Hay Jow Forums

I don't think Jew's are all that bad. prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>prove me wrong


Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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fuck off spammer
every fucking thread

>antisemites are rambling retards
Got it!

>Prove me wrong
Hitler did nothing wrong! are you suggesting he did?

I swear that faggot is a kike larping as a stormnigger, he's spammed 2,000+ threads with 60IQ turnip thread. The jannies don't do shit.

Based and Shillpilled

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Aw, JIDF's gaslight thread got derailed with reality :_(

They aren't. Don't let the edgy memes turn you retarded!


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You are one of the most hated posters on this board. If someone calls you out for being a stormnigger spammer you call them a jew. It's so fucking annoying.

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They aren't, let me tell you the story of the modern day elite, when the Hebrews were saved by God in Egypt a group of Egyptians that already were part of an occultist sect followed them, the Bible itself says it, they mixed and grew inside the Jewish community, freemasonry started between Jewish groups, the cabala is a Jewish invention (used by the elite in many things they make) although God prohibited anything to do with sorcery. So, Jews are the sons of God but they got infiltrated by the Satanist a long time ago, so it is normal that most Satanists and ethnically jewish

Why not both?

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I posted a Hitler speech you subhuman stormnigger. This is an imageboard for fucks sakes. SPAMMERS GET OUT!

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t. low attention span non-readers

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Are ethnically Jewish* fucking Jow Forums


Check the catalog he spams every fucking thread with his 60IQ turnip holocaust denial shit. He posts a bunch of debunked shit from stormfront and implies the jews didn't deserve to be rounded up.

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My best friend is Jewish.
I don't like the influence the culture has or that the people have had on my government. But most Jews are ok as individuals.

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Wait, how can you tell who is who?

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Yeah the stormfaggot spammers really have me confused.
Seems like a psyop to be honest, like mossad suddenly decided that the best way to get rid of stormers, is pretend to be them and be as annoying as possible.

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He doesn't make holocaust denial threads anymore because he kept getting blown the fuck out by both sides. You'll notice he links to months old threads. The most annoying faggot spammer on the board bar none.

>Yeah the stormfaggot spammers
Nothing pisses me off more mate. There are ~4-5 of them now and they're all American.


jews killed jesus

oh I thought that was just a shit tear meme.

>holocaust denial shit
>holocaust denial
Holy Shlomo, Batman!

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What's the proper way to report a "prove me wrong" thread that's obvious bait without it being classified as false reporting?

But Jesus was a jew.

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Looks like the stormnigger left to go spam the catalog. I wish I could wrap my hands around his neck.

Would a kike post this? The faggot spams every thread with his months old thread. He does this instead of posting a new thread because he gets blown the fuck out by all sides. This board has been infested with mentally ill Americans that spam for 8hrs a day. If you call them out on their nigger behaviour they call you a jew.

The jannies are shit. They used to give people 1 month bans for spamming every thread.

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Just drop redpills in them like did, nothing pisses kikes off more. It's quite hilarious. They have to abandon their shill thread or keep bumping the redpill. Win/win.

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Hey rabbi.

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Fine next time I'll go easy on the bait.

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Spamming every single thread with your 60IQ holocaust denial thread isn't redpilling anyone. The subhuman stormnigger stopped making new threads because he got blown the fuck out by everyone. He claims that Nazis didn't hate jews and didn't want them out of Europe. It's ridiculous.

>Would a kike post this?
Of course not, Abraham! I agree, fuck holohoax and actual JQ threads! You are a true fellow white person. Continue with your bait thread.

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To the OP, I was going to convert orthodox. Compared to Christianity, the religion is a lot more intellectually rigorous, and that appealed to me as a high IQ individual.
I decided not to go through with it, although their arguments ultimately left me convinced of their interpretations. I found the religion too restrictive to me, and considering that I don't even need to convert as far as they are concerned, I decided to go for freedom instead.

Nowadays, I goto church. If someone asks me my core beliefs, I tell them I am a Noachide, which is a gentile form of judaism.

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Is this the new strategy? Spam stormfront tier Holocaust denial and call everyone a jew? God damn I hate Americans.

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The more you know.

Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem

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M8 if the holocaust didn't kill us. Nothing will.

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I am the mcchiken poster from /ck/
Still think jews are okey?

The foremost revisionist organization on earth, the institute for historical review, doesn't even deny the Holocaust. David Irving never denied the Holocaust. I hate stormnigger spammers more than jews.


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From the OP, That's good for you I'm glad you're finding you're place. When it comes to religion.

>M8 if the holocaust didn't kill us.
>Jew shill exposes himself
>assuming holocaust actually happened yet
fucking juden

fuck off, leaf/cryptokike

>the holocaust didn't kill us
That's literally a reply to a JIDF thread titled "Jews aren’t in a conspiracy against you. They’re just genetically gifted with better intelligence", kike.
>rages for 10 posts about people BTFO their shilling
This thread is gold.

JIDF redpill thread.

Attached: top JIDF shill month.png (924x889, 45K)


Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.





>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Psyops by jews work to flood social media with jew agenda propaganda. They range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

>How acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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The faggot left to go spam more threads because he knows i'm right. He links to old threads because he gets blown the fuck out.

Make a new thread about the Holocaust and i'll blow you out. I'll explain how many people died, why they died, and why Americans need to give them another six million to whine about.

Another mentally ill spamming American. Jesus fucking christ.

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This is an imageboard.

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And you are a kike.

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Adolf Hitler - The Jew Wanted This War

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Ok, done:

