Its the year 2323

Its the year 2323.

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ur mom is taking your crayons away. No one gives a fuck about your irrational opinions.
Spice added

Attached: taking away your crayons.jpg (800x500, 132K)

>implying we'll cede California to the beaner hordes.
Think again, beaner. We're going to cleanse America of every last Hispanic invader.

Ill give California to Mexico, right the fuck now...

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>Ontario and Quebec to the Midwest.
That's fucking retarded, on so many levels.

Quebec hates Anglos.
And the immigrant hordes of Ontario and their 1st gen 'Canadians' have only have 2 cultural identities left: "International" and "Not being American."

I'd be down with Alberta joining the union though. Confederation is a joke at this point.

t. 'bertan.

Are completly dumb? All the territory in blue was once the New France Colony before the 7 years war.

More like 2023.

>White people are extinct
>Global population is 28 billion
>99% of population lives in massive mega cities where the average apartment block houses 12,000 people
>Average person is 5' and 300 lbs due to a diet of processed hormone ridden meat and corn syrup and the genetics of Spics, Arabs, and Negroes
>Unemployment rate is 80%, most people just rely on minimalistic welfare and some form of illicit activity
>(((they))) live in luxurious country homes away from the plebians

learn english fucktard frog

ever wonder why french things pop up at the mouth of the Mississippi? Bourbon, Cajun, Creole?

no sweetie, just no

>no sweetie

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seething frenchie


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Texas republic fuck yeah

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imagine the smell

In the year 2525, if user is still alive, if shitposting can survive, we might find

>France will return it's colonies
Fucking based.

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>Implying whites would continue to exist in reservations
>Implying they wouldn't be overrun with non-whites once the buffer areas were overrun
Also Southern Missouri sure as hell wouldn't be a white reservation.

as an honorary ontarian id say , get the fuck off my land you sewage dwelling kike

Haha you wish, it's already too late

That monstrosity? Nah.
The Empire of Ohio will conquer the entire continent, killing every shitskin along the way. No one will be spared.

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yeah, there were like three frenchmen in the whole pays du illinois in 1763. now there are zero