Guys you won’t believe this but

I woke up this morning as a nigger and I’m scared. I swear to fuck that I was never a nigger and that I have always been Caucasian, but when I woke up I had black skin and a negro head. How the fuck did this happen? Please help me.

Attached: Lump.jpg (600x400, 22K)

I don't help niggers.

Quit stealing things and it should go away


lol that's what you get for ww2

It's like "The Metamorphosis" for Jow Forumstards

>timeline shift

>didn’t wake up as hot grill

Why even bother?

Attached: 2A4D9DA2-71BC-4D21-8A71-B302480C85A3.png (500x500, 168K)

The only cure is to kill other niggers.

So what about the BBC meme?
>pic related

Attached: 1winnie1.jpg (670x589, 101K)

Based and leaf pilled

fucking kill yourself nigger

You got a mindworm.
You're gonna die soon.

>Taking being called a cow too literally

It’s about the same, not that much bigger. But I will admit that it is slightly larger than before.

What the hell is a mind worm?

similar thing happened to me OP, i was Italian my whole life until the niggers moved into town and suddenly i became "white" and "bad". my irish friend also because "white" and "bad" and so did my english friend.

You died. Your soul went into the next available NPC.

What's with this time shift and surrealism psyop? It's like they are trying to convince people that they have lost touch with reality in order for them to carry out some reckless action

C3P0 never had a silver leg

This is what you get for playing with Kek user, it's not all blessings with that one you know.

post pics then faggot.


>What the hell is a mind worm?
The genetics of a nigger. Do you want to steal a bike yet user? Go look for them and see if you get the urge.

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