening.
she is clearly guilty of capital felony treason and is unfit to lead
The joke is on everyone. When the inevitable riots begin, transport networks are shut down and bankers can't get to work then money cannot move through London and a major economic shift occurs
When i told you 3 years ago that Brexit won't be happening you all laughed at me and declared me retarded.
Who's laughing now?
Then vote them out.
Your fault for letting that happen. You voted for these people.
>Blue Oyster Cult
it was Pink Floyd, leaf
Anyone with a single brain cell knew Brexit was never going to happen, it's too much of a direct punch in the gut to the globalist elites. So Hans, congratulations for having at least one brain cell.
With what general election?
Half the government wants to leave as does half the Labour Party and half the country. Less than half want any of the options on offer.
You had one two years ago. Your referendum was 3 years ago. In a sense that gouvernment is more up to date with the will of the people than that referendum
You mean canceled. You are not leaving
>Just vote them out in your two party system in which both parties have the same view on Brexit.
lol ok
But plugs!
We voted in people who promised to respect the referendum and to deliver Brexit by March 29th, 2019. 80% of parliament were elected on this mandate.
They lied. Now we have no way to remove them from power until another election, which is unlikely to happen until 2022.
>2016 Referendum result: Brexit
>2017 GE: Winning manifesto promises to Leave the EU & Single Market/Customs Union
>neither is delivered
>lol just vote them out
why is it always insufferable continentals who believe in these systems in spite of all evidence to the contrary?
Next ones not for 3 years. Short of the Queen dissolving parliament (unlikely as that would be an even bigger shitstorm than Brexit), we're stuck with the shower of cunts.
Oh no is ZOG Trump going to sanction us? On no! It's over
Apparently the topic is not important or urgent enough for people to vote a different party.
Blame the people.
Actually you had a referendum on you whole election system...
How did that turn out?
You voted for people who promised the heavens while having no clue or plam. You voted in people like Grayling who can barly count to 1.
You should have seen this coming.
Not my problem. Blame yourself or your own country but dont blame the EU
Cunts you elected. Im not saying theyre good politicians but the EU didnt force you to vote JRM, Corbyn, Grayling or Boris Johnson
They're going to keep delaying until it comes back with the right answer.
The British 3 pin plug is without a doubt the single best plug on the entire planet. It's literally the most well designed electrical plug around.
The entire world should be adopting it because it is that good.
List of features it has most other plugs don't.
The 3 prongs are partly plastic covered, this makes it impossible to electrocute yourself by accident when plugging it in as when the connection is complete only the plastic is exposed.
The socket is safe and has guards to prevent kids from shoving shit into them. One of the prongs on the plug is slightly longer and goes into the socket first, which pushes a button to lift a cover on the two other live sockets.
Built in fuses. It's puzzling many countries don't even have this. It prevents electrical surges from damaging anything or causing fires. It also makes the plugs very cheap and easy to repair as you only need to change a fuse, not the entire plug if something does go wrong.
And finally, the internal wiring of the plug means if you pull on the wiring, the live and neutral wires will disconnect first while the earth wire (the one that prevents electrocution) will be the last to disconnect.
Literally the greatest plug ever.
Yep, this will totally happen.
Any second now...
We're not psychic nor are we time travellers. If people stand in an election and make promises, we can only take them for their word.
The fact that they have lied and gone back on most of the promises they have made is only their fault, not ours.
It's likely many of these will not survive another election, but we wont get another election for 3 more years.
The Brexit referendum didn't get any Brexit politicians into power. Only brainlets blame the EU. But only traitors support the EU.
EU fags should be gassed
You are making no sense m8. We voted for people who promised in their election manifestos to respect the referendum. They lied. What the fuck else were we to do? Vote for a slightly different liar? Our democracy is a sham, and any solutions are unlikely to come from it.
>Actually you had a referendum on you whole election system...
>How did that turn out?
You mean the one in which we were given the choice between the current system and an even worse one, but not the one everyone wanted? Turned out how everyone expected. They now use that as an excuse to not give us what we actually wanted.
You forgot:
- lays down flat when disconnected so you can easily step on it and fuck your foot up
Never had any problem with getting electrocuted by US plugs, or having the wiring come loose. The built-in fuse and socket guard is nice though.
They promised a Brexit. Just not when they intent to actually leave.
Anyone could give me one example what EU done for UK?
>I've been telling you it's cancelled for weeks.
If you thought it wasn't going to be cancelled since 2016, you weren't paying attention.
You don't have to pay mobile phone roaming charges when you go to Europe.
Are you ready for the pure bants of the EU elections this may?
this. there was about 12 hours after the referendum result when I thought it might be implemented. The moment they started with the (((soft brexit))) propaganda, I realized it was never, ever, going to be delivered.
>I voted to trigger article 50 (and for the UK to leave the EU on March 29th, 2019)
>I wont block Brexit
She's broken both of those campaign promises. Similar story for many MPs across the country.
553311 men is with us the bants will be huge
first time was tragedy, second time will be a farce. honk honk
Farage and Johnson must have known it was a no go from the start. No implementation plan, no details, just vote and it will all magially work, then they both fuck off after the vote. They are responsible at least in part for this massive shit show.
You're a fucking Canadian. Know your place.
demand it. get out in the streets. break out the battle spoons.
People said:
>It's political suicide if Brexit is cancelled!
>Tories are going to be finished if they don't deliver!
>Democracy will have failed if UK remains!
It's all a huge joke. The electorate (much like everyone today) has the collective attention span of a gnat. Brexit falling through is going to do absolutely squat to the long-term health of whichever party is in charge when it's confirmed to be cancelled.
fucking scumbags
There was never any doubt. The EU snakes will grant extensions to the end of the time while publicly whining about us if it means us finally heading back into their commie gay parade.
Yeah it's the EUs go to play. Drag it out until we give up. Did it with Ireland over some referndum nd a few other countries.
Our only hope of getting out is destroying the conservative party by shifting enough of their voterbase over to UKIP, and that's a longshot.
then you're a fucking retard who believes everything the Judenpresse tells you. what elected office does Nigel Farage hold? what political power does he have where it counts? he wasn't even allowed to work with the "official" Leave campaign in the referendum. how then can he be expected to deliver Brexit? Johnson is just an irrelevant careerist who hopped on board at the last minute
>mfw my 3rd world shithole is more democratic than the mighty European countries
Feels unironically really good
Spot on.
I love how all the Boomer brexiters are suddenly talking like they're gunna march on Westminister. Yeah right. As long as their boomers pensions are still being paid, their grandkids are doing ok in school and the bins are being collected they'll do nothing.
>gigantic fucking plugs so any surge protector/power strip is 3 times the size that it should be
it's a plug for drooling retards
LOL. Thought you would just be allowed to leave?
TM and JC's approval ratings were at 16 and 13% last time I looked at polls. People know, but with FPTP there is nobody else to vote for.
Nobody talks about the 2015 migrant crisis anymore
Remember when the EU wanted to redistribute millions of illegal wog migrants across all EU states, including the UK?
Farage seems like a really smart guy (as opposed to Boris). Why would Farage spend so much time and effort lobbying for something that was sure to be a complete and utter disaster as soon as anyone tried to implement it? I could see Boris being an idiot about how it would play out, but not Nigel.
Erm Farage was in the EU parliament for what was it 25 years? Have you been swigging Kestrel
We don't need surge protectors. It's a feature of the plug. It's like you didn't bother reading anything I said.
the only true hope is going back to an agrarian viking lifestyle, free of modernity and global trade. we don't NEED most of the stuff that turns our societies into shitholes. it could never happen though due to the need for military defense and oil etc. it's all so tiring. i just want to live in medieval times and conquer mudslimes.
TBF he did make a career out of it. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if off camera and off script he admitted he knew it could never be done. The UK is too totemic a state to simply be let to crack on it's own and provide an example to other states. We've got another referendum coming.
Shame AV was soundly defeated by muh multiple vote boogeyman arguments in 2011.
>Drag it out until we give up.
Not the EU's fault that parliament has been going round in circles for months. If the government really wanted to honour the will of the people to the absolute letter, the UK would have left the EU by now. There's nothing the EU can do to prevent that.
You'll get a second referendum and you will vote Remain like good little cucks.
Indeed, particularly now Brexit Party has split the protest vote, in the main, right down the middle. We're fucked.
It's a meme, summerfag.
Or we could just shift towards an almost closed economy and destroy the private banking system. Most european countries have nearly all the resources they'd need to keep up most of this modern lifestyle. You'd only need to trade for the resources you don't have, and the US has nearly everything we wouldn't have.
The US has everything except rare earths, and those can be acquired from Japan.
and his verbal broadsides attacking the EU both secured and won the referendum for Leave. but being an MEP does not give him the ability to use the political process to implement Brexit. That is up to elected politicians who control the levers of power. And not one of them is willing to do it.
The EU and government are in cahoots, they're in the same globalist club.
The EU could drop us tomorrow if they wanted too.
London is the financial capital of the world. Just wait
This is true, because the long-term health of the parties is already moribund. Now Parliament has clubbed together to cancel Brexit with zero accountability at individual or party level we're essentially back to 2010 with the Lib/Lab/Con, which resulted in the Cameron-Clegg coalition. The truth was always that the Tories could never have won in 2015 without the Referendum pledge, UKIP were polling something like 25% at that time. The Conservative party is going to suffer the fate of its counterparts in mainland Europe, but there's still no alternative.
>Shame AV was soundly defeated by muh multiple vote boogeyman arguments in 2011.
AV was shite m8. It was all Cameron would let his lib-dem gimps have as a purposefully shit compromise between fptp and proportional representation.
I agree on that. I'm just stating that deep down Farage must know/knew it was never going to happen.
It's not a crime for government to lie to the people.
But it is a crime for the people to lie to government.
>leave campaign had no plan whatsoever for actually leaving the EU
>leave campaign thought this was >the easiest trade ever
>conservative in charge of not backstabbing May
>even when the parliament got control ''back'' they couldn't decide on anything
>this is somehow EU's fault
Yes, i do think brits are retarded
Bahahahaha. You will NEVER leave the EU. Not until the Noahide laws are globally put into effect anyway.